出轨的中年女人(原创小说 十二)

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燕那天晚上,把那首英文诗“有时候”伊妹儿给了 Doug ,其它什么都没说。

一个星期后, Doug 才回伊妹儿,也是什么都没提,只寄来一首英文诗:

I often wonder when the twilight is cast upon your street
if you suddenly pause think of me and wonder where I could be in the bustling crowd.
Who in the crowd would notice your sad face,
Who would recognize the pain in your heart.

My dear friend, today, who can tell you of my regret and sadness.
Two cities so remote and distant the lights glow with a similar brilliance.


我常揣想 当暮色已降 走 过街角的你 会不会忽然停 步 忽然之 间 把我想起
而在那 拥挤的人群之中 有 谁 会注意 你突然 阴暗的面容 有 谁 能知道 你心中刹那的疼痛
啊 我 亲爱的朋友 有 谁 能告诉你 我今日的歉疚和 忧伤 距离那 样遥远的两个城市里 灯火一 样辉 煌

那时燕与他谈论她喜欢的诗人和诗,提到席梦容,奇怪的是在席梦容众多的诗篇中, 燕偏偏选了这首给他,而 Doug 收到之后也没有再提起过。 今天却在这场网恋的尾声,传过来他翻译的诗文。

燕一边流泪一边念着诗文一边想着这一切都是天意!他们以舒婷的“也许”开始了这场婚姻以外的恋爱,冥冥之中预示了路开始已经错,终究还是错, 而他们的心事终究是没有读者。在一份短暂的绚烂之后,却以席梦容的“揣想的忧郁”结束了这场错误,而唯一留下的便是这想起时的心痛!

那天夜里,燕很晚才进卧室,轻手轻脚不想惊动她以为睡熟的丈夫。在她轻轻的躺上床不久,丈夫伸过来一支胳臂,放在燕的头颈下面。燕闻着这熟悉的男人的体味,真正意识到与 Doug 的这段恋情只是她生命中的一季花开, Doug 也只是她心际里划过的一颗流星,而身边这个搂住自己的男人才是与自己相依相随一生的人。 她鼻子一酸,说不清理由默默地流下了眼泪,老公一手搂着他,另一只手轻轻拍击着她的背,像是在哄着一个孩子,而燕也就在老公的轻拍之下,象婴儿般的沉沉地睡去。


出轨的中年女人。。。。(原创小说 十三)

五弟五哥 发表评论于
BeautyinAutumn 发表评论于
我想一个中年的女人,爱情上仍会有冲动,但毕竟年轻时的热情已不复存在,人生中其他的角色尤其是母亲一角往往会使女人在外遇上自感羞愧,从而却步。更何况,燕和她的丈夫并非生活在不幸中,只是爱的激情消退而已。 四十岁的女人大多明白,爱都会经历高潮和低谷,她与Doug的激情太过虚幻,她自己都没信心。说到底,中年的女人,只要不太天真,不会轻易放手自己已拥有的。
寒枝 发表评论于
小馄饨 发表评论于
BeautyinAutumn 发表评论于
Thanks for your understanding and comments. I don't think I am the owner of that statement, however I agree with it. The main idea I try to express through this writing is actually inside the poem - sometimes....People come into your life for a reason, a season or a life time,
When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.
killara 发表评论于
男人因性而爱, 女人因爱而性. Do you own the original authorship of this one? At least I got this from one of your works. I realised this after I read your current novel and logged on to your blog.

You are absolutely right. If a man does like a woman, having sex with her is a necessary but insufficient condition.

Some men contrive sex by promising long term relationships. Some women keep on prospecting better long term relationships by commiting to one night stands.

Congratulations on the hit count of your recent work. Keep up the good work. It can only get better. I have faith in you. You might want to dig deeper on the topic of the day--Chinese women's insatiable fetish of Western men. Especially those from under developed part of China, those who are new to the West those who are not career established, and those who cannot tell the difference between Hispanics, Arabs and Anglo Saxons.