To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay (7)-1

To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (7)-1

The Explanation and Analysis of Some of the Verses in Chapter 1 of PHILIPPIANS

The reason that the believer can be saved by grace is because of God’s work in him. The believer should let God do all the work in him, and he follows LORD in the outward. Whoever do not let God work, can not work for God. Before the Second Coming of LORD, the believer should let God do more work in him daily, as long as it is called Today. In case that on that Day, God stop the work (at that time, it will be the judgment), and it is too late to regret. If the believer wants to let God work, he must entrust himself in the hand of God completely, trust and obey.

For we have the mind of Christ (1Co 2:16), with the affection of Christ Jesus, our attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus (Php 2:5). The believers can put aside their own benefit and think for the benefit of others; this is one of the characters with the affection of Christ Jesus. The infant can not understand the mind and affection of the parents. Only those who have mature spiritual life can understand the mind of LORD and have the affection of Christ Jesus.

The more the believers know about God, the sharper their spiritual insight is and the more properly their love applies.

As to the believers live a life on the earth, they should “ be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ”. How to justify themselves when LORD come again, should be considered with the highest priority for them.

Christ is the righteousness. We can only “through Jesus Christ” be filled with “the fruit of righteousness ”. The good deeds of the believers can only be carried out by relying on Christ and must give all the glories to God.

The Spirit of Jesus Christ has complete supply; and is the source of strength and deliverance for the believers in suffering.

“Now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.” Whether by life or by death, the believers are in Christ. Every chance is a chance given by God so that we can show Christ. “As always Christ will be exalted in my body”; that is, Christ lives in my body. The body of the believer is the dwelling of the Spirit of Christ. The believer should not block the appearance of Christ on him. The men do not know Christ, either because of their ignorance, or because of their spiritual blindness. Therefore, the believers have responsibility to exalt Christ in their body to show to others. Any circumstance and encounter is a chance given by God so that we can exalt Christ in our bodies.

“To live is Christ ”; that is, “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal 2:20) and let Christ be in charge of our life. God give Christ to us as the life. We must deny ourselves, break the jars of clay and let Christ’s life shown from us. Christ is not only the life of the believers, but also the living category of the believers. The believers live by the life of Christ in them will show Christ outwardly. A believer who live to show Christ as his lifework has no regard for life and death. The meaning of the life of a believer is Christ. As to a life that lives without showing Christ, to live is a waste and to die is to be judged and punished (1Pe 4:17). For one who “to live is Christ”, not only he lives a life for Christ, but also his life is filled with Christ and occupied and managed by Christ. Christ is the guidance, meaning and everything of his life! The believers often do not live who they are; their spiritual life never grow, and live in the old self and cover and hide Christ in them with the thick jars of clay.

As to the believers live in the world, although we could feel that LORD is with us, the worldly things and disturbance will affect our close relationship with LORD. Therefore, it can’t compare with the situation after we depart from this world, that we can be with Christ in higher lever and extent. Whoever do not live for others in the body, could not have extravagant demands to be with Christ after the death.

Our faith is a faith to make one joyful in mind and bright on face. The dwelling in of the Holy Spirit brings the heavenly joy and make the believers taste the good of heaven in advance. Christ is the fountain of joy to the believers. Only when we are in Christ, we can experience the true joy. Increasing the faith in LORD, will increase the joy of the believers in LORD.

Many believers do not know what they should do after the rebirth; and do not know that they should “conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ”. What one does speak louder than what one says; a testimony of the good conducts is more effective than the teachings with the mouth.

“ For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him”. The concepts of men are: being in the favorable circumstance or gaining is receiving the grace; being in the adverse circumstance or suffering a loss is not receiving the grace. These are not the concepts in the Bible. The concepts of being safe and sound, and happy in the material benefits make many people lose their power to overcome in the adverse circumstance. Therefore, we should arm ourselves with the attitude of suffering (1Pe 4:1). We must be alert to the wrong concepts and harms of the “Theology of Success”. Anyone who does not take his cross and follow LORD Christ is not worthy of LORD Christ (Mat 10:38). The pattern of the life of the Christians, not only should rely on Christ, but also should suffer for Him, and should deny oneself and pick up the cross to follow the LORD.

The life of the Christians is a life of struggles, a life of the struggles with the devil and evil spirits of this world and one’s own sinful nature and selfish desires. The struggles are unavoidable. Preaching Gospel must go through the struggles.

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

(PHILIPPIANS 1:6, 8-11, 19-30)

PHILIPPIANS 1:6 “ being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”


“began a good work”:

Salvation comes from the LORD(Jon 2:9). The reason that the believer can be saved by grace is because of God’s work in him. From the appearance, it seems that the establishment of the church of Philippians is because Paul preached Gospel there; but actually, it is still because of God’s work in them.

