


1。移民并不像很多美国人想象的那样抢了美国人的饭碗。在全球化的今天,劳动力市场的竞争也是全球化的,美国企业要在全球保持竞争力,就不可避免地要降低成本, 没有移民作为劳动力资源,这些工作也极可能被外包出去,外包对美国经济的打击则是双重的。首先工作并没能保住,不仅如此,这些本可以用于美国国内的资金就会流向海外,同时流向海外的还有与其相配套的厂房及其他基础建设费用,糟糕的美国经济无法享受这些资金所带来的消费对经济的刺激以及所带动的整个生产链对经济带来的健康促进作用。也许移民对工作的竞争会带来工资的压力,但同时也减轻了通胀的压力,最关键是能保持企业的竞争力而不至于被高成本拖垮,那才是两败俱伤,倾巢之下,岂有完卵?这不是我们最近看到三大汽车公司所正在经历的吗?




US Immigration Bill S. 2611


Immigration has always been one of the most heated topics in American public discussion. Recently, however, the development has caught particular attention to the public and opticians in the capital hill.

This new development started with the introduction of an immigration bill H.R. 4437 (also known as the “Sensenbrenner Bill”) in the House on December 6, 2005. On December 16, 2005, this bill was passed in the house by a vote of 239 to 182. Supporters and opponents were almost along the party line: 92% of Republicans supporting, 82% of Democrats opposing. This bill would raise penalties for illegal immigration and classify illegal aliens and anyone who helped them enter or remain in the US as felons.

The passage of HR 4437 sparked waves of immigration reform protests with millions of people gathering and marching on the streets in many cities across the US. Most protests did not only seek an overhaul of the HR 4437 bill, but also a path to legalization for those who have entered America illegally and fewer immigration service delays.

It is in this environment and sentiment that the Bill S. 2611 was introduced in Senate on April 7, 2006. This bill has been viewed by some as the most far-reaching immigration reform in history (1).

Key Provisions of Bill 2611

The following are the key provision of Bill 2611 (2):

1. Increasing border security and interior enforcement through smart 21st century technology;

2. Providing a new temporary guest-worker program that would match an employer with a willing foreign worker when no U.S. workers can be found;

3. Employing an electronic employment verification system so that employers are aware of the legal status of their employees;

4. Providing a pathway to earned legalization for the millions of undocumented immigrants living and working in the U.S., thereby allowing them to come out of the shadows of society;

5. Supporting the DREAM act, which ensures that every student is able to gain access to a quality post-secondary education.

The major difference between the H.R. 4437 and S. 2611 is that there is a citizenship path proposed in S. 2611. This would allow illegal immigrants who have been in the country for more than five years, estimated to be 7 million in number, to apply for citizenship by paying fines and back taxes. Those who have been in the country for 2 to 5 years, numbering around 3 million, would be allowed to stay in the country without fear of deportation, but after 3 years would have to return and could apply for citizenship at border check points. Those in the country for under 2 years would be required to return to their original nations. Thus, with some waiting, 10 million illegal immigrants can become citizens, if they so desire. The fine is around $2000, but some sources say it might be higher (3).

Result of Senate Vote

S. 2611 passed the Senate on May 25, 2006 after weeks debating and negotiating.

Although hailed as a victory of bipartisan coalition, there is still a clear pattern between parties: majority of Democrats supported (90%) the bill whereas majority of Republicans (59%) of opposed it.

Party Yes No Not Voting

Democratic 38 4 2

Independent 1 0 0

Republican 23 32 0

Total 62 36 2

The results of Senate vote on S. 2611 showed Republicans were generally more conservative on the immigration issue. They have a more negative view toward illegal immigrants.

Positive Views

The aging US population is posting a threat to US work force. There is apparently a labor shortage in certain industry sectors such as constructions. U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Thomas J. Donahue once told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that immigrants are "our best hope to curb chronic American labor shortages."

Those who support the bill believe that immigrants including undocumented immigrants help US economy for keeping the cost lower and hence keep the US businesses and industries competitive. And a healthy economy, in turn will create more opportunities for business and jobs.

Negative Views

Many American view this as the amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens.

Many American blames the immigrants for taking job from US citizens and depressing US wages. Furthermore, they view immigrants as a serious threat to social welfare since they will be eligible for Social Security, Sate Tuition, Medical Benefit, etc.

Many American view non-European immigrants as a threat to American culture, and many dread immigration-fueled population growth.

My Opinion

I am in favor of the passage of the Senate’s bill. In my opinion, the arguments those bring against the bill and immigration are false and superficial. It is true that immigrants will take away some of the jobs that might otherwise taken by the US citizen (6).

However, we are living in a time of globalization. The US businesses and industries are competing with businesses from other countries like China, South Korea , Japan, and etc. Our businesses and industries have to maintain their competitiveness to survive. One of the major disadvantages of US businesses is cost. An obvious example is the auto industry, which used to dominate in the world and now is having a very touch time to survive. They simply cannot compete with companies of other country due to higher worker wage, expensive health care and etc. Unfortunately, the unions will not give up on lowering the wages. As the result, thousands of jobs are cut in the auto companies, the result is bad for both the business and the workers. What if they would be allowed to hire cheaper labors from other countries? At least the auto companies can survive and be competitive. Furthermore, a healthy US auto industry would bring business opportunities to other related industries and bring jobs to many US citizens. Also, the immigrants who work in US will have to spend their earnings in US, they will need house to live, food to eat, close to wear and etc, this also create opportunities for businesses and jobs. All together, this will help the US business remain competitive and healthy, and a healthy economy will create jobs.

Would keeping immigrants out of the country save and protect jobs to the US citizens? The answer is NO. Aren’t we seeing waves of out sourcing from low skill positions to high tech positions? In my opinion, this is the true threat to US economy! The reason is simple: the dollar earned by immigrants will be spent and taxed in US and hence will stimulate the economy here whereas the dollar spent on outsourcing will not be spent in the US and hence will only stimulate the economy of the host countries! So remember, we are competing in the global job market, closing the border is not the solution to keep our jobs safe.

It is also possibly true that they put some downward pressure on wages since there are more people competing for the jobs, on the other hand it also keeps the pressure of inflation under check.

The argument that immigrants will be threat to social welfare is also false. Immigrants will work and pay taxes. The social security will come from the contribution they make, so as to the other social benefits.

Finally, the United State is a country of immigrants and let us don’t close out the border and the hope from other who follow our and our parents and grandparents steps.
