To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay (15)-4

To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (15) - 4

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 4 of HEBREWS

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

The WARNINGS on the Salvation: (II) Those who do not believe in and obey God can not enter God’s rest (3:7-4:13)

1. The warning messages against those who can not enter God’s rest (3:7-19) (see the article on chapter 3 of HEBREWS)

A. Take the history of the Israelites as the warning (3:7-11)

B. Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today (3:12-14)

C. Several questions as the warnings (3:15-19)

2. The encouragements to enter God’s rest (4:1-13)

A. The promise of entering God’s rest (4:1-3)

B. Illuminate the significance of several kinds of rest (4:4 - 10)

C. Make every effort to enter that rest (4:11-13)

2. The encouragements to enter God’s rest (4:1-13)

In this paragraph, the word of “rest” has been mentioned for 10 times. It is obvious that the main message here is about “rest”. In the previous chapter, it cites as a warning and object lesson that the Israelites can not enter the rest because of their unbelief; here, the Bible encourages the believers that they should make every effort to enter the rest that God keep for the people of God. The rest that the Israelites entered, was only the worldly rest in Canaan, and was temporary and incomplete. However, the rest that God keep in Christ for us, is the eternal, complete and superior rest. Thus, we should pay much careful attention to the promise of God, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.

A. The promise of entering God’s rest (4:1-3)

HEBREWS 4:1 Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it.


“the promise of entering his rest ”:

that is, the promise of entering God’s rest; the promise of entering the eternal life. In the previous chapter, it has explained that the “rest” of Canaan is the oracle of God’s rest for the believers. It is the rest that one enters after in Christ, one overcomes the circumstances, all kinds of tests in life, the sinful nature, and the old self. It has been mentioned in previous chapter twice in (Heb 3:11; Heb 3:18), that is, God’s rest -- the eternal life.

“since the promise of entering his rest still stands”:

This verse continues the previous chapter. “since” shows that in the previous chapter, it mentions that the Israelites have the promise to enter God’s rest, which symbolizes that the believers enter the promise of God’s rest. The Israelites entered the rest in Canaan, is the oracle that we enter the rest in Christ. Since the Israelites under the laws passed by Moses have the promise of entering His rest, thus, we should know that we are under the graces of Christ, and we have the promise of the rest greater than the Israelites and superior spiritual rights. Therefore, we should be careful.

“let us be careful ”:

“us” refer to the believers; those who have the promise of God’s rest. God in Christ keep the spiritual blessing and grace for us, whoever believes in Him might obtain it, but not necessarily everyone gets it at last.

“let us be careful ”; it gives the warning that they should pay much careful attention to the Gospel preached to them (2:1); and they should not be careless to the promise that God keep for them. They must be reverent to the great grace of God. The Bible warns them especially with such a serious manner. It is because just as those Israelites who fell dead in the desert, can not enter the rest because of their unbelief. Nowadays, the believers have again the promise of entering God’s rest; they must be very careful and fearful with reverence. They must not act as those Israelites who fell and died in the desert and lose the best blessing that God prepared for them.

“be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. ”:

This is a warning that those among the believers who do not have true faith. And “they” in verse (4:2) refer to these people. Their faith can not catch up the words that they heard, and they are not saved; or after the rebirth, they do not grow up spiritually and they do not hold firmly till the end the confidence they had at first (Heb 3:14).

“be found to have fallen short of it”:

“have fallen short of it”; it is also translated as “ has come too late and has come short of [reaching] it.”. It indicates that they fell short from the spiritual grace and did not get the promised blessing from God. This verse shows that we must have the attitude of quickening one’s pace to catch up and run the spiritual journey to heaven. Otherwise, some will fall behind gradually. At first, it might be that they seem to “have fallen short of it”; afterward, they will be indeed fall short of it. A weak faith, loving the world, indulgence in the sinful nature, and unwillingness to deny oneself and carry one’s cross to follow LORD, will make one fall far behind and fall short of it finally, and lose the best spiritual blessings that LORD give men.

