There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.

zt from selflessness’ post

There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.

-Leonard Cohen

Positive affirmation:

I am a prosperous, intelligent, capable individual who can do anything.

I deserve health, wealth, love, and happiness in my life. I thank the universe for my opportunities.

I pay my bills with love and joy…

Come on, you can do this one!

I love that I have the ability to pay this bill, and I rejoice in the goods and services I have received as a result of this bill.

I see the abundance in the universe everywhere I go. I see it in myself.

I am a loving individual, who is part of unlimited creation; therefore, I am unlimited in what I can do.

I am my divine self and I choose to demonstrate my highest good. I prosper everywhere I go because I love life.

I am an open channel to receive my abundance from the universe. I am open to new opportunities.

Always extend loving thoughts to those around us. What you see in others is what you will see in yourself, and you’ll reproduce that vibration in your immediate environment. You are attracting that which you are, or think you are. If you are attuning to the highest vision of your true self, how can you go wrong?

There are also two words you need to eradicate from your vocabulary: hate and try. Hate, because you can’t have hate as part of your mindset even if you are talking about the corned beef sandwich you had for lunch. Try, because if you say you will try something, it implies that you aren’t going to do it now, only sometime in the future.

Learn to set a mental equivalent of gentleness and generosity and act with poise, grace, loving-kindness, ease, and serenity.

 Nothing lowers your vibration quicker than self-criticism. Whatever you say about yourself applies to everyone– and what you see in a mirror is what you will see in every person in your life. How can the infinite self lack? Become conscious of the spirit within you as your infinite supply. know that you are already wonderfully.
