2006/04/28: Top 10 NDX are showing weak signs 给多头提个醒

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2006/04/28: Top 10 NDX are showing weak signs 给多头提个醒

A major correction on both NDX and SP500 may be coming soon. SP500 needs confirmation from bank sector though. But it's just gives the timing when it goes down as it unlikely goes up any more.

Second half year will lead another bullish market, so far. Because the major body inside is truely not weak. For example, today Naz and NDX dropped a lot but that's just purely contributed by MSFT alone.

The next rally may be still led by MSFT and INTC.

给多头提个醒,很吃惊金融板这两天涨疯了,C刚创了新高,而BAC/WFC/WB/JPM简直就是疯了。GE/PFE/XOM等今天还继续带队,但SP500还是涨不上去,看来要有一个major correction了。这种情况应是牛市启动信号的,但若是牛市启动,今天这种情况,SP500应该涨至少20点。没涨说明主体在跌,而且幅度不小。

NDX new year rally后,就没走强过。INTC/MSFT在下面,一时半会上不来。但NDX也不大会跌太多了。觉得盘跌的可能性大些。


Old leaders like GS/MS are dropping their head now. Banks look like the last straws to hold the index on the current level. Especially because they surge up in such a short term. SP500 has been super strong since the end of last Nov. It needs a major correction before it goes up again.
