Dept of Affairs of Very Impotent Person
ViagraMiniMax L.L.C.
Dear 40hutu
According to recent investigations, our sales to Chinese community of Sanalyna products (伟妹) have dramatically dropped since November while ViagraRx sales climbed up 150%. Earlier on in September there was a significant decline in our Sanalyna sales. We were puzzled by these ridiculous phenomena. Based on our statistic regression analysis, a strong correlation exists between your wenxuexcity blog hits and the decrease of Sanalyna sales. We have hired some Chinese speaking FBI agents to read through your blog, and they have concluded that your recent YJ独白 and 百合心 posts have been the root cause.
Herein we offer you the opportunity to take charge of our Documentation Dept upgrading our pre-application instructions for all our VIP product lines, in the hope that we can actually decrease the pharmaceutical dosage by 99% in each ingredient. In the interim, please stop posting your YJ独白 series. While we appreciate the growth in our traditional ViagraRx business, we have a major campaign going on to promote Sanalyna, our strategic line.
If you choose to stick with your right of free speech, we would reserve ours and pursue compensations for the de facto damage to one of our core businesses.
Sincerely yours
Chairwoman, Dept of VIP
PS: My personal email address is eve@bedtime.com. If you start to email me your daily writing every night by bedtime, I may help the proof-reading and get it published in a later day through the Pillow Book Selections Ltd.