by A-mao
*********************by A-mao
周六和女儿shopping,女儿挑了一个ice cream蛋糕。等到家,儿子一看就跳起来。帮姐姐切,拿盘子,摆上餐桌。都弄好了,又过来催老爸老妈去品尝。
老妈先过去,尝了一口,说是“very good”。老爸一向不太喜欢甜食,就在厨房里磨磨蹭蹭,把厨房收拾完了,才过去。刚坐下,儿子就把一盘蛋糕递过来。突然发现没有老爸用地勺子,儿子一声不响,转身跑进厨房去找了一把,递给老爸。
What does "sexy" mean?
儿子说, 从同学那里听来地。
”Yousee, there are two types of people, ladies and gentlemen, right? Naturemakes in this way. So, ladies dress in colorful clothes, and mendressin different ways. Ladies likely have long hair and men have shortone. When a lady dress in colorful clothes, you will say she's pretty,right? So if a lady dress in men's clothes or a man dress like alady,you will laugh. "Sexy" means people dress in a right way andpretty."
"Is it a bad word?"
"But, my teacher said so."
"What had happended before the teacher said that?"
"A kid said another girl was sexy. "
"I see. You kow, the word itself is not a bad one. However, every peoplehave to dress according to their age and circumanstances. See, you cannot dress your underwear outside, right? And kids should notdress in anadult way, just as some movies are for kids, and some for adults. So ifsomeone dress improperly, such as a little kid dress like an adult,it's not right. I guess the girl maybe dressed or tried to behave likean adult, that's why the other kid said she was sexy. And that is whyyour teacher said that it's not a good word."