“the day of Christ Jesus”:

refers to the Second Coming of LORD (Mat 24:30; Mar 13:26; Rev 1:7).


(1) Any work that starts by God, He must take the responsibility to carry it on to completion.

(2) The believer should let God do all the work in him, and he follows LORD in the outward.

(3)Whoever do not let God work, can not work for God.

(4) Before the Second Coming of LORD, the believer should let God do more work in him daily, as long as it is called Today. In case that on that Day, God stop the work (at that time, it will be the judgment), and it is too late to regret.

(5) If the believer wants to let God work, he must entrust himself in the hand of God completely, trust and obey.

PHILIPPIANS 1:8 “ God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. ”


“the affection”:

refers to the inward gentle and fine passion and attitude.

“with the affection of Christ Jesus”:

with the affection of LORD which is an affection of giving up oneself.


(1) For we have the mind of Christ (1Co 2:16), with the affection of Christ Jesus, our attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus (Php 2:5).

(2) The believers can put aside their own benefit and think for the benefit of others; this is one of the characters with the affection of Christ Jesus.

(3) The infant can not understand the mind and affection of the parents. Only those who have mature spiritual life can understand the mind of LORD and have the affection of Christ Jesus.

(4) Man’s heart is incomprehensible; but God examine men’s hearts and minds. Only those who are righteous and upright are worthy of the testimony of God.

PHILIPPIANS 1:9 “ And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, ”


“this is my prayer”:

refers to my wish in front of God.


Here, love refers to the characteristic of the life of God.


refers to the true understanding of God through the experience.

“depth of insight”:

refers to the capability to distinguish and determine all kinds of things, which is a spiritual sensitivity.

“more and more”:

true love should increase and overflow (1Th 3:12).

One has knowledge but without love is as cold as an iceberg under the moonlight; one has love but without knowledge is as terrible as the conflagration burning the forest in dry season.


(1) Love is the characteristic of the life of God. The believers often only pay attention to the action of love, but seldom pay attention to build up the life of love.

(2) The prayer of Paul shows that the only one who can make our love grow to the right direction is God Himself; apart from God, there is no way.

(3) God not only want us to have love, but want our love to be more and more. In another word, God want us to grow in love.

(4) We should have the rich and overflowing love to deal with everything that occurs in our life.

(5) God want our love to be rich to such a extent that not only our love overflows, but also the whole person of us symbolizes love to become a person of love.

(6) The love of the believers is not an effect of emotion, but takes its roots in knowledge and depth of insight.

(7) The love must be balanced with knowledge and insight. Only the love with knowledge and insight can be in accordance with the will of God, and can truly benefit others.

(8) Love without knowledge and insight often might lead people go astray and go to the extreme.

(9) The more the believers know about God, the sharper their spiritual insight is and the more properly their love applies.

PHILIPPIANS 1:10 “ so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ,”


“until the day of Christ”:

refers to the Second Coming of LORD (Mat 24:30; Mar 13:26; Rev 1:7). When Christ come again, the believers will be judged on his deeds in the body (2Co 5:10).


(1) The proper love (Php 1:9) can help us to keep a correct viewpoint of values in our daily life (“be able to discern what is best ”).

(2) A believer in the continuous growth, won’t be satisfied with his current “good”, but will keep on pursuing the “better” and the “best”.

(3) One’s spiritual capability to distinguish is related to the maturity of his spiritual life. The more mature our spiritual life is, the more capability we have to discern what is the best.

(4) True love can separate us from the false and attain the best.

(5) If we always treat others honestly, purely, and sincerely, there won’t be any reason to make others stumble and fall.

(6) “be pure and blameless ” does not mean to be foolishly simple, but to be wise in the sincerity; not only oneself is blameless, but also won’t let others do transgressions because of himself.

(7) The believers should be “as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Mat 10:16).

(8) As to the believers live a life on the earth, how to justify themselves when LORD come again, should be considered with the highest priority for them; but not what other worldly people will think and say.

PHILIPPIANS 1:11 “ filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ--to the glory and praise of God.”


“the fruit”:

refers to our conducts (Mat 7:16-20).

“the fruit of righteousness ”:

that is, the conducts of the righteous requirements of the law (Rom 8:4).


(1) The fruit is produced from the inward, not added from the outward.

(2) Christ is the Holy and Righteous One (act 3:14). He is the righteousness. We can only “through Jesus Christ” be filled with “the fruit of righteousness ”.

(3) No branch can bear fruit by itself; neither can we bear fruit unless we remain in Christ (Joh 15:4). Christ is the source of all good deeds of the believers.

(4) Our achievements in our life and work should be obtained by reasonable and lawful ways; should not obtain with the crafty, tricky and crooked methods.

