To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay(15)-13

To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (15) - 13

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 13 of HEBREWS

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

Regarding the Salvation: The new life that the believers of the new covenant should live (11:1-13:25)

3. The duties of love (13:1-17)

(1) should put love into practice (13:1-3)

A. the love to the brothers (13:1)

B. the love to the strangers (13:2)

C. the love to those in sufferings (13:3)

(2) should keep clean (13:4-6)

A. keep clean on marriage (13:4)

B. keep clean on money (13:5-6)

(3) should imitate the examples (13:7-9)

(4) should offer the spiritual sacrifices (13:10-16)

A. the sacrifice of enduring the insults and disgrace (13:10-14)

B. the sacrifice of praise (13:15)

C. the sacrifice of doing good and sharing with others (13:16)

(5) should respect the servants of God (13:17)

4. Conclusion -- the request and expectations of love (13:18-25)

(1) request (13:18-19)

(2) blessings and prayers(13:20-21)

(3) expectations (13:22-23)

(4) greetings and blessings (13:24-25)

3. The duties of love (13:1-17)

In this chapter, the author talks about the ordinary duties of love as the final teaching of this chapter. In the previous 12 chapters, from various aspects, it makes the believers see the supremacy of Christ who accomplished the salvation completely, and through whom the new covenant is established; it also gives warnings against those who might miss the salvation on different stages; in regard to the new life that the believers under the new covenant should live, it talks about “faith” in chapter 11, “hope” in chapter 12, and “love” in this last chapter. Here, the author talks about the duties that should be fulfilled in the believers’ life of love from various aspects, so that the believers can live a practical life to glorify Christ, make His salvation received and honored by more people, and make the church of Christ stronger and more powerful. This section discusses this issue from 5 aspects:

(1) should put love into practice (13:1-3)

These verses talk about that the duties should be fulfilled in the believers’ life of love from three aspects, but in one nature; that is, the love is carried out and shown on others. The love is to contribute something to the beloved ones, is willing to sacrifice for the beloved ones, and benefits the other party; otherwise, it won’t be true love. The duties of love from these three aspects are listed as the following:

A. the love to the brothers (13:1)

HEBREWS 13:1 Keep on loving each other as brothers.


This verse is in imperative mode. It is a command of LORD that the believers should love one another (Joh 13:34,35), which is also the main teaching of all the apostles (Rom 12:10; 13:1-8; 1Th 4:9; 1Pe 1:22;2:18;3:8; 2Pe 1:7-8; 1Jo 3:10,11; 4:7,20,21). The church is the group that receive the love of God and the group of love. Love is the character of the church, so that the worldly people could know that we belong to Christ. Loving each other is what the believers must do, is the first task of the church, and should be carried out under all the circumstances.

“Keep on loving each other as brothers”:

“Keep on ” is the important word in this verse. Although it is important for the brothers to love each other, it is even more important to keep on loving each other. It does not have much value to only love each other momentarily, for all the worldly groups can do the same. The believers must keep on loving each other to live a life of love. Although when we live in the body, we have many human weaknesses that might make us lose the love to each other; however, the believers must base on the love of Christ to forgive each other (Eph 4:2), in order to keep the love to each other. We should not only keep on loving, but also remain in the life of love; that is, we always put love into practice. It is because the true love not only need the sincerity, but also need to be shown in the attitudes toward the brothers.

“loving each other as brothers”:

Here, it tells us how to love each other; the love is not the love of the common and worldly people, but is the love of brothers, and is the love through knowing the love of Christ (1Jo 3:19; 4:7,10). This love is not limited by worldly things such as nations, races, classes, and wealth and so on. We should love the brothers in Christ all the same. This love makes the church to be unity without the influence of the separation of the earthly nations, races, classes and so on, so that the believers will set apart from the world in the unity of love.

B. the love to the strangers (13:2)

HEBREWS 13:2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.


