《Everything I Do (I Do It For You) 》by Bryan Adams

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Look into my eyes you will see
What you mean to me
Search you heart search you soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth trying for
You cant tell me it's not worth dying for
You know it's true
Everything I do I do it for you
Look into my heart you will find
Theres nothing there to hide
Take me as I am take my life
I would give it all I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fighting for
I can't help it theres nothing I want more
You know it's true
Everything I do I do it for you
Theres no love like your love
And no other could give more love
Theres now here unless you are there
All the time all the way
Don't tell me its not worth trying for
I can't help it theres nothing I want more
I would fight for you I like for you
Walk the wire for you you I die for you
You know its true
Everything I do I do it for you

Bryan Adams 1991年,影片《罗宾汉》的成功也使一
位摇滚歌星从此广为人知,他就是布莱恩·亚当斯。影片的主题曲“Everything I Do,I Do It for you”成了一首红极一时的流行金曲,而MTV中布莱恩·亚当斯手抱电吉
它在森林中演唱的形象也从此深入人心。“Everything I Do,I Do It For You”推出后,在美国的单曲排行榜上连续七周居第一,并在15 周内就创造了300万张的巨额销
量。而其所在专辑,《唤醒邻居》(Waking Up The Neighbors)也获得了十分出色的成绩。
布莱恩·亚当斯于1959年11月5 日生于加拿大的安大略省,1980年他推出了自己的首张专辑《布莱恩·亚当斯》(《Bryan Adams》),虽然反映平平,却也开始引起了一些人的注意。1984年他的第四张专辑《粗心大意》(《Reckless》)获得了不错的成绩, 但他却仍未成名, 直到1991年那首“Everything I Do, I Do It For You”推出之后,他才成为一个真正的国际巨星。布莱恩·亚当斯的流行摇滚风格和他那富于情感魅力的演唱为他赢得了无数的歌迷。而在“Everything I Do,I Do It For You”成为一首流行金曲之后,布莱恩·亚当斯也仿佛找到感觉。这之后,他又推出了“All For Love”,“Have You Every Rally Loved A Woman”等歌曲,继续了他的抒情歌曲路线,并且一首比一首流行,其中“All For Love
”一曲与 Rodsteward,Sting合作,三大巨星各具风格,交相辉映。1996年,布莱恩·亚当斯又推出了专辑《18 Till I Die》。在这张专辑中,既有着众多美妙动人的慢板抒情歌曲,也有着相当不错的快歌。布莱恩·亚当斯一如既往地保持着他那流行+ 摇滚的音乐风格,其专辑也同样受到广大歌迷的欢迎。对于喜爱布莱恩·亚当斯的歌迷们来说,这张《18 Till I Die》称得上是他最值得收藏的一张专辑。