HEBREWS 4:2 For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith.


This verse tells us there is something in common between the gospel preached to us and the message that God gave to the Israelites through the prophets in the Old Testament, that is, both need to combine what they heard with faith. Therefore, nowadays, “the promise of entering his rest ”that God give us, is the same as the promise of entering Canaan that God gave to the Israelites at that time; both need to be accepted by faith to enter.


Here it tells us:

(1) We should look at all the words of God the same precious as the Gospel we rely on to be saved. It is because all the words that God spoke to us are the voice that bring blessings to us. We must obey the words of God.

(2) The “gospel” is not only given to the ancient people, but also is given to the people nowadays; of course, it will also be given to the people in the future; not only is given to the Hebrews, but also is given to the gentiles; both “we” and “they ” are given the Gospel. However, no matter when, the gospel that God give to people has the same principle, which is rooted and established on the redemption of Christ, and need to accept it by faith.

(3) The content of the Gospel includes not only the rebirth, but also the promise of entering His rest. The Gospel is not only that Christ died for us, but also Christ rose again for us; not only forgives the sins, but also overcomes the power of the sins. We should experience the complete salvation, and should not stay at the starting point. After receiving the new life of Christ, one must live the new life of Christ, and make every effort to pursue to be holy and to be one in Christ.

(4) The faith is not only the condition to accept the Gospel, but also the condition to enter all kinds of spiritual richness included in Gospel. We should combine what we heard with our faith, so that the words of God (the promise of God) become our spiritual benefits and experience and produce the spiritual fruit.

HEBREWS 4:3 Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said, "So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.' "


This verse, on one hand, encourages those who have believed in the promise of God; on the other hand, warns those who have not believed in God’s promise. We can only enter “that rest” by relying on LORD. Therefore, we should not be discouraged by the difficulties in the circumstances, and should not refuse to carry the cross because of living in accordance with the sinful nature. We should not doubt whether the promise of God will be fulfilled or not, like those Israelites who were unbelieving. We should completely believe in the promise of God. Only by completely trusting in LORD, and letting Christ in us to be in charge completely, in this way, we can enter that rest. However, as to those unbelief, just as God said: “So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.'”

“that rest” , and “his rest” in verse 1, also “that rest” in verse (4:11), all refer to God’s rest.

B. Illuminate the significance of several kinds of rest (4:4 - 10)

These verses are to illuminate the significance of “that rest”; its relationship with God’s rest after the creation, and the rest that Israelites led by Joshua entering Canaan; and the origin of the rest that God reserve for us to prove the assurance of this promise.

In the Old Testament of the Bible, it is written as the historical oracle that the Israelites observed the Sabbath according to the commandments, also were saved by God to get out of Egypt and enter the rest in the land of Canaan. It talks about what is the difference and relationship in the significance of “that rest” and the Sabbath that the ancient Israelites used to observe; in case that they only understand it according to the traditional concept of “Sabbath”, such that ignore the significance of the rest in the New Testament mentioned here.

(1) The rest after the creation (4: 3-4)

HEBREWS 4:3-4 And yet his work has been finished since the creation of the world. For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day in these words: "And on the seventh day God rested from all his work."


The word of “For” is used to connect verse (4:3) and verse (4:4). It shows that verse (4:4) which is cited from (Gen 2:2), is to prove what is said in verse (4:3).

The work of creating has been finished since the creation of the world. Therefore, in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He abstained from work and rested. The rest on the seventh day, is not because God would be tired and need a rest, but because God is pleased and satisfied with the completeness, holiness and goodness of all things that He created that He “abstained from work and rested” (Exo 31:17). Therefore, the rest on the seventh day, is shown to be the rest after completing the creation. As LORD Jesus said that “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working." ” (Joh 5:17); for He is “sustaining all things by his powerful word” (Heb 1:3). The sinners can’t have a rest until Christ had accomplished the great work of redemption to be a new creation in Christ and to be one in Christ and then have a rest (Eph 2:10; Eph 3:6; 2Co 5:17; Mat 11:28).