At that time, the transportation was inconvenient. There were many difficulties to travel around to preach Gospel. There were also some believers; for the sake of LORD, their properties were confiscated by others or met with all kinds of attacks and had to escape to other places to avoid the persecution (Heb 10:34; Act 8:1). Therefore, to entertain these servants of God and the brothers who suffered for LORD, is a valuable work of love for the believers at ancient times. These deeds of love are thought highly in the Bible; LORD Jesus said: “"He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me. Anyone who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet's reward, and anyone who receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous man's reward. ” (Mat 10:40, 41) It is obvious how important it is to “entertain strangers” . As to how to entertain strangers, we get two teachings here:

a. entertain the strangers with love:

“Do not forget to entertain strangers”. The Hebrew believers had the habit to entertain the strangers already. Here, it reminds them again “Do not forget ”. Love can make one to entertain the travelers considerately and carefully, so that they won’t feel any inconvenience or be short of anything. We should not only give lodging to the servants of God who go out to preach and the brothers under the persecution, but also welcome them with great sincerity, without any reluctance, awkward feeling, annoyance or contempt. Verse (Rom 12:13) says: “Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. ” Many believers only have a momentary love to welcome the brothers, but later on, gradually they become annoyed and even contemptuous. We should welcome the travelers with love, which should be a constant love. Even the people we receive might have some weakness, but it should not be the reason that we do not welcome them with love.

b. We should welcome them as we welcome LORD:

“for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.” This verse is cited as an evidence that Abraham welcomed the angels so that to encourage the Hebrew believers to be more willing to receive the travelers. According to the record of (Gen 18:1-21), it is known that one of the three angels is LORD. Note that: it is not that Abraham only welcomed the travelers who looked like the angels, but he welcomed those travelers that he should welcome with love and attitude to welcome LORD, and entertained angels without knowing it. We should not expect that all the travelers we receive are angels; if we welcome the brothers and the servants of LORD with the attitude to welcome LORD, we also receive “angels”.

However, as to “entertain the strangers” in the Bible, it is not without any boundary. According to the previous verse about the love of brothers and the next verse about those suffered for LORD, it is known that “ the strangers” here, mainly refer to the brothers in Christ. As to those false brothers in church and those who spread paganism, the Bible forbids the believers to receive them and welcome them (2Jo 9-11).

C. the love to those in sufferings (13:3)

HEBREWS 13:3 Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.


This verse is similar to verse (1Co 12:26) “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” (2Co 11:9; 5:14,15). The believers should take the pains of the brothers as their own. As to one who wants to show sympathy to others, he need to feel others’ pains deeply as his own, so that to have the true sympathy. Those who can share the feeling with those who are mistreated, must be filled with the love of Christ in mind first (2Co 11:9; 5:14,15).

Not only because those who are mistreated are our brothers and members of a body, we should remember them; but also because “as if you yourselves were suffering. ”, we might also suffer the same as them, therefore, we should remember them. God let us have peace and freedom, while allow our brothers to be in prison and be mistreated; it is to let us sympathize their sufferings, share their pains, so that those in the sufferings will receive the comforts and helps from those brothers who are not in the sufferings. Thus, when we are mistreated in the future and even in the prison, God will keep some other brothers have peace and freedom so that we will get helps from them too.

(2) should keep clean (13:4-6)

A. keep clean on marriage (13:4)

HEBREWS 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.


Here, “be honored ” implies:

a. Marriage should be honored by all; that is, everyone should honor the marriage as a holy thing. Many religions nowadays consider marriage unholy, even some believers have such idea. Such people do not respect the marriage. The marriage is originated by God; God considered that it’s not good for the man to be alone; therefore created a helper for him and made them husband and wife. Therefore, whoever does not honor the marriage, does not respect God who established the marriage.

b. The marriage should be respected by everyone, that is, the marriage bed should be kept pure. Although the marriage itself is holy, if people do not get married according to the legal process of the will of God, or do not keep the holiness of the marriage, and have sexual behavior with others who are not their husband or wife, it will violate the holy marriage established by God, and is the adultery and sexual immorality, also is the disrespect to God.

