My Journal (Months 19 and 20)

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Austin Chutian's 19th and 20th months

August 12, Saturday

Capitan's Cove is a boat dock and also a leisure spot. We enjoyed live music and outdoor dinner today.

August 13, Sunday

It's hard to believe: I was stung by a bee this morning while playing in the front of my home.  It really hurts!  But soon I was ok.

In the afternoon we went to a beach park in Bridgeport.  The water was warm and I was soaked.

August 14, Monday

I had 18 months routine check.  I am now 30 lb 3 oz and 33.5 in.

August 15, Tuesday

I received my US passport.

August 21, Monday

Not a good day for me: stuffy nose and temperature at 101.5F.  Maybe it was because on Saturday we visited Capitan's Cove again while it was raining.  I hope this will be over soon.

August 27, Sunday

I managed to climb on a dinner chair and amazed my parents.  I also did something bad: I broke a floor lamp. 

August 28, Monday

Mom and dad bought me my 1st computer.

September 3, Sunday

I have been able to recognise all the 26 letters for sometime.  But I never read them out until tonight.  Mom and dad were very happy to hear me reading A, I, L, O, X... 

September 4, Monday

How exiting, I am on my way to China!

September 5, Tuesday

We arrived in Beijing after an awfully long journey.  It's great to see my grandma again. I also met my uncle Weiwei.

September 8, Friday

I have been feeling sick since yesterday.  How much is 40 degree Celsius in Fahrenheit?

September 9, Saturday

I am better today.  So we will still follow the schedule and take train to Hubei province.

September 10, Sunday

I finally met my grandma on dad's side.  I am surrounded by a warm crowd including Aunt Xiaohong and Sister Nannan.

September 13, Wednesday

I am almost OK now. So I stopped taking medicine.  I know how to use straw to drink.  I have also started to read numbers.

September 17, Sunday

I haven't visited many places since coming to China. Today Aunt Xiaohong and Uncle Ji took me to a Children's park in the town.

September 23, Saturday

We are back to Beijing. 

September 24, Sunday

Dad has left us for the US.  He has to return to work.

October 1, Sunday

Mom took me to her friend Aunt Zhao's home. 

October 6, Friday

It is Chinese moon festival. I had moon-cakes. 

I can now count up to 30 in Chinese.  I can read all the English letters.