2. The rest in entering Canaan (5-8)

HEBREWS 4:5 And again in the passage above he says, "They shall never enter my rest."


Here, it is cited from (Psa 95:11). It has also been cited in ( Heb 3:11; 4:3). It refers to the Israelites who although got out of Egypt, can not enter the rest in Canaan because of their unbelief. The rest in their entering Canaan, symbolizes that the eternal rest of the believers is to be one in Christ.

The rest after entering Canaan, from the spiritual meaning, it represents the experience of the believers from two aspects: from the negative aspect, it is a rest after ending the life in the desert which was a wandering and failed life filled up with complaints; from the positive aspect, it is a rest after overcoming all kinds of circumstances, sins and evils, and the temptations of the sinful nature. The Israelites at that time were not supposed to wander in the desert for their whole life, for God did not prepare them to fail for their whole life without a rest. They can not enter the rest; it is because they did not believe in God’s promise and provoked the anger of God many times. Now, as to those believers who are new creations in Christ, God also is not willing to have any of them to live a life of failure, complaints, unbelief, and wandering without having a rest. Therefore, God send the warnings, in order that those with weak faith will end the unbelieving and failed life, and will trust and obey LORD so that to enter His rest.

HEBREWS 4:6 It still remains that some will enter that rest, and those who formerly had the gospel preached to them did not go in, because of their disobedience.


“some will enter that rest”:

Although those unbelieving Israelites can not enter the rest, there remained a few -- Caleb and Joshua to be able to enter. Among the people most were failed, God do not ignore the portions for a few who overcome.

“their disobedience”:

It is also translated as “their unbelief” ; the result of the unbelief is disobedience.

“those who formerly had the gospel preached to them did not go in, because of their disobedience”. Those who heard of the Gospel, but disobey God, can not enter the eternal life.

HEBREWS 4:7-8 Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today, when a long time later he spoke through David, as was said before: " Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day.


It has been about 500 years from Moses to David. “spoke through David” refers to psalms which were written down by David. “set a certain day”, here “a certain day” does not mean a whole day; but refers to another day (chance) to enter the rest. Not only God do not stop giving the former chances, but also give a new chance.

It is apparent from these two verses that:

a. In speaking of the entire group of the Israelites, although they can not enter the rest because of their disobedience, the promise of God was not nullified by their disbelief, but remains for those who believed.

b. Although those Israelites who were newly born in the desert, followed Joshua and entered Canaan, they still did not enjoy a rest because of their disbelief. Although according to His faithfulness, God gave and distributed among them the land of Canaan through Joshua, they did not wipe out all the enemies. From the whole book of Judges, it is known that the Israelites did not truly enjoy a rest in Canaan, and they had been disturbed and oppressed for many times. Therefore, although they entered the Canaan, they do not enjoy the rest in Canaan.

c. In several hundreds of years after the Israelites entered Canaan, in the Psalms of the Bible again, it is written that: “ Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.” It is obvious that God’s promise of the rest has not been fulfilled yet, even though those who followed Joshua had entered Canaan. Therefore, the chance will be given to those who come later on, so that they can really enter the rest promised by God. It is obvious that the promise of the rest in Canaan is the oracle of the greater rest that comes later.

d. David was inspired by Holy Spirit to cite the past records of the Israelites to encourage the Israelites at that time; Now, the author of the Hebrews is also inspired by Holy Spirit to cite the words of David to warn the believers. Thus, how can we harden our hearts and do not pay attention to the exhortations of God and the promise of the rest reserved for those who are in Christ -- “Joshua” -- our greater and triumphal commander who can truly lead us into God’s rest?


Since the rest that we will enter is more complete, and the exhortations that we heard are much more than the ancient people -- not only we see the failure of the Israelites, but also we hear the warnings that David gave to the people at that time, and the warnings from the author of Hebrews to the believers, together with the inspiration of Holy Spirit in us, therefore, we should indeed hear His voice today, as long as it is called “Today”.

