Read Between The Lines

I tried to find a flame of love in your eyes

You turned and stepped out of my sight

Leaving this fool stunned and confused

Wondering if it's implicitly denied

I have to read between the lines

I tried to probe the least desire from your lips

You hesitated and embarrassedly walked by

Taking every breath away from this helpless guy

Lost in the yearning of an unrealistic delusion

I have to read between the lines

I tried to peep a bit of sparkle within your mind

You shrugged and fled with a made-up smile

Deserting this loser in the middle of endless despair

Choked and depressed without any hope of a miracle

I have to read between the lines

If you didn't ever love me

Why should you kiss me breathlessly under starry sky

If you didn't ever care for me

Why should you hold me close through the longest night

If you didn't ever think of me

Why should you embrace me with the first morning light

Alas I pray my dearest dream

Would you ever give this man a single try

Save me from the darkest moments

And never ever again

Let me read between the lines
