“states pay close attention to how power is distributed among them, and they make a special effort to maximize their share of world power. Specifically they look for opportunities to alter the balance of power by acquiring additional increments of power at the expense of potential rivals. State employ a variety of means -- economic, diplomatic and military -- to shift the balance of power in their favor, even if doing so makes other states suspicious or even hostile. Because one state's gain in power is another state's loss, great powers tend to have a zero-sum mentality when dealing with each other. The trick, of course, is to be the winner in this competition and to dominate the other states in the system. Thus, the claim that states maximize relative power is tantamount to arguing that states are disposed to think offensively toward other states even though their ultimate motive is simply to survive. In short, great powers have aggressive intentions.”
请各位仔细读读这段话,它最后结论是,强国之间战争不可避免。说的更直 白一点,就是美中战争不可避免,美俄战争不可避免等等。上面这段话出自“The Tragedy of Great Power Politics”一书,中译本名称是“大国政治的悲剧”。此 书中国人应该人手一册,仔细阅读,清醒地认识到美国针对中国的战争准备。