(5) The duty of the believers on earth, is not to accidentally produce some fruit of righteousness, but to often be “filled with the fruit of righteousness”. Therefore, we should not bear in mind constantly for a few good deeds we did before.

(6) The good deeds of the believers can only be carried out by relying on Christ and must give all the glories to God.

PHILIPPIANS 1:19 “ Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. ”


“what has happened to me ”:

refers to the encounters mentioned previously.

“turn out for my deliverance”:

does not refer to the deliverance of the spirit, but be delivered from those of his encounters.


(1) The life and death, honor and disgrace of the believers are not hold in the hand of the authorities on the earth, but are in the hand of God.

(2) The prayer of the brothers and sisters is one of the source of the strength of the workers to serve. Now the ministries lack strength, fighting will, and faith; it might because you and I didn’t pray well for them.

(3) Although the bodies of the believers are separated, the prayers can make them united with each other and supply each other in the spirit.

(4) The Spirit of Jesus Christ has complete supply; and is the source of strength and deliverance for the believers in suffering.

(5) The reason that the prayers of the believers are effective is because the help from the Holy Spirit.

PHILIPPIANS 1:20 “ I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.”


“as always Christ will be exalted in my body”:

That is, Christ lives in my body. The body of the believer is the dwelling of the Spirit of Christ (Rom 8:9). What Paul eagerly expects and hopes is that the safety and danger, and suffering of the body won’t block the appearance of Christ on him to make him shameful; on the contrary, although facing the threats of death, he still has sufficient courage as always to show Christ.


(1) If what we desire and wish are not what please God, it will unavoidably come to nothing, even be ashamed and dismayed; on the contrary, if what we desire and wish are what please God, we must not be put to shame.

(2) The men do not know Christ, either because of their ignorance, or because of their spiritual blindness. Therefore, the believers have responsibility to exalt Christ in their body to show to others.

(3) The life and conducts of the believers, if do not bring glories to Christ, will bring disgrace to Him.

(4) The suffering of Paul offered him the chance to show the infinite greatness of Christ. Therefore, any circumstance is a chance for the believers to show Christ.

(5) Whether by life or by death, the believers are in Christ. Any circumstance and encounter is a chance given by God so that we can exalt Christ in our bodies.

PHILIPPIANS 1:21 “ For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”


Paul said that: For to him, to live is Christ and to die is gain. The average people are afraid of death. But Paul does not think death the ultimate loss, but an eternal gain. This “gain”, does not only refer to the prize in the heaven after death (Php 3:14), but also sharing in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light, that is Christ Himself (Col 1:12; Eph 1:11, 14). That is, in the higher level and to the higher extent, to be with Christ.

“to live is Christ ”:

That is, “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal 2:20). God give Christ to us as the life. We must deny ourselves, break the jars of clay and let Christ’s life shown from us.


(1) Christ is not only the life of the believers, but also the living category of the believers.

(2) The believers live by the life of Christ in them will show Christ outwardly.

(3) A believer who live to show Christ as his lifework has no regard for life and death.

(4) The meaning of the life of a believer is Christ. As to a life that lives without showing Christ, to live is a waste and to die is to be judged and punished (1Pe 4:17).

(5) For one who “to live is Christ”, not only he lives a life for Christ, but also his life is filled with Christ and occupied and managed by Christ. Christ is the guidance, meaning and everything of his life!

(6) The believers often do not live who they are; their spiritual life never grow, and live in the old self and cover and hide Christ in them with the thick jars of clay.

PHILIPPIANS 1:22 “ If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! ”



Paul often use this word to refer to the work of Gospel by him and others (Rom 15:18; 2Co 10:11; Php 2:30). Therefore, the “fruitful labor ” refers to the results of preaching Gospel seen by him.

What Paul meant is: although he himself is not afraid of death, if LORD want him to continue to live to fulfill his mission on preaching Gospel, it will be difficult for him to choose the life or the death based on his own favor.


(1) The spiritual work is not up to what work one has done, but is up to how one lives.

(2) For one who truly “to live is Christ” , his life is his work.

(3) Fruit comes form life, a more abundant life will produce more fruit.

(4) As to the saints, to depart and be with Christ face to face, it is better by far. However, on the earth, the saints have the mission and entrustment of LORD, therefore, it is difficult to decide which one to choose.

PHILIPPIANS 1:23 “ I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far;”


What Paul meant is: as to he himself, he desires to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far. However, because of what mentioned in the previous verse 22, he lives to fulfill the work of Gospel. Therefore, he is in dilemma to make the choice.


(1) As to Paul, to live and to die are both good and meaningful. He has no fear to live or to die, both are positive to him.

(2) The dilemma of the true believers is: to die is for the good of oneself; to live is for the good of others.

(3) The believers live with the binding and limitation of the body. After death, the binding is untied; the spirit of the saint departs from the body and be with LORD.

