善待自己,才能善待别人。 把饭菜做成花,把日子过成诗。
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在亮亮还上小学的时候逛YARD SAL,看到有一个墙上的挂物上写的TEEN CREED 很好就买回家。后来一直挂在他的房间里。昨天看子女坛一下子涌现出许多大诗人,就把这首抄下来与大家分享。
Teen Creed
Don’t let your parents down, they brought you up
Be humble enough to obey, You may give orders someday.
Choose companions with care, you become what they are.
Guard your thoughts; what you think, you are.
Choose only a date who would make a good mate.
Be master of your habits or they will master you.
Don’t be a show-ff when you drive, drive with safety and arrive.
Don’t let the crowd pressure you; stand for something —or you’ll fall for anything.
