New York Fashion Week - Bad Style is Better than No Style

So all the tents are up again in midtown near Bryant Park. It is SERIOUS business for people in the industry. Every night there are some Fashion Week parties.To a few people, that 45 minutes fashion-show, is a life time opportunity to get recognized by the world. I am going to see Doo-Ri Chung's show today......Doo-Ri Chung: Council of Fashion Designers of American emerging talent award-winner and critics' darling, Chung takes a minimalist approach to fashion design and has produced clean, modern collections that are masterfully crafted to move with a woman's body. Here are some of her statements: Style: If I were to define my style in a phrase it would be: fashionably low-maintenance. My style comes from my confidence, from knowing who I am, and my upbringing. Style influences: Everything inspires my style because style is an extension of one's tastes, likes, and dislikes. People with a determined sense of style are often the ones who are the most opinionated- not in a bad way, though. They know for certain what they like and dislike. New York influences my style. I love the versatility of styles and how it changes depending on where you are. Why I wear what I wear: I use fashion to feel confident. However, that confidence comes from garments I know make me look and feel good. I could never wear anything too ostentatious just to draw attention to myself. My sense of design has evolved over time, but my sense of style has remained constant. I dress for my petite body frame, not for the trend of the moment. I would never wear anything that would make me look disproportionate. Being a fashion designer definitely impacts my personal style. Each season I have a new wardrobe, but I also try to design garments that are timeless and not seasonal. Dream: One of my dreams is to walk down the street and come across a woman who is wearing one of my designs.