sept11, 130lb-> Sept20??lb

Cleaning out my closet the other day, I found I have 9 Jeans, brand new, the mark even on the waist area.
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M, W, F, S :

T, R : stretch

Meal template:

breakfast: milk 100kcal + 1 boilded egg white 50kcal + fruit 100kcal + oatmeal 100kcal= 350kcal

snack: fruit 100kcal

lunch cerreal bar 150kcal + milk 100kcal=250kcal



dinner: 1 chicken rice soup (small )200 kcal + peach 100kcal + gronola bar 150 + cereal drink 80kcal= 530

late evening: go top walk!!

good exercise

Coco Li is a pretty girl.


no breakfast

exercise: stretch

breakfast 10 : milk


Thursday, 1210kcal, do not know the weight.

breakfast: banana100+ milk 100+ cookies 180=480

exercise: eclipes

snack: gronola bar 150 + deli Turkey 60=210

lunch: Chicken 200+Tofu 100  soup+ gel  soup 100 + seaweed 20=420kcal

dinner: coffee 100 kcal

Wednesday, Sept 20,  1700kcal


breakfast: banana100+ peach100+ cookies 180=480

lunch: General Taso half box 800kcal

dinner: tofu 90+chicken 100+ soup 100=400kcal

evening: walk

a lot of junk food yesterday.

sept 19, Tuesday. 129.5lb

breakfast: 8 treasure soup 100kcal stretch: 40 mins, breakfast 2nd: chicken 200 + half of cereal drink 75kcal+ 3cookies100kcal+craker 25kcal=500kcal, lunch: cerealbar + coffee+tea + peach=250kcal, dinner: ??? ,  exercise: walk 30mins

Monday:, sept 18, 129lb

oyster tofu soup 200kcal+ 1canddies&3cookies 150+ milk 100kcal + small peach 50= 500kcal

( My thought: breakfast should not eat too good... I tend to over load the calories

Candies are high in calories, and cannot stop after the first bit.)

snack: cookie 35kcal + tea

lunch: none

dinner: chicken 400kcal+8 treasure soup +veggie 100kcal + cookies 300+ milk 200kcal _ peach 50kcal=1050kcal

I am so full now...

Sunday:sept 17 , 130 lb after breakfast

breakfast: soymilk w Seasme power 200kcal + cookie 100kcal=300kcal

snack: oyster soup( 5 big oyster ): 100kcal

lunch: beef noodle soup 500kcal


sept 16, 127lb

friday: 130lb--> mm got to watch out again, 1500kcal

Breakfast: deli turkey 60 kcal + milk 100kcal+ Guilinggou 40kcal + braised pork 100kcal+cookie 80kcal= 380kcal

snack: peach 100kcal

lunch: CHinese House soup 500kcal

snack: peach 100kcal

5pm work out.

7: soup drink. 400kcal

very thirsty recently

Wednesday:, sept13, 127LB, kcal

breakfast: milk 120kcal + cookies 4 of them 200 kcal + tuna salad 100kcal=420kcal

snack: plum 100kcal + seaweed tea + 2 piece chocolate50kcal=150kcal

lunch 11am: tuna sald sandwich 400+cereal bar + tea 150kcal=550kcal

No work out: My legs are tired form yesterday's running

dinner : liver soup w Veggie

study at school until 10pm.

Tuesday, sept12, 127LB,1 850kcal

study accounting

breakfast: green tea latte w milk 200 kcal+ 3 cookie 200kcal= 400 kcal


lunch 11am: cereal bar + tea 150kcal

work out: 30 mins

dinner : Tofu veggie soup 400 kcal

cookies a lot 1000kcal

study at school until 10pm.


Sept 11, 130lb, 1750 kcal

breakfast: green tea latte w milk 200 kcal+ cookie 200kcal= 400 kcal

snack: skipped

lunch: cereal bar + tea 150kcal

work out: 30 mins

snack: chocolate 3 piece : 75kcal

dinner : 1 small yam 200 kcal + 10 tofu knots & veggie 400kcal=600kcal

workout : 40 mins stretch

late dinner: braised pork 400kcal

cookies2 , 200 kcal