To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay (8)-1

To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (8)-1

The Explanation and Analysis of Some of the Verses in Chapter 1 in COLOSSIANS

Once we believe in Gospel and are reborn, we should seek to know the will of God. God do not want us to be foolish, and He want us to know what His will is. Prayer is the essential way for us to seek the will of God. Whoever can understand the will of God, must be a person of prayer. The true knowledge can not be separated from and independent of the will of God. The will of God is not incomprehensible, and can be understood by seeking for it. God complete His revelations to men in the Bible. Holy Spirit in every believer enlightens us to understand the will of God. Through prayer, one can seek the will of God. If we put aside the worldly wisdom and seek with a humble mind, we can get the wisdom that comes from heaven and know God better from the truth. The secret to understand the will of God is: firstly, one should be willing to obey the will of God and act according to it, then he will understand the will of God naturally. As to the human, to know the will of God is much more important than to know anything else. Do the will of God; that is the only valuable job for the believers.

“ And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, ” (COLOSSIANS 1:10 )

Whenever the believers understand the will of God, they should put it into practice in their life. If we really want to be filled “with the knowledge of his will”, we should: live a life worthy of being called “Christian” -- “worthy of the Lord ”. do everything in accordance to His will -- “please him ”. bear the fruit of good deeds -- “bearing fruit in every good work”. deepen the understanding of God himself -- “growing in the knowledge of God”. To “know” might not be able to “do”; only truly to “do” can be count as truly to “know” . If one wants to truly know God, he can not rely on the reasoning and only talks about the theory. It requires the cooperation of an obedient life to God. A proper life must be established on the proper knowledge about God. Only one who truly knows God, can distinguish right and wrong, and live a life worthy of Lord. Only by knowing what please God, then one can do what please God. The more fruit the believers bear in the good work, the more they will know God through the experience. Bearing fruit is an appearance of the mature life. The more the spiritual life grows, the more fruit of good work can be bore; and it is not only a few good work, but bearing fruit in “every” good work. One should be careful to do whatever pleases God. For us, to know God is not accomplished in one move, but accumulates and progresses gradually. The more we are obedient to LORD in us, the more we know LORD.

“ being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully ” (COLOSSIANS 1:11 )

The most difficult thing in our practical life is that we often feel powerless, no matter physically, mentally or spiritually. Therefore, we need be strengthened with the power of God. In the entire life, the believers always experience the grace of being given the power by God and being strengthened with the power of God. “Endurance” needs the power of faith; “patience” needs the power of love. The believers can not get both of these power by relying on themselves. Therefore, we need the might of God to strengthen us. No matter how big and difficult the work is, as long as one works according to the will of God, he must be able to be strengthened with the power of God. This is a precious promise to those who serve LORD. “Endurance and patience” is just a conquest; “endurance and patience, and joyfully” is more than a conquest. God give us the cross, and also give us the joy, so that we can have endurance and patience on everything joyfully. The joy of the Christians is a joy regardless of the circumstances ( favorable or adverse circumstances). It is because through our Lord Jesus Christ we have now received reconciliation, we also rejoice in God through Him (Rom 5:11).

Thanksgiving is the most powerful prayer.

Christ is the share (inheritance) of the saints, who is given to us to receive and enjoy. Only those who live in the “light” , have a share in this inheritance. Our salvation is a great moving in the spiritual world. From then on, we are not necessarily controlled by the domination of darkness any longer. Since the believers have been brought into His kingdom, we should let Christ be the king and take the charge in us. Those who are still not willing to put aside the deeds of darkness, have not live in the light practically yet.

“Redemption” and “forgiveness” are received “in the Son He loves”. In another word, if we leave Christ, we won’t be redeemed and forgiven (Heb 6:4-6). “Redemption” and “forgiveness” are “through his blood”, and are given freely by the grace of God (Rom 3:24). However, “redemption” and “forgiveness” are to let people put off sins and repent completely to live a new life, but not to continually live in the sins.

“If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. ” (Heb 10:26-27)

“It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. ” (Heb 6:4-6)

After the believers were reborn, they must not keep on sinning deliberately. The believers might still sin and fall; what is important is to confess the sins and repent right away, also to make up the transgressions, and keep a clear conscience to recover the fellowship with God (1Jo 1:6-10).

“Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell; ” (COLOSSIANS 1:15-19)

The supremacy of Christ: Christ is the Son God loves, who show God and represent God (Heb 1:3). Christ is “the firstborn over all creation”. Among all the creations, only He is worthy of the highest position. It is not saying that Christ is the first one to be created, but is to show the complete difference between Christ and all the creations. In ancient time, “firstborn” has special status and rights among all the children (Psa 89:27). Therefore, the word of “firstborn” indicates that He is unique and of the first importance. Since Christ is the origin of all the creations, He is absolutely not a created. He is the Lord exist before the creation of all things. For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things (Rom 11:36). Christ is not only the “firstborn” of the old creations (Col 1:15), but also the “firstborn” of the new creation (Col 1:18). Therefore, he is worthy of being on the first place “in everything ” ( in the order of both the old creations and the new creations, and the natural world and the spiritual world). Christ is the most surpassing and supreme One! The reason that Christ surpasses all things and is more honorable than all things, is because all the fullness of God dwell in Him. Christ has the fullness of the Deity -- life, power and divine nature. Therefore, He is worthy of the supreme status.

The more the believers conform to the likeness of the Son God loves (Christ) (Rom 8:29), the more they will be like God and show God. Since the believers become the children of God through faith , they should take the eldest son (“firstborn”) as their model in everything. Since we are created “for him”, therefore, He is the center and purpose of our life. We should live to the Lord; and die to the Lord (Rom 14:8). Christ declared the victory over the death through His resurrection (1Co 15:54-55). Therefore, we can triumph over death in Christ. If the believers hold high or worship any man or thing, it is to depreciate the status of Christ which He deserves.

The death of Christ on the cross, has reconciled all things to God. However, it is not saying that all things has been saved already. The worldly people need to accept the salvation through “faith” . All things must wait until the Second Coming of LORD to be liberated from its bondage to decay (Rom 8:19-23).

The sins of men is “the dividing wall” between God and men. If the believers do not deal with sins, they can not come near God. The thoughts and the conducts are linked closely: sometimes, the conducts influence the thoughts; one is enemy of God in his mind because of his evil behavior. Sometimes, the thoughts influence the conducts; one is hostile in mind so that to engage in evil deeds.

The cross is not only the redemption, but also the power; and can move our hearts, and remove from us our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh (Eze 11:19; Eze 36:26). The will of God is to present people “in his sight”. If our service and work bring people to the spiritual man, some principles and group, our service and work run in the opposite direction of God. Christ reconciled us to God; it is not to let us indulge in sins and selfish desires, but to make us holy. Otherwise, it loses the meaning of salvation and one remains incurable. The salvation accomplished by Christ to the believers is beyond one’s imagination: from corrupt to “holy” , from without a single redeeming feature to “without blemish” , from condemned to “free from accusation” . We can “be holy” and be presented in His sight and commune with Him; it is all because of the grace of God. However, we must change this status into the subjective practice. By relying on Christ, we should conduct ourselves worthy of being holy, and change the status of being holy to the practice of being holy to be one in Christ; then we will be the true saints and live in accordance with the will of God calling us.

“ if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.” (COLOSSIANS 1:23 )

Although the salvation has been accomplished by God, men must take their responsibilities to enjoy the salvation. Not only we must have the faith, but also must continue in the faith. A faith that is upheld to the end is the true faith. If a believer lost the faith, that is, he lost the hope of Gospel, and everything.

“ Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church. ” (COLOSSIANS 1:24 )

To “fill up” “what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions”, does not indicate that there is any deficiency in Christ’ suffering on the cross and on the earth such that the redemption is incomplete. From one aspect, Jesus Christ came to the world to suffer and to die to accomplish the redemption; the redemption has been completed, and no one can add one more thing. From another aspect: the redemption of Christ, must be spread by us so that more people can receive the grace and become the body of Christ -- the church. However, preaching the Gospel requires us to pay the price: being insulted, persecuted, and even to sacrifice one’s life. Through these, we shared in the “sufferings” “in Jesus”(Rev 1:9). Therefore, from this viewpoint, whatever we suffers for Christ implies to “fill up” “what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions”. As to the believers, the way to share in the sufferings of Christ is to make every effort to preach Gospel. The reason that we can enjoy the good of the Gospel is because the predecessors paid the price of suffering. Sufferings seem to be indispensable in the service and work of the worker of LORD. Who suffers most for LORD can distribute LORD most to others. The church is produced from the sufferings of Christ on the cross. Whoever persecutes the church is to persecute Christ (Act 9:4-5). Therefore, if the church suffers because of the persecution from others, that is to share in the sufferings of Christ. To suffer for establishing a church is to suffer for building up the body of Christ. It is the highest service we offer to LORD.