(3) another Sabbath-rest (9-10)

HEBREWS 4:9-10 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his.


“There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God”; it is also translated as “there is still awaiting a full and complete Sabbath-rest reserved for the [true] people of God;” (A.M.P).

“a Sabbath-rest ” :

is not the Sabbath of every week, but is a rest similar to the characteristics of the Sabbath. The Sabbath in every week, indicates that after the satisfactory work of the creating, God rested from all His work; He rested from all the work of creating that He had done. In the same way, after God completely fulfill the work of redemption (the work of new creating), He will rest. The first Sabbath-rest is the accomplishment of all the work of creating of God; thus, “a Sabbath-rest ” refers to the rest that God complete the work of redemption. Therefore, “There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; ” that is, what God reserve for us is:

a. the rest in the mature life:

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Eph 2:10). If the life of the believer is mature, he will enjoy the redemption -- rest. The believers who go deeper into Christ, will know to let God accomplish His work on them and give up their own efforts and struggles. The mature believer “rests from his own work” and entrusts himself completely into God and relies on the grace of God. (This entrustment and dependence does not mean to be lazy and irresponsible. In our daily life, we could see the example to make us understand there is difference between those who completely entrust and rely on a trustworthy and powerful one and those who are lazy and irresponsible. Those who are lazy and irresponsible not only do not care about their own difficulties and muddle along, but also they do not seek the way to solve the problems. Those who entrust and rely on the trustworthy one is to care about his own difficulties and realize his powerlessness and rely on the one who can solve the problem for him and then he himself will rest.) When we let God fulfill the work He plan to do in our life. God have His rest in us, and we will rest in God. However, such a rest is not that it will never be lost in this life, for we will be always attacked and tempted by the devil so that we might be defeated, shrink back and even get lost.

b. the rest that one will enjoy in the eternal life:

After the believers enter the eternal life, they will truly enjoy the complete and eternal rest, and truly rest from his work, just as God did from His.

C. Make every effort to enter that rest (4:11-13)

HEBREWS 4:11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.


“therefore” continues the preceding text. Due to the reason mentioned above, “therefore” , we must make every effort to enter that rest. This verse gets back to the encouragements of verse 1,2. According to the encouragements in verse 1, 2 to the believers: “Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. ” From verse 3 on, it illuminates several different significances to illustrate what kind of rest that God keep for us. The significance of rest that we can enjoy “today” and in the eternal life, and also how God is willing to have His people enter His rest. Here, it encourages the believers to “make every effort to enter that rest”.

Here, the significance of “that rest” refers to the heavenly rest that the believers should have in the eternal life. It is because one enters the complete and eternal rest in the eternal life by relying on LORD completely, denying oneself and carrying the cross, and making every effort. Here, since it encourages the believers to make every effort to enter, it indicates that the believers through faith to receive the complete salvation of Christ, and by relying on Christ in us, to overcome the sins and evils, and the sinful nature. It is because the encouragements here, are very similar to verse 1,2 of this chapter, also continue the meaning of verse 1,2. Thus, the “rest” mentioned here, and the “rest” mentioned in verse 1, refer to the same thing (please compare the words in verse 1 and 11). And the latter part in this verse: “so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience”. “their example of disobedience” refer to those Israelites who can not enter the land of Canaan because of their disbelief.

Here, “make every effort”, indicates to take hold of the promise of God, and press on to pursue, in case that none of them be found to have fallen short of it; make every effort to pay attention to guard against “a sinful, unbelieving heart”, to trust in God, and press on to pursue to be one in Christ. “make every effort”; the believers should work hard to pursue the best spiritual blessings, and should not be lazy to produce the fruit.

HEBREWS 4:12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-­edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.