“for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. ” Although the Bible takes the marriage as the holy thing, the Bible considers the improper behavior between men and women as the most filthy behavior. No matter the teachings of LORD Jesus or those of the apostles, are severe to the sins of adultery. In the times of Old Testament, those who committed adultery should be stoned to death (Deu 22:22-24); in the teachings of the apostles, the believers must be put out of the church if they committed adultery (1Co 5:1-12). Even though the sins of adultery of those adulterers might not be known by others, God will know and judge them so that they will be punished because of their sins.

B. keep clean on money (13:5-6)

HEBREWS 13:5-6 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"


“the love of money ” is the hindrance to carry out the life of love mentioned above. No matter to love the brothers, to welcome the travelers, to remember those in sufferings, or to keep the marriage pure, it might be all because of the love of the money that the believers can not display the love that they should have. Money is the representative of the world; those who love money must love the world, and the love of the Father is not in him. Therefore, in order to practice the love, one must get rid of the love of money and keep clean on money. Here, it gives three principles that the believers should not love the money:

a. “Keep your lives free from the love of money ”:

The love of the money is an evil desire in men’s mind. Therefore, one must keep clean on money and must not get entangled in the sins and evils of loving the money, also must get rid of the evil desires from one’s mind. The reason that the people are unclean on money, is because they have the greedy desires in their mind first; then it will be shown on their behavior without being aware by themselves, and even shown on their talks. Therefore, if we do not want to be ensnared in the temptation of the money, we must not keep the love of money in mind. The Christians can not serve both God and money (Mat 6:24).

b. “be content with what you have”:

Another principle for the believers to keep themselves free from the love of the money, is to be content with what they have. Otherwise, no matter how much wealth they have, they will still love the money. Many people think that one is greedy for money is because of the poverty; this is equal to say that only the poor will have the sin of loving the money and the rich won’t love the money. However, in fact, many rich people love money more than the poor; it is because the money tempts people no matter they are rich or poor. If one does not follow the principle to “be content with what you have”, they will love money regardless whether they are poor or rich.

This verse explains the meaning of being content. That is, do not admire what others have, and do not have an insatiable desire for what one will have in the future, but should be content with what we have.

“be content with what you have”; that is, be thankful to God for whatever we have.

c. look upon the cares of God:

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” this verse is cited from the verses in (Deu 31:6,8; Jos 1:5; 1Ch 28:20). This explains the reason that the believers love the money, is because they do not rely on the promise of God and worry about their own life at present and in the future. The devil often through the plan and calculation on the needy of life as the method lure the believers to be ensnared in the sins of loving the money. (Mat 6:24-34).

“So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" ” This verse is cited from (Psa 27:1; 56:4, 11; 118:6), and has the same intention as the previous verse. However, the previous verse tells us that God has the faithful promise and will take care of us. This verse illustrates that if we truly rely on the cares from God, we can be like the poet to say this boldly no matter what kinds of circumstances he was in: “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? ” If we only know the promise that God will care without relying on it, the promise of God is only a precious promise. However, whenever we completely trust in the promise of God that He will take care of us, the promise of God will have marvelous effects on us, just as the effects on the faithful poets in ancient times, so that we have enough courage and strength to overcome the poor circumstance and the difficulties that the worldly people add to us.

(3) should imitate the examples (13:7-9)

HEBREWS 13:7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.