“ To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. ” (COLOSSIANS 1:27 )

“This mystery” refers to Christ as the life in all the believers; how rich is the life of Christ to those who receive it; and when this mystery was disclosed, it is indescribably “glorious ”. Christ in the believers are alive, and can be formed, grow and show (Gal 4:18; Eph 4:13; Php 1:20). On the Second Coming of Christ, the believers will show Christ to the extreme, that is, conform to His likeness and show the glory (Rom 8:29-30). Therefore, Christ is the hope of glory for us. It is a mystery and glory that Christ are as the life in us. This mystery is that the believers are to be one in Christ (Eph 3:6).

“ We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.” (COLOSSIANS 1:28 )

The ministry is not to present people to himself, but to “present everyone perfect in Christ”; and not to present them almost or so-so, but “perfect”. Our rebirth is not the destination, but the starting point of the road to come to God. In the preceding verse, it’s mentioned that Christ is in us. In this verse, it is saying that we are in Christ. The more the believers live in Christ, the more Christ will show in us; the more Christ show in us, the more we will live in Him.

Our strength is in LORD who is in us. We must try our best wholeheartedly to cope with the powerful works of LORD in us to fulfill the work that LORD want us to do.

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

(COLOSSIANS 1:9-29 )

COLOSSIANS 1:9 “ For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. ”


“spiritual wisdom and understanding”:

does not refer to an abrupt inspiration. “spiritual” can be interpreted as “in spirit” or “given by the Holy Spirit”. “wisdom” is a capability to see through the truth of the fact. “understanding” is a capability to sort out, distinguish and grasp the truth of the fact.

“fill you with the knowledge”:

“knowledge” is the knowledge of the experience, but not data and materials. “fill you with the knowledge” is to know completely and surely.


(1) Once we believe in Gospel and are reborn, we should seek to know the will of God. God do not want us to be foolish, and He want us to know what His will is (Eph 5:17).

(2) Prayer is the essential way for us to seek the will of God. Whoever can understand the will of God, must be a person of prayer.

(3) The true knowledge can not be separated from and independent of the will of God. The will of God is not incomprehensible, and can be understood by seeking for it. God complete His revelations to men in the Bible. Holy Spirit in every believer enlightens us to understand the will of God. Through prayer, one can seek the will of God.

(4) If we put aside the worldly wisdom and seek with a humble mind (Mat 11:25-26), we can get the wisdom that comes from heaven (Jam 3:17) and know God better from the truth.

(5) The secret to understand the will of God is: firstly, one should be willing to obey the will of God and act according to it, then he will understand the will of God naturally.

(6) As to the human, to know the will of God is much more important than to know anything else. Do the will of God; that is the only valuable job for the believers.

COLOSSIANS 1:10 “ And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, ”


“worthy of the Lord ”:

that is, worthy of the Lord and worthy of the grace from Lord.

“bearing fruit in every good work”:

That is, whenever there is opportunity to do good, one should try one’s best to take the chance to do it and also to get good results out of it.


(1) Whenever the believers understand the will of God, they should put it into practice in their life. If we really want to be filled “with the knowledge of his will”, we should: live a life worthy of being called “Christian” -- “worthy of the Lord ”. do everything in accordance to His will -- “please him ”. bear the fruit of good deeds -- “bearing fruit in every good work”. deepen the understanding of God himself -- “growing in the knowledge of God”.

(2) To “know” might not be able to “do”; only truly to “do” can be count as truly to “know” . If one wants to truly know God, he can not rely on the reasoning and only talks about the theory. It requires the cooperation of an obedient life to God.

(3) A proper life must be established on the proper knowledge about God. Only one who truly knows God, can distinguish right and wrong, and live a life worthy of Lord. Only by knowing what please God, then one can do what please God.

(4) The more fruit the believers bear in the good work, the more they will know God through the experience.

(5) Bearing fruit is an appearance of the mature life. The more the spiritual life grows, the more fruit of good work can be bore; and it is not only a few good work, but bearing fruit in “every” good work. One should be careful to do whatever pleases God.

(6) “growing in the knowledge of God”, shows that for us to know God, it is not accomplished in one move, but accumulates and progresses gradually. The more we are obedient to LORD in us, the more we know LORD.