(4) As to the believers live in the world, although we could feel that LORD is with us, the worldly things and disturbance will affect our close relationship with LORD. Therefore, it can’t compare with the situation after we depart from this world, that we can be with Christ in higher lever and extent.

PHILIPPIANS 1:24 “ but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. ”


From verse 23, to die is “better by far” to Paul. It is his wish. From this verse, to live “ is more necessary for you ”. It is his responsibility. To “die” is his own joy; to “live” is his help to others.


(1) The workers should put the needs of those they serve above their own favor and wish.

(2) Whoever do not live for others in the body, could not have extravagant demands to be with Christ after the death.

PHILIPPIANS 1:25 “ Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith,”


The sense of responsibility convinced Paul that he will be released from the prison and continue to work for the church, help the spiritual growth of the believers, and make them have more joy and enjoy Christ more by relying on Him.


(1) The life of the Christians should be a journey full of joy and progress.

(2) There are many believers do not have joy for they stop making progress; where there is progress , there will be joy.

(3) The progress in faith is related to the joy. True progress brings more joy; true joy shows more progress.

(4) Our faith is a faith to make one joyful in mind and bright on face. The dwelling in of the Holy Spirit brings the heavenly joy and make the believers taste the good of heaven in advance.

PHILIPPIANS 1:26 “ so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me.”


(1) Christ is the fountain of joy to the believers. Only when we are in Christ, we can experience the true joy.

(2) Increasing the faith in LORD, will increase the joy of the believers in LORD.

PHILIPPIANS 1:27 “ Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel ”


“worthy of the gospel of Christ”:

that is living in accordance to the power of the life and its appearance that the Gospel declares.

“in one spirit”:

that is the spirit that is one in Christ, in which to live for Christ and to make efforts for the faith of Gospel.

“stand firm ”:

Preaching Gospel is a spiritual battle. In this battle, what is most important is to “stand firm” (Eph 6:14).

“contending as one man for the faith of the gospel ”:

Facing the disturbance and persecution of the enemies from outside, the believers should contend as one man to testify about LORD.


(1) The Gospel that is “preached” in the mouth of the believers, should be worthy of “conducts” of the Gospel in their life.

(2) What is most important in the work of the Gospel, is not our methods, skills, organizations and strategies in preaching Gospel, but is our conducts.

(3) What one does speak louder than what one says; a testimony of the good conducts is more effective than the teachings with the mouth.

(4) The battle for the Gospel is a group work, but not a battle for the individual alone. Everyone should care about the interests of Christ, and his attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus so that to contend as one man.

(5) Preaching the Gospel is a spiritual battle. If one does not remain in spirit, one can not stand firm (Eph 6:12-18).

(6) Many believers do not know what they should do after the rebirth; and do not know that they should “conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ”.

PHILIPPIANS 1:28 “ without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved--and that by God. ”


“a sign to them that they will be destroyed”:

Their ways to act show that they refuse the only way to be saved.


(1) The works of preaching Gospel in all the past generations were always threatened by the enemies.

(2) If the believers are threatened and persecuted for preaching Gospel, that proves that we are those to be saved. Because if we still belong to the world, the world must love those belong to it.

(3) The believer is persecuted for faith is an clear proof of being saved.

PHILIPPIANS 1:29 “ For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him,”


The grace from God granted to the believers is a sign of proof, and is a additional special rights so that they can believe in Christ and suffer for him.

“suffer for him”:

does not necessarily only refer to the persecution and the sacrifice of one’s life for the faith; but also includes the sacrifice in the daily life.


(1) The concepts of men are: being in the favorable circumstance or gaining is receiving the grace; being in the adverse circumstance or suffering a loss is not receiving the grace. These are not the concepts in the Bible.

(2) The concepts of being safe and sound, and happy in the material benefits make many people lose their power to overcome in the adverse circumstance. Therefore, we should arm ourselves with the attitude of suffering (1Pe 4:1). We must be alert to the wrong concepts and harms of the “Theology of Success”. Anyone who does not take his cross and follow LORD Christ is not worthy of LORD Christ (Mat 10:38).

(3) The sufferings of the believers for LORD are not only in accordance to the will of God (Act 14:22; 1Th 3:3), but also are the grace and special rights granted by God (Heb 12:5-11).

(4) The pattern of the life of the Christians, not only should rely on Christ, but also should suffer for Him, and should deny oneself and pick up the cross to follow the LORD.

PHILIPPIANS 1:30 “ since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have.”


(1) The life of the Christians is a life of struggles, a life of the struggles with the devil and evil spirits of this world and one’s own sinful nature and selfish desires. The struggles are unavoidable.

(2) Preaching Gospel must go through the struggles.


1. Jiale Huang: “Christians’ Digest of the Scripture Analysis Series”.
