没头脑给不高兴订了个免费的包,俺打开一看:真艳啊!一片粉色扑面而来,上面画着荷花。质感像是塑料的,让俺想起了小时候孩子们背的那种小熊猫包包。。。好怀旧啊。。。不是什么优雅的货色,却让俺爱不释手了。。。 :) 写了一首小诗,以资纪念:
A pink pink bag
As if from nineteen eighty-eight
If we flied back
You were sixteen
And I were five years younger
A shiny shiny lotus flower
Blossom on the pink pink bag
If you were there by the street
Would you hold it tight
with the little girl
who was eleven years old?