从这个股的走法中,无论TA,FA,消息,Insider Buy, Insider Sell, Nasdaq Delist, Company issuing new shares, dilution, Proforma based accounting, cash flow, reverse split, company forward looking, 庄家还是上市公司管理层,都学到了很多,很多,很多,很多,很多... ...。心中对这股的深套一直怀着深深的恋恋不去的感激之情。有时间的时候,会把那段历史写出来,以表达俺对此股的感谢和对几个素不相识的大师的思念。
深深地感激来自USA, Germany and Australia的四个以trading为生的大师对俺的教导。他们与我素昧平生从未谋面但在internet上毫无保留地告诉了我他们走上以trading为生的辛酸,泪水和欢笑以及教给了我他们的trading技巧和看盘方法。惭愧的是,那时的我不知道这些技巧的珍贵,也没有留下与他们能长期保持联系的方式。庆幸的是,我在交了厚厚一沓学费之后,总算也看到了一丝他们指引的曙光。
Summary, 他们告诉我:
4)Being a nice, humble, warm-hearted and positive person is the most important. If somebody can't be sucessful in general life such as not knowing how to deal with others, he can't be successful on the stock market. Period. Life is unfair. But life is actually fair!
5) Making money is not the second most important on the stock market. Doing the right thing is. When you insist doing the right thing, money always chases you till you think it's just too much.
6) Money is not the most important in life,neither the stock market. They are just a tool when you come to make a living through trading. If you don't want to make it a career, then don't touch it. Trading is a beautiful art, no one can handle it with part time. You don't have to be smart to grasp at trading art!