Here, the leaders who spoke the word of God to the Hebrew believers, refer to the evangelists of the preceding generation, including the apostles and leaders of the church in the initial stage; some of them have passed away, some might go to other places. However, the footprints they left should be followed by the younger generation. There are three ways to follow them:

a. “Remember your leaders”:

Remember the truth they preached, their faithfulness in preaching, their power to pray, their sincere love and the accomplishments of their work and so on. Since they suffer for LORD in such a way in order to pass on the truth of God to us, as to us who receive the truth from them, how could we be slack and shrink back and be unworthy of the grace of LORD? The believers should not think of their own pains and troubles, but should think of those servants of God in the church of the initial stage. They are the same persons like us; however, they can be so faithful and holy and be used by God without the fear of the sufferings, we who follow their steps and course, should move forward faithfully like them.

b. “imitate their faith”:

To “remember” is the preparation to “imitate”. Since we remember their conducts, we should imitate their examples. What should be imitated most is their faith, for all their good examples come from their faith. The reason is all because they have the firm faith that the hope that God promised is truly reliable, so that they had no worry about their own life, did not give a thought to the danger of their own life, did not fear of the persecutions of the enemies, and also they were willing to bear with all the sufferings: “Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. They were stoned ; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated-- the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground. ” (Heb 11:36-38) . Therefore, we should imitate their faith and put down all the selfish desires, and love God wholeheartedly.

c. “Consider the outcome of their way of life ”:

The believers in the sufferings not only should see the sufferings that those faithful servants of God went through for LORD, but also should observe carefully the ends that LORD gave them. For example, as to Stephen who sacrificed his life bravely, although he was hated by the people and stoned to death, when he was dying, he “saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. ” (Act 7:55-56). It is apparent that he is commended by LORD. Therefore, we should observe carefully the end of these people; then we will know that it is not in vain that they walked the road faithfully for God according to what they believe firmly and they labored and suffered for God (1Co 15:58), which should be imitated by us.

HEBREWS 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.


At the first glance, it seems that this verse does not connect with the previous verse; they are actually connected closely. Since Jesus Christ is the same forever (Exo 3:14; Rev 1:80), what those former servants of God preached about Jesus Christ, is all the same yesterday, today and in the future. How is the end of those faithful servants of God in the past, so is the end of those who imitate their faith now. And those in the future who follow the same course will also have the same end. Therefore, the believers should take hold of the truth of Jesus Christ firmly and “Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. ” This verse also refers to all the authority, power, being with us, kindness, sympathy, gentleness, and perseverance of Jesus Christ are “ the same yesterday and today and forever.” Although those faithful servants of God who led the Hebrew believers before had passed away, or left them, the guidance of Jesus Christ to them are still the same. Although their environment had changed, their prosperities were broken and scattered, and everything of them had changed, Jesus Christ takes care of them all the same as before.

HEBREWS 13:9 Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by ceremonial foods, which are of no value to those who eat them.


As to the Hebrew believers at that time, their faith was tempted by some strange teachings, which seemed to concern the food. Since the Jewish people have a lot of regulations on the food and drink originally, those strange teachings that carried away the Hebrew believers might be that there were some who cited the regulations on food to persuade them to rely on observing all the regulations. Therefore, the author reminded them that: “It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace”. It is because only the grace of LORD can save and help people. LORD Jesus says that: “What goes into a man's mouth does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him 'unclean.' " ” (Mat 15:11) The food itself can not make people holy or unclean. What make people unclean are the greedy desires. Therefore, “not by ceremonial foods, which are of no value to those who eat them. ”; on the contrary, it might do harm to both the spirituality and the body.

(4) should offer the spiritual sacrifices (13:10-16)

A. the sacrifice of enduring the insults and disgrace (13:10-14)

HEBREWS 13:10 We have an altar from which those who minister at the tabernacle have no right to eat.


