Yesterday, I put a past on here. My house was hitted by a young wite man and he run away. We called 911 and they got him. Today ,we called the investigator and was told this guy just got a ticket for no insurance driving and get no punishment for his running and also his alcohol level is nomal. I am angery and think maybe this is a clue we will be treated unfair. I can not know how a normal mental people will hit his big truck to other person's house. But it definetly h was running away after he saw we were calling 911.
So I called a sugent in this department (the cop's superviser wasa not there at that moment)and he told us he knew it was wrong but the jail is full which probebly is reason the investigator set this guy free.He said sorry to me but explain he cannt do more things for me.
So I am ready to call this cop's superviser tomorrow. not just for money. I know I can sue this guy on small claims courty and get money back and I also report it to my insurance company. But I just wonder how they can send such a wrong signal to these young man for no punishment for running away after a accident.
My wife told me I am in emotion and we are fine if we can get the money back.The policeman also told me I can get the money back even this guy do not go into jail.
Does enyboday here have any good idea. One again, every time ,when I image the gyu hit our house and run away is ther laughing and told his friends his experience, I will get angery.I can not say this just for asian people and would not say some kind of race discrimination for that which is no evdience and not smart. I just want to tell them that they ,the department of power is sending a wrong signal to these young man.
Can anybody give some suggestion or advice. Maybe ,I should calm down.
Thank you