Oh, how sweet the glorious message Simple faith may claim; 喔,如此美好與榮耀的信息,是憑著單純信心所能宣講的:
Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same! 不論昨日,今日,直到永遠,耶穌不改變!
Still He loves to save the sinful, Heal the sick and lame, 祂曾卑微了自己來到世上拯救罪人,祂曾醫治那病痛與殘疾,
Cheer the mourner, calm the tempest. Glory to His name! 祂曾安慰鼓勵那哀傷的人,祂平靜了世人心中的不安,讓我們讚美祂的聖名!
He who was the friend of sinners Seeks Thee, lost one, now; 祂是罪人的朋友,迷失的你啊,回來尋找祂吧;
Sinner, come, and at His footstool Penitently bow; 罪人啊,來吧,請你诚心忏悔地来到他的腳凳前向祂跪拜;
He who said "Ill not condemn thee, Go, and sin no more," 那位從前曾對犯罪的淫婦說:「我也不定你的罪,去吧,不要再犯罪了。」的祂,
Speaks to Thee that word of pardon, As in days of yore. 也將如昔,不再定罪人的罪,用一樣寬恕的話語赦免你的罪。
He who pardoned erring Peter, Never needst thou fear; 在彼得不認主前,祂就已經為他代求、赦免他的罪;祂也會如此加強你的力量,你不要懼怕;
He who came to faithless Thomas All thy doubt will clear; 祂曾幫助那懷疑的多馬解開他的疑團,也會使困惑的你明瞭;
He who let the loved disciple On His bosom rest 過去,祂令祂所愛的門徒靠近祂的胸懷,
Bids thee still, with love as tender, Lean upon His breast. 今日的祂也會如此,愛憐地擁你入懷。
He who, mid the raging billows, Walked upon the sea 祂曾平靜了那猛烈的風浪,行走於海面上,
Still can hush our wildest tempest, As on Galilee; 也會如祂於加利利所行的大能那般,平靜我們生命中所遇的大風大浪;
He who wept and prayed in anguish In Gethsemane 祂曾於客西馬尼園中放聲大哭,經歷了在心中劇烈哀傷痛苦時的祈祷。 Drinks with us each cup of trembling, in our agony. 今日的祂也必了解你心中的傷痛,與你同飲那杯,與你同受苦難。
As of old He walked to Emmaus With them to abide, 就像那日,祂陪伴兩位門徒一同前往以馬忤斯的路上,
So, through all lifes way He walketh, Ever near our side; 在我們人生的旅途中,祂也會如此貼近我們,陪伴我們行完這路;
Soon again shall we behold Him-Hasten, Lord, the day! 我們不久之後就將親眼瞻仰主面──神啊,願那日快臨!
But twill still be "this same Jesus," As He went away. 屆時我們所看到的祂,仍舊同當日被取升天的耶穌一樣。
Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same; 昨日,今日,直到永遠,耶穌不改變;
All may change, but Jesus never-Glory to His name! 世上所有的一切都會改變,耶穌基督卻永不改變!榮耀歸與祂的聖名!
Glory to His name, Glory to His name; 榮耀歸與祂!榮耀歸與我們的神;
All may change, but Jesus never-Glory to His name! 世上所有的一切都會改變,耶穌基督卻永不改變!榮耀歸與祂的聖名!