What the “altar” here refers to is decisive to explain these verses. There are several possible explanations:

a. consider “an altar ” as the “the table of LORD”; that is, the Holy Communion.

b. consider “an altar ” as LORD Himself; LORD is both the sacrifice and the altar.

c. consider “an altar ” as the altar in the tabernacle (literal interpretation). In this verse, “We have an altar ”; where “we” do not refer to all the believers, but the author stood at the same position as the Hebrew believers to talk about the altar in the Old Testament. Thus, “from which those who minister at the tabernacle have no right to eat ”; it is only to explain that the sacrifice as the sin offerings which those who minister at the tabernacle have no right to eat, and has no other spiritual meaning.

d. The most proper explanation should be: this altar refers to the cross. It is because in the Old Testament, the sacrifices were offered on the bronze altar; it is the typology that Christ on the cross to offer Himself to accomplish the redemption. And in the following verse 12, it says: “And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood. ” It is apparent that it indicates that LORD offered Himself to die for people. It gives the hint that the “altar” in this verse refers to the cross; the sacrifice on it is LORD Jesus. Besides, this book mentions for many times that Christ offered Himself as the sacrifice for sins, which also gives the hints that “the cross” is the spiritual altar in the New Testament.

Therefore, this verse is to compare the difference between the altar and sacrifice in the New Testament and in the tabernacle of the Old Testament. Christ who offered Himself as the sacrifice on the cross, is completely different from the sacrifice on the altar in the Old Testament. The sacrifice offered for all the people of the community in the Old Testament can not be shared among everyone; however, the grace of redemption from Jesus Christ can be shared with everyone.

“from which those who minister at the tabernacle have no right to eat.”:

Another meaning of this verse, is that the grace of the redemption of the new covenant can not be obtained by those who only adhere to the laws of the Old Testament; for those who are obstinate in the regulations of the Old Testament, can not share the salvation from Christ with those who are under the grace through faith.

HEBREWS 13:11-12 The high priest carries the blood of animals into the Most Holy Place as a sin offering, but the bodies are burned outside the camp. And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood.


According to (Lev 4:5-12;16:21;16), it is known that the fat and the kidneys of the sacrifices are burned on the altar, and the other parts and the bodies are taken outside the camp to be burned up. The blood of the sacrifices should be brought into the Holy Place and be sprinkled on the curtain for seven times to cleanse it. What is moved outside the camp and burned up, means that it is filthy and should be discarded; it is the typology that Jesus Christ bore with the sins for us and became what was discarded and cursed (Mat 27:46; 2Co 5:21; 1Pe 2:24); however, the blood that he shed for us, was brought to the Most Holy Place in heaven and accomplished the eternal salvation, which has complete achievements of redemption. Therefore, Jesus would use his blood to make the people holy, so he suffered outside the city gate. Because he died in such pains and insults, the believers should not doubt that he who died in this way was not for our redemption; on the contrary, they should know that he died in this way fits well the typology of the Old Testament; and proves that he is the Savior who redeemed us according to the predestined will of God. He sanctified his people through his blood; this can not be separated from that he suffered outside the gate of the city; just as the blood of the sacrifice are brought into the Holy Place to offer for the sins, while the bodies of the sacrifices must be moved outside the camp to be burned up, which are all in accordance to the regulations of the offering. He need to accomplish the great merits of redemption for the people, he must be discarded outside the city gate, and he must refuse the temptation that the people of Jerusalem supported him to be the king, then he can make people holy through his blood on the cross.

HEBREWS 13:13 Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore.


Since this is the case, we should also come to the cross, offer us, and bear with the disgrace and insults that he suffered.

“go to him outside the camp”; here, “outside the camp” has special meaning. When the author wrote to the Hebrew believers, the Israelites had finished their life in the desert with tents and camps for about two thousand years. The Meeting Tent in the desert was replaced by the Holy Temple. Therefore, here, “the camp” is only to use the name of “the camp” in verse 11 to illustrate that there are something that those who come near Christ must get rid of. Since Christ must refuse the supports from the people in “the city gate” so that to be able to shed blood on the cross, and he made “the people holy through his own blood”, but not the blood of the calves and sheep, thus, we also must come out of the regulations of the Old Testament and accept the salvation of Christ through the cross, and come out of all the temptations in this world such as vanity, status, power, wealth and so on, to bear with the disgrace and insults that LORD bore. Therefore, “the camp” represents all the worldly religions, principles, matters and things and so on, which are opposite to the cross road of Christ. Here, the author encourages those believers who are redeemed, not only they must not shrink back because of the sufferings of LORD and think of getting back to the Judaism, but also they should separate themselves from the binding of the old religion, and everything hinders them to walk on the road that LORD had walked; they should come back to the altar of the cross and offer themselves as the living sacrifices and bear the disgrace he bore.

