谢谢 stillthere, 真有意思, 看来 i am not alone 哈 :)
再赞一把, 你新贴的VIDEO, 结尾我真的没料到, 还在想: 女孩你行行好吧, 奇迹就发生了....:)
我说的给您漏过了就是这: 艾丽思她有博客:
stillthere 发表评论于
微波炉上:Cover your food, keep it clean for the next person.
洗涤池旁: Ladies & Gentlemen Keep the sponge, knives & other items clean. Other people need to use them too.
咖啡机旁: Attention Coffee Drinkers: In order to keep the coffee flowing; please donate $1.00 per week to the coffee fund. Please see Emma. Thanks.
从餐厅至工作区的门上:Only Drinks With Spill Proof Tops Beyond This Point.
stillthere 发表评论于
Iris looks like have not set up the blog yet; hehehe...
虔谦 发表评论于
Dear Iris, thanks for the comments. Make sense to me. I did not the Chinese saying you mention here, learnt something new:) i will sure go to your place chat you more over the weekend. Have a nice one! :)