This verse continues the words in the previous verse to warn the believers and show the reason that we should make every effort to enter that rest and should not learn from those who are disobedient. Since the word of God is living and active, and it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart, we should believe in the words of God, and enter the promise that He gave. Here, it talks about 3 points regarding the words of God:

a. living:

It is also translated as “alive and full of power ”. God’s words are life (Joh 6:63). The unfolding of God’s words gives light (Psa 119:130), and enlightens one’s heart. Therefore, God’s words not only have life and give people life, but also are alive and full of the living power. Here, the author reminds everyone who is reading the Bible, do not regard the words on the Bible as merely written code, but withdraw living power of life from them.

Note that this verse is started with the word of “For”. It is to explain the reason that in the previous verse it encourages us to “make every effort to enter that rest”, is that God’s words are full of power. The reason that they can “make every effort”, is because of obtaining the living power by believing in God’s words.

b. active:

For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment (Luk 1;37) (A. M. P.). God’s words not only have living power, but also have marvelous effects, and can have practical effects. They can make the deaf hear, the blind receive sight, the lame walk, the dead raised up, the emptiness turned into beings, the sinners changed, the sins and evils punished, and can also make a breakthrough on the stronghold in people’s minds (Mat 11:5; Act 9:4-5; 2Co 10:4). Whoever trusts in God’s words, God’s words will be active and effective on this person.

c. sharp:

“Sharper than any double-­edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” God’s words are sharper than any material double-­edged sword. Although the double-­edged sword is better than one-edge knife to penetrate and divide at wills, it can only penetrate and divide the material and hard things; however, the words of God can penetrate and divide the hardened heart, no matter the superficial and outward thoughts, or the deep-hidden thoughts and attitudes in the spirit and souls of men, can all be penetrated and divided. God’s words are so sharp, such that men can not cover up and store up any sin and evil, treacherousness, or any thoughts that do not please God; can expose the most secret and dark things in men’s hearts; can also distinguish all kinds of entangled matters, the right and wrong that are hard to tell, the heterodoxy, or the wrong proposition, and make people know the will of God.

“penetrates even to dividing ”

The apostle Paul takes the word of God as the sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:17). The apostle John in the vision, saw the glorious Christ “out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword”. The Christians in the spiritual fights, must hold the sword of the Spirit of LORD, not using it by themselves, but using it according to the Holy Spirit. The apostle Peter once used this sword through the Holy Spirit, and made three thousands people felt to be cut to the heart, so that they were willing to repent to believe in LORD. Those who want to use the words of God to penetrate the hearts of others, must let the Holy Spirit cut off their own sinful and unbelieving hearts, then they can use the words of God effectively.

HEBREWS 4:13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.


In the previous verse, it mentioned that the words of God can penetrate and divide all the thoughts and attitudes of men; it emphasizes the effectiveness of the words of God. In this verse, it emphasizes the omniscient and omnipotent characteristics of God. God search and examine one’s mind and thought (Pro 15:3, 20:27; Pas 44:21); He is also omniscient God. Nothing can hide from God (Job 28:24). Since all thing are bare in front of God and can not hide, God is omniscient and omnipotent and makes judgments according to righteousness and justice: “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve.” (Jer 17:10)

Thus, shouldn’t we take the time of today, as long as it called “Today”, to accept God’s words, let them penetrate and divide our mind, and distinguish our thoughts, so that the effectiveness of God’s words show from us, and we can keep an honest and godly attitude to live our days on the earth?