COLOSSIANS 1:11 “ being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully ”


“being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might ”:

Here, it shows some characteristics of being strengthened with power from God: (1) it is “according to his glorious might”, which is invincible and all-conquering; (2) it is “all”, not one or a few;

(3) it is “being strengthened with all power”, which is inexhaustible and endless.

“according to ”:

is different from “from”. It is not to withdraw power “from” His might, but “according to ” His might to be strengthened with His power. How much we need, how much we can get.


refers to perseverance under the pressure from outside in the adversity.


indicates to treat those who are oppressing us with a broad mind.

Generally speaking, “endurance” is to matters; “patience” is to men. In another word, “endurance” is not to deal with those matters and men that can not be dealt with. “patience” is not to deal with those matters and men that can be dealt with.


(1) The most difficult thing in our practical life is that we often feel powerless, no matter physically, mentally or spiritually. Therefore, we need be strengthened with the power of God.

(2) In the entire life, the believers always experience the grace of being given the power by God and being strengthened with the power of God.

(3) “endurance” needs the power of faith; “patience” needs the power of love. The believers can not get both of these power by relying on themselves. Therefore, we need the might of God to strengthen us.

(4) No matter how big and difficult the work is, as long as one works according to the will of God, he must be able to be strengthened with the power of God. This is a precious promise to those who serve LORD.

(5) “endurance and patience” is not easy; endurance and patience on everything is even difficult; endurance and patience on everything “joyfully” is most difficult.

(6) “joyfully” shows that the true “endurance and patience” is not to clench the teeth and do it reluctantly.

(7) “endurance and patience” is just a conquest; “endurance and patience, and joyfully” is more than a conquest.

(8) God give us the cross, and also give us the joy, so that we can have endurance and patience on everything joyfully. The joy of the Christians is a joy regardless of the circumstances ( favorable or adverse circumstances). It is because through our Lord Jesus Christ we have now received reconciliation, we also rejoice in God through Him (Rom 5:11).

COLOSSIANS 1:12 “ giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. ”


(1) Thanksgiving is the most powerful prayer.

(2) Christ is the share (inheritance) of the saints, who is given to us to receive and enjoy.

(3) Only those who live in the “light” (Eph 5:8-14), have a share in this inheritance.

COLOSSIANS 1:13 “ For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, ”


“has rescued us from the dominion of darkness”:

indicates to get away from the control of the dominion of darkness completely, and cut off the relationship with the prince of this world -- Satan completely, and do not be manipulated by it any longer.

“the kingdom of the Son he loves”:

shows that this kingdom is established for the Son He loves and is reigned by the Son He loves.

“the Son he loves”:

shows that Christ is the center, object and glorious appearance of the love of God.

“has rescued us from ” and “(has) brought us into” both are the perfect past tense. It shows that these are the facts accomplished already.


(1) Our salvation is a great moving in the spiritual world. From then on, we are not necessarily controlled by the domination of darkness any longer.

(2) Since the believers have been brought into His kingdom, we should let Christ be the king and take the charge in us.

(3) Those who are still not willing to put aside the deeds of darkness, have not live in the light practically yet.

COLOSSIANS 1:14 “ in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”


This verse explains the redemption in Christ: (1) price: “through his blood” (some early manuscripts have these words in this verse) -- shedding blood is the evidence of being punished, it shows that the Son God loves bore the punishment of sins for us. (2) significance: “have redemption” -- indicates that how we are redeemed from the status of deserving punishment and being condemned by God through the blood of LORD Jesus. (3) result: “the forgiveness of sins” -- the reason of the forgiveness is the redemption; without the redemption, there won’t be the forgiveness.

“has rescued” in verse (Col 1:13) emphasizes to be separated from the domination of darkness. “have redemption” in this verse emphasizes to be redeemed from the results of sins.


(1) Since God gave the Son He loves to us in order to redeem us, therefore, this redemption is to save us to be as lovable as the Son He loves.

(2) “redemption” is the basis of “forgiveness”; without “redemption”, there won’t be “forgiveness”. And “forgiveness” is the result of “redemption” on the sinners.

(3) “redemption” and “forgiveness” are received “in the Son He loves”. In another word, if we leave Christ, we won’t be redeemed and forgiven (Heb 6:4-6).

