蛋糕装饰--fondant, gum pastry

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来了,超简单的fondant的做法--by 草味薄荷

in a small bowl, mix
1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin
4 tablespoons cold water
set in a simmering sauce pan to dissolve (i guess microwave could work too)
then melt in
2 tablespoons vegetable shortening
then add
1/2 glucose (or white corn syrup)
i tablespoon clear vanilla extract
then grease a large bowl and fill in
7 cups confectioner's sugar ( 840g/ 1 lb 14 oz)

Make well in centre of sugar and pour liquid mixture . stir slowly toincorporate. remove from the bowl and knead on board dusted withconfectioner's sugar untill smooth. cover with plastic wrap.

if use immediately, knead in some corn starch to stiffen.
HINT: if you want to color the fondant, put food coloring in the liquid mixture before adding sugar.

This recipe make enough to cover a 6*4 & a 8*4 cakes.

gum pastry:---by clark woolley

wilton level 3 结业蛋糕--珍珠与百合 (图)
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来源: 草味薄荷04-11-30 14:58:48 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]
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最后一节课要做两层蛋糕,结果是我小心翼翼的把她抱回家的。。。花是用gum paste做的,感兴趣的可以去这个网站看看www.cakesbydesign.cc,他还出了一本书叫cakes by designamazon上有卖的。我觉得书很不错,特别是如果你和我一样找不到gum paste的课来上的话。

这回做了calla lily 和 lily of the valley (多么美的名字:)花也很美,。。我希望以后可以种一大片)
珍珠是用buttercream 挤的, 挤到我手都快断了,以致有一些挤歪了。。