The Supremacy of Christ: (IV) Christ is greater than all the priests of the Old Testament (4:14-7:28)

(i) Christ is the great high Priest who is greater than Aaron (4:14-5:10)

(1) a great high priest who has gone through the heavens (4:14)

(2) a high priest who is able to sympathize with our weaknesses (4:15-16)

(3) a high priest who is qualified (5:1-3) (see the article on chapter 5 of HEBREWS)

A. is selected from among men (5:1)

B. is appointed to represent them in matters related to God (5:1)

C. offers gifts and sacrifices (5:1)

D. is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray (5:2)

E. has the experience of being subject to weakness (5:2)

F. offers sacrifices for the sins of the people. (5:3)

(4) a high priest who is called by God (5:4-6)

A. Christ did not take the honor of a high priest upon himself; just as Aaron was (5:4)

B. Christ is a high priest who rose from the dead; not as Aaron (5:5)

C. Christ is a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek; far above Aaron (5:6)

(5) is a high priest who had learned obedience from what he suffered (5:7-10)

The Supremacy of Christ: (IV) Christ is greater than all the priests of the Old Testament:

(i) Christ is the great high Priest who is greater than Aaron (4:14-5:10)

In this paragraph, this book illustrates that Christ not only has all the qualifications of Aaron, but also has the qualifications that Aaron does not have; and is greater than Aaron. Aaron is the first high priest selected among the men; therefore, all the high priests of men are certainly under the honor of Aaron. Since Christ is more honorable than the most honorable priest among men, He is certainly more honorable than any priest. Here, several points have been mentioned as listed in the following:

(1) a great high priest who has gone through the heavens (4:14)

HEBREWS 4:14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.


As to the words of (Heb 4:14-16), on one hand, they are the conclusion of the preceding text; on the other hand, they are the foreword of the following paragraph; they form a connecting link between the preceding and the following. There are some who do not have enough fear of God’s words, who do not know to fear God such that they even lose the salvation; therefore, there are several serious warnings in this book. However, the author does not want the believers to be scared too much to hold on to the faith; therefore, after the warnings and encouragements mentioned above, the Bible adds some verses of comforts to encourage the believers that we should approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

A. Here, it tells us that Christ is a great high priest who has gone through the heavens

Those high priests under the laws, could only enter the Most Holy Place on the ground. However, Christ has gone through the heavens and entered the Most Holy Place in Heaven. He overcomes the death; He is the great high priest rose from the dead and is alive forever. He is the great high priest who has overcome and sits at the right hand of the Father.

B. Jesus Christ is the Son of God as the great high priest

He is the Savior who is both God and man; He has the honor of the Son of Almighty God. Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. (Eph 5:23) He ascent the heaven, but gives the Holy Spirit (Joh 14:16). Although He was exalted to the highest place, He used to humble Himself and make himself nothing (Php 2:6-11). He is both the honorable high priest and also the Savior; He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him (Heb 7:25).

C. He is the great high priest for all of us:

Here, it is said that “since we have a great high priest ”. It is obvious that He is our high priest. Such a high priest who has ascent the heaven, and has rich glory and honor, is our high priest. All His experience of coming down and ascension are for the purpose to be as “our” high priest. Aaron and his descendents, are just the high priests of their times. Only this great high priest of the Son of God -- Jesus Christ, is the great high priest for us-- including all the believers at all the times and all the countries, and together with those who will be saved in the future.

D. Since we have such a great high priest , we should hold firmly to the faith we profess:

It is also translated as “let us hold fast our confession [of faith in Him]. ” The reason that we should hold firmly to the faith we profess, is because we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, and who can help us to hold on till the end. If we have not got such a high priest, we might take it as the excuse that we are powerless to hold on to the faith; however, since we have such a reliable high priest, we have no excuse not to hold on till the end.

(2) a high priest who is able to sympathize with our weaknesses (4:15-16)

HEBREWS 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet was without sin.


In this world, there are many who have high honors and great power; and most of them can not sympathize those frail and foolish men. However, our Jesus Christ, although He is the great high priest who has gone through the heavens, is not unable to sympathize with our weaknesses. Although His holiness and honor are far above the heaven, His kindness and sympathy are close to us. The reason that He can sympathize with our weaknesses, is because He has been tempted in every way, just as we are. These two verses tell us that:

A. Although He is God who cannot be tempted by evil, He “has been tempted in every way” for the sake of us; it is obvious that he stood at the position of men to be tempted.

B. Although He used to be tempted in every way, yet He was without sin. It is obvious that He overcomes all the temptations already, no matter the splendor of all the nations, or the pride of this life and so on.

C. Since He has been tempted in every way, yet was without sin, it is obvious that the reason that He is completely without sin, it is not because that God did not let Him meet with the temptations; it is because He trusts and obeys the will of God completely and never considers for Himself.

D. Since on one hand, he can be tempted in everything, and on the other hand, he was without sinning in anything. It is obvious that the temptations do not necessary produce sins; sin is the result of the accepting the temptations. We won’t be free from the temptations; however, we can refuse the temptations without sinning.

E. Since He has been tempted in everything and overcome, it is obvious that He has the power to overcome every temptation, and therefore, He is able to sympathize with our weaknesses; He knows how to help them to overcome all kinds of temptations and give them the power that they need to overcome the temptations. Although when LORD was in this world, there were few people who sympathized him (Psa 69:20); but He sympathized a lot of people. He sympathized the people of the Samaritan village whose hearts were hardened and was not willing to use fire to destroy them (Luk 9:52-56); He sympathized Peter who denied LORD for three times and made him turn back (Luk 22:61; Mar 16:7); He sympathized the unbelieving Thomas (Joh 20:24-28); and now He sympathizes us and helps us in our weaknesses. However, we often look down on those who are weaker than us; we might not use our experience to help others, but using our experience to convict the sins of others or boast about ourselves. LORD said that “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Mat 5:7)

HEBREWS 4:16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.


Since we have such a great high priest, we should therefore:

A. “approach the throne of grace ”:

This throne is the throne of God. Christ sits at the right hand of God. This throne is the “throne of grace ” to us; it is because there is One who used to shed blood for us to redeem us -- Christ who sits at the right hand of this throne, in order that the righteous God who punish the sins, can base on the fact that Christ shed His blood on the cross, to grant grace to us. “throne” is usually the symbol of the power. The infinite authority and power of God to those who rely on Christ as the great high priest, is not to punish them, but to give grace to them.

In the Old Testament , on the ark in the Most Holy Place, there is the atonement cover over it. The sheep and bull’s blood was sprinkled on the atonement. Only the high priest can come in front of the atonement once each year. However, here, God have prepared for us a “throne of grace”. The grace is bestowed based on the precious blood of Christ, And Christ as the high priest sits at the right hand of the “throne” so that every believer can approach at any time.

B. “approach the throne of grace with confidence”:

Not only one should approach the throne of grace at any time, but also should approach with confidence. “with confidence”, is to encourage us to set our minds at ease, and do not need to be too nervous to approach the throne of grace. The Bible encourages us to approach the throne of grace, is not to tell us to be unbridled and arrogant in front of God; but to tell us that we should trust in the achievements of the salvation of Christ completely and the trustworthiness of the promise of God.

Note that, in verse 1 of this chapter, it asks us to “be careful”. “be careful” and “with confidence” show the truth in the Bible from two aspects. And the believers must know the principles of the truth from these two aspects. As to those who slacken pursuing the spiritual blessing and fall short of it, or those who ignore the great salvation of Christ, the message that the Bible gives to them is to “be careful”. On the other hand, to those who are overcautious and do not understand the marvelous kindness of God, the message that the Bible gives to them is to “approach the throne of grace with confidence”. Therefore, we should not live a ungodly life because of the love of God; neither should we dare not to approach and pray to God because God is awesome.

C. “so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need”:

This verse implies asking for help. Therefore, to “approach the throne of grace ” is with an attitude to seek help and look to rely on, in order to receive the help. We need the help from God at any time; also, God can help us at any time; all kinds of helps that we need, are included in the sympathy and grace of God; the sympathy of God makes our sins and deficits be forgiven; the grace of God makes us get the power to overcome. Therefore, since we have such a throne of grace that we can turn to at any time, we should have faith to rely on the achievements of the precious blood of Christ and to turn to the gracious help of LORD.


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.
