“我是这里房东的儿子。车坏在路上了,需要拖车。能不能借我40美元?” “楼下有个学生被房东雇做公寓管理。你可以问他呀?” “找不到他,我真的很急,能借我多少是多少。” “对不起,我帮不了你这个忙。” 我边说边去关屋门。 不等我走到门口,他突然一个箭步冲进屋来把门关上,“What the X you mean you can’t help me!”
The first case: Why would you let a stranger into your apartment? You also can tell him he is not supposed to go inside of your bedroom.
The second case: If he did not have a weapon, and he did not threaten you, he was just upset you did not give him the money, then you should not have backed out and ran away, you should've told him right in front of his face, sorry, I can't help you, and get the outa here! 这些人都是理亏的, 你不让步, 他们就软, 不信试试.