(4) “redemption” and “forgiveness” are “through his blood”, and are given freely by the grace of God (Rom 3:24). However, “redemption” and “forgiveness” are to let people put off sins and repent completely to live a new life, but not to continually live in the sins.

“If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. ” (Heb 10:26-27)

“It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. ” (Heb 6:4-6)

(5) After the believers were reborn, they must not keep on sinning deliberately. The believers might still sin and fall; what is important is to confess the sins and repent right away, also to make up the transgressions, and keep a clear conscience to recover the fellowship with God (1Jo 1:6-10).

COLOSSIANS 1:15 “ He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.”


“the image of the invisible God”:

means that to show God and represent God (Heb 1:3).


It is not saying that Christ is the first one to be created, but is to show the complete difference between Christ and all the creations. In ancient time, “firstborn” has special status and rights among all the children (Psa 89:27). Therefore, the word of “firstborn” indicates that He is unique and of the first importance.

The latter part of this verse refers to Him as “the ruler of God's creation” (Rev 3:14).


(1) The more the believers conform to the likeness of the Son God loves (Christ) (Rom 8:29), the more they will be like God and show God.

(2) Since the believers become the children of God through faith , they should take the eldest son (“firstborn”) as their model in everything.

(3) Christ is “the firstborn over all creation”. Among all the creations, only He is worthy of the highest position.

COLOSSIANS 1:16 “ For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.”


“by him all things were created”:

shows that Christ is the foundation and category to create all things in the universe.

“all things were created by him ”:

shows that all things in universe were created through Christ.

“for him”:

shows that Christ is the purpose of the creation of all things in the universe; all things in the universe should be inherited by Him.

As to the above three different descriptions, see also (Rom 11:36): “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things.”

“whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities”:

These four words refer to the rank of the angels. In the heterodoxy in Colossians, the angels have lofty and high status (Col 2:18).


(1) Since Christ is the origin of all the creations, He is absolutely not a created.

(2) Since we are created “for him”, therefore, He is the center and purpose of our life. We should live to the Lord; and die to the Lord (Rom 14:8).

COLOSSIANS 1:17 “ He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. ”


“He is before all things”:

indicates that He is the Lord exist before the creation of all things.

“and in him all things hold together”:

refers to Him as the One who hold together all things in the universe (Heb 1:3). That is, the reason that all things in the universe are in good order, but not chaotic, it is all because Christ make it so.

COLOSSIANS 1:18 “ And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. ”


In the preceding verses from 15 to 17, it points out that Christ is the Head and source of all the old creations, in the like manner, He is also the Head of the new creation (the church)--“And he is the head of the body, the church” , and the source of the new creation --“he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead”.

“the beginning ”:

not only refers to the beginning of time, but also being at the first place of the status and authorities.

Here, Christ is described as the Head of the church. It implies that not only the head is the most important part to control the whole body (Eph 1:22), but also the living of the body is up to the head and the strength are centralized on the head.

Christ is not only the “firstborn” of the old creations (Col 1:15), but also the “firstborn” of the new creation (this verse). Therefore, he is worthy of being on the first place “in everything ” (in the order of both the old creations and the new creations, and the natural world and the spiritual world).

Christ is the most surpassing and supreme One!


(1) Without the control of the head, the body will paralyze; without the control of Christ, the church is devoid of any merit .

(2) Since Christ is the “beginning” of the church, therefore, all the things in the church should be initiated and pushed forward by Him.

(3) Death is the most terrible enemy for all the living creature (the old creation and the new creation). However, Christ declared the victory over the death through His resurrection (1Co 15:54-55). Therefore, we can triumph over death in Christ.

(4) If the believers hold high or worship any man or thing, it is to depreciate the status of Christ which He deserves.

COLOSSIANS 1:19 “ For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, ”



shows that this verse gives the reason that God have Christ on the first place in everything; The reason that Christ surpasses all things and is more honorable than all things, is because all the fullness of God dwell in Him.

In this verse, it is saying that Christ has the fullness of the Deity -- life, power and divine nature. As long as we have Christ, we will have all the fullness of God and do not need the distribution from other spirits on heaven.


(1) The quality determines the status. Christ has all the fullness of God in Him, therefore, He is worthy of the supreme status.

(2) It is a pity that most of the believers in the church only care about the power and status, while ignore the measurement on the fullness of life in people; this is abnormal.

COLOSSIANS 1:20 “ and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.”


This verse is saying that the death of Christ on the cross, has reconciled all things to God. However, it is not saying that all things has been saved already. The worldly people need to accept the salvation through “faith” . All things must wait until the Second Coming of LORD to be liberated from its bondage to decay (Rom 8:19-23).


(1) The blood of Jesus is the basis for us to come near God(Heb 10:19). Each time we come to God, it is completely by relying on the accomplishment of the blood of LORD.

(2) The effect of the redemption of Christ through the cross include all things on earth and heaven. If the believer still has the narrow concepts on factions, regions and individualism, he still has not recognize the fullness of the salvation yet.

COLOSSIANS 1:21 “ Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior.”


(1) The sins of men is “the dividing wall” between God and men. If the believers do not deal with sins, they can not come near God.

(2) The thoughts and the conducts are linked closely: sometimes, the conducts influence the thoughts; one is enemy of God in his mind because of his evil behavior. Sometimes, the thoughts influence the conducts; one is hostile in mind so that to engage in evil deeds.

COLOSSIANS 1:22 “ But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation--”


“he has reconciled you”:

It is not to reconcile God to us, but to reconcile us to God(2Co 5:18-21). It is because the problem is not at God, but at us.

“holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation”:

This refers to the status of the believers in Christ, but not refers to the perfection of the conducts and morality.


(1) The cross is not only the redemption, but also the power; and can move our hearts, and remove from us our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh (Eze 11:19; Eze 36:26).

(2) The will of God is to present people “in his sight”. If our service and work bring people to the spiritual man, some principles and group, our service and work run in the opposite direction of God.

(3) Christ reconciled us to God; it is not to let us indulge in sins and selfish desires, but to make us holy. Otherwise, it loses the meaning of salvation and one remains incurable.

(4) The salvation accomplished by Christ to the believers is beyond one’s imagination: from corrupt to “holy” , from without a single redeeming feature to “without blemish” , from condemned to “free from accusation” .

(5) We can “be holy” and be presented in His sight and commune with Him; it is all because of the grace of God. However, we must change this status into the subjective practice. By relying on Christ, we should conduct ourselves worthy of being holy, and change the status of being holy to the practice of being holy to be one in Christ; then we will be the true saints and live in accordance with the will of God calling us.

COLOSSIANS 1:23 “ if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.”



shows that the following are the conditions to continue to hold the salvation mentioned in the preceding verse: (1) “continue in your faith”, that is, continue to hold the faith. Here, it emphasizes that the faith is dynamic and forwarding and won’t be given up on the half way. (2) “established and firm”, emphasize that the faith is static and takes roots downward. (3) “not moved from the hope held out in the gospel” The faith and the hope are joined and interrelated. If the faith is not firm, the hope will be moved and lost.

From this verse, one can see several characteristics of “faith”: (1) the object of “faith” is “Word” -- God, but not a blind faith; (2) the faith is not temporary, but it is to “continue” in the faith. (3) The faith must be “established”, otherwise, it will be moved; (4) Once the faith is not “firm”, the “hope” will be lost.


(1) Although the salvation has been accomplished by God, men must take their responsibilities to enjoy the salvation. Not only we must have the faith, but also must continue in the faith.

(2) A faith that is upheld to the end is the true faith.

(3) If a believer lost the faith, that is, he lost the hope of Gospel, and everything.

COLOSSIANS 1:24 “ Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church. ”


“I rejoice in what was suffered for you,”:

That is, I rejoice in the suffering, the labor, the elaborateness and even the sufferings in prison because of preaching Gospel to all the people including you.

“what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions”:

It does not indicate that there is any deficiency in Christ’ suffering on the cross and on the earth such that the redemption is incomplete. From one aspect, Jesus Christ came to the world to suffer and to die to accomplish the redemption; the redemption has been completed, and no one can add one more thing. From another aspect: the redemption of Christ, must be spread by us so that more people can receive the grace and become the body of Christ -- the church. However, preaching the Gospel requires us to pay the price: being insulted, persecuted, and even to sacrifice one’s life. Through these, we shared in the “sufferings” “in Jesus”(Rev 1:9). Therefore, from this viewpoint, whatever we suffers for Christ implies to “fill up” “what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions”.


(1) As to the believers, the way to share in the sufferings of Christ is to make every effort to preach Gospel.

(2) The reason that we can enjoy the good of the Gospel is because the predecessors paid the price of suffering.

