儿子是那种只读"fact"的书的孩子。半年前想介绍“Magic Tree House”给他读,小人儿读了两本,说:“They are fake stories”, 再没兴趣。“软硬兼施”, 想让儿子再读Magic Tree House,他也是作作样子,全没兴趣。后来,儿子的老师给他推荐,一向把老师的话当“神旨”的儿子,居然还是提不起兴趣。没办法,老爸只得另作打算。
知道儿子财迷,经常为他的几十块钱数来数去(也是学校的数学功课),就提出“奖金”一说:读一本,一个quarter!有钱的事还是要干地。儿子就开始读Magic Tree House。开始还记得要钱,现在上“瘾”了,钱是不提了,连吃饭都放不下书本。再问他:“ Is it fun to read this set of stories?”
" Yes, very interesting!"
象所有同龄孩子一样,儿子对记东西是没兴趣的。这个学期的钢琴recital快来了,老师3周前就让他开始记第一首曲子。一周前就差不多了。于是,老师又交待记另一首。到上星期天,儿子还没记下一半。我只好给老师说:“He hates to memorize notes.”老师开玩笑说:“Finally, you are just a normal kid.”
于是,老师和儿子谈:“If you memorize the 2nd one by next weekend, you can play both in the recital. I have to make a judgement by next weekend.”
昨晚在家练习钢琴,俺提起这事,小人儿一口拒绝:“I want to play only one in the recital.”
知道Push是没用,就拿钱“引诱”一下:“Ok, let's make a deal. if you memorize the 2nd one by the end of this week, you get 1 dollar as reward. If you do both inthe recital perfectly, you get 5 dollars as reward.”
“Really? Deal! I will get it done this evening!”
不过,试了20遍,还是没记住。俺不得不让他停下来, 说:“You have time until this weekend. So take it easy.”