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(I)“I don't want to go to a college.”

上周五,一到家,妈妈就告诉我,儿子在回家的路上,给妈妈说:“I don't want to go to a college.”

俺赶紧问正在一个人玩牌的儿子:“What's going on?”

他回答说:“You said to J.J. that it's very expensive for going to a college.”

想起来了, 几天前, 我带他们去买东西, 和女儿谈起过上大学的事。他也听到了。知道“free”对儿子有魔力, 就说:“If you arealways No. 1 in your school, you might get a FREE ride for college--no need to pay anything.”


“That's why I always ask you and J.J.to study hard.”


(II). “What am I going to be?”

上周一天早晨起来, 问老爸:“So, you are going to be old someday, right?”

“Right. When you grow up, I will be old.”

“ Then, J.J. will have her own family, her kids. right?”


“You will be a grandpa, mom will be a grandma. What am I going to be?”

“An uncle。”

“What? Is an uncle older than a grandpa?”


(III)“I am not sure (whether)I am one of her boyfriends.”

邻居有个女儿,和我家的儿子差不多大,经常来串门。从小就笑话他们是boyfriend/girlfriend。小时候不懂,还说“就是”呢。最近,女孩子开始懂点事,而我们家的儿子还没明白过来。那天, 妈妈问儿子:“Is M. (女孩名)still your girlfirned?"

“I am not sure now. She has many boyfriends. I am not sure (whether) I am one of her boyfriends。”


(IV)“I will give you 10 dollars everyday to buy McDonald's..”

儿子总是想着从爸爸这里搞点钱,放他的钱包里。老爸会说:“This is my money. I better save for myself--you know, when I am old and can't work, I have to have money to buy food for myself.”

“ Don't worry, daddy. When you are old, I will give you 10 dollars everyday to buy McDonalds.”

不错, 还有十块钱呢。就不知道到那时,他是否能自作主张。

(V)“Daddy and J.J. are the richest people in the world.”

财迷儿子最喜欢数他的钱。他有70多块钱,放在一个大钱袋里,时不时要拿出来数数。家里的现金,是妈妈保管,他知道在那里,也会去“帮”妈妈数。他把那些现金当成妈妈的钱。他经常发现妈妈的钱比他的还少。“Poor mom.” 他经常会对妈妈这样说。

打听J.J.和爸爸在银行里的钱,是他的业余“爱好”,也可能着急妈妈没钱了,谁买吃的。上周在饭桌上又来打听。老爸在看学校来的东西,随口就答了:“10 thousand dollars.”

儿子跟着就问J.J.的钱, 老爸头也没抬,说:“3 thousand.”说完了, 才反应过来,抬头一看儿子, 儿子是一脸的惊讶和羡慕:“Wow, Daddy and J.J. are the richest people in the world.”

嗯, 看来知道他那70块钱是小数目了。以后和爸爸讨价还价会更勤了。