(3) To suffer for preaching the Gospel is to fill up in the flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions. That is, “ rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ” (1Pe 4:13).

(4) If the believers suffer because of their own transgressions, mistakes and failures, it is nothing to rejoice in. However, if suffer because of preaching Gospel and the truth, it is worthy of rejoicing (1Pe 2:19-20).

(5) Sufferings seem to be indispensable in the service and work of the worker of LORD. Who suffers most for LORD can distribute LORD most to others.

(6) The church is produced from the sufferings of Christ on the cross. Whoever persecutes the church is to persecute Christ (Act 9:4-5). Therefore, if the church suffers because of the persecution from others, that is to share in the sufferings of Christ.

(7) To suffer for establishing a church is to suffer for building up the body of Christ. It is the highest service we offer to LORD.

COLOSSIANS 1:25 “ I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness-- ”


“its servant”:

refers to the servant of church, that is, servant of Christ (1Co 4:1).

“present to you the word of God in its fullness”:

that is, to preach the word of God completely without any deficiency.


(1) The position of the ministry, is not for one’s own status and future, but is given by God for the benefit of others.

(2)The most important task of the worker of LORD, is neither to handle the church administration, nor to show solicitude to the society, but to preach the word of God.

(3) For the servant of LORD to preach the word of God, they should not have scruples of other’s objections. What they should do is: “For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God. ” (Act 20:27).

(4) The ministry is not only the “minister of Christ ” (Col 1:7) and “a servant” of Gospel (Col 1:23), but also “its servant” -- the servant of the church. The ministry who preaches Gospel to serve Christ is to build up the church.

COLOSSIANS 1:26 “ the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints.”


“for ages” refers to from the beginning of the time; “for generations” refers to from the existence of the human beings. The mystery hidden in God was not revealed until the age of the new covenant (Eph 3:3-9).


refers to some mysterious things that only someone with special wisdom can know about it. Here, it refers to what was hidden in the mind of God, but now it is revealed and “disclosed”. Therefore, the saints whoever believe in Christ can know it. Therefore, the “mystery” of this verse refers to the content and essence of the Gospel, that is Christ (Col 1:27; Col 2:2).


(1) As to the believers, Christ is not a hidden mystery any more.

(2) God are pleased to let His saints know His mystery. If we are not willing to share our spiritual insight with others, it will be against the will of God.

COLOSSIANS 1:27 “ To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. ”


“the glorious riches of this mystery”:

“this mystery” refers to Christ as the life in all the believers; how rich is the life of Christ to those who receive it; and when this mystery was disclosed, it is indescribably “glorious ”.

“which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”:

Christ in the believers are alive, and can be formed, grow and show (Gal 4:18; Eph 4:13; Php 1:20). On the Second Coming of Christ, the believers will show Christ to the extreme, that is, conform to His likeness and show the glory (Rom 8:29-30). Therefore, Christ is the hope of glory for us.


(1) We live in this world. Although there are many things that we can not have, there is one that we can have; that is, this glorious and rich Christ. Having Him is much better than having everything!

(2) It is a mystery and glory that Christ are as the life in us.

(3) This mystery is that the believers are to be one in Christ (Eph 3:6).

COLOSSIANS 1:28 “ We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.”


(1) Christ is the theme and content of the preaching message. A lecture without Christ is just a common speech, blandishments, and empty words.

(2) To preach Christ needs to use “all wisdom”. A preaching without painstaking care and without efforts to prepare, does not fulfill the duty of preaching.

(3) The ministry is not to present people to himself, but to “present everyone perfect in Christ”; and not to present them almost or so-so, but “perfect”.

(4) Our rebirth is not the destination, but the starting point of the road to come to God.

(5) In the preceding verse, it’s mentioned that Christ is in us. In this verse, it is saying that we are in Christ. The more the believers live in Christ, the more Christ will show in us; the more Christ show in us, the more we will live in Him.

COLOSSIANS 1:29 “ To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me. ”


(1) As a worker of LORD, one should not only use “all wisdom” (Col 1:28), but also “labor”, “struggling with all his energy”. How much intelligence and physical strength have we offered to serve LORD?

(2) Our strength is in LORD who is in us. We must try our best wholeheartedly to cope with the powerful works of LORD in us to fulfill the work that LORD want us to do.


1. Jiale Huang: “Christians’ Digest of the Scripture Analysis Series”.