HEBREWS 13:14 For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come.


This verse explains the reason that we should “go to him outside the camp”, is because this worldly city will not endure. The world and its desires pass away. We are looking for the city that is to come which will endure forever -- the city of the living God, which is the heavenly Jerusalem. Therefore, we should desire for the city with hope, love the LORD who will welcome us into the “heavenly city”, and be willing to bear the disgrace for the sake of Him, just as He loves us and “endured the cross, scorning its shame,” (12:2).

B. the sacrifice of praise (13:15)

HEBREWS 13:15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that confess his name.


Since Christ offered himself as the sacrifice, we who are saved should also offer something to God. Since what Christ offered for us is not the blood of the calves and sheep, but his own blood, thus, what we offer to God should also be spiritual offerings pleasing to God -- the sacrifice of praise, for he who sacrifices thank offerings honors God and glorifies God (Psa 50:23). Here, we see that:

a. “praise” is also one of the sacrifices:

is a sacrifice of thanksgiving, a communion in worship, and a burning “sacrifice”.

b. the sacrifice of praise is what we should sacrifice:

The people who receive the grace should offer the praise, just as when they are in need they pray; it is the duty that those who love God should fulfill.

c. the sacrifice of praise:

At that time, the Hebrew believers were in sufferings, how could they offer the sacrifice of praise? By relying on Christ they can. We can praise God in any circumstance by relying on Christ. The apostle Paul said: “I can do everything through him who gives me strength. ” (Php 4:13). When suffering the disgrace for the sake of LORD, we should praise God more by relying on LORD, for it is the example that the apostles left to us (Act 5:41; 16:25). Furthermore, although praise is a good thing and is offered willingly from one’s heart, it should be offered by relying on Christ to please God, for whatever we do, we do it by relying on LORD.

d. the sacrifice of praise should be offered continually:

According to the Old Testament, the offerings of thanksgivings are offered by the willingness of people. There is no rules about how many times and when they should offer it. Even so, since we receive the grace continually, we should offer the sacrifice of praises continually, and seek to please LORD continually. Furthermore, the sacrifice of praise is more convenient to be offered than any other sacrifice, and it can be offered continually.

e. the sacrifice of praise is the fruit of lips that confess his name:

Praise is also one kind of fruit produced by the believers. But only those who confess the name of LORD can produce this fruit of lips. Their hearts must be moved by the grace of God, then they can produce the fruit of praises from their mouth.

“With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. ” (Jam 3:9,10). Therefore, if we want to produce the fruit of praises from our lips, we must “keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.” (Psa 34:13).

C. the sacrifice of doing good and sharing with others (13:16)

HEBREWS 13:16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.


The sacrifice of enduring the insults and disgrace, is willingly offered by the individual for the sake of loving LORD. The sacrifice of praise, is offered to God by those who love God. While the sacrifice of doing good and sharing with others, is that the believers do good to others for the sake of God. God not only is pleased with our willingness to suffer for LORD, and praises to God, but also is pleased to see that we show our love to God on others, “For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. ” (1Jo 4:20). However, if during our sufferings for LORD, we still do not forget to do good and to share with others; that will please God even more. As to the Hebrew believers at that time, the properties of many of them were confiscated by others for the sake of LORD (10:34) ; therefore, many of them were in the poverty. On one hand, these words remind those believers who have relatively more power that they should not forget to care about those poor brothers and the need of the household of God; on the other hand, also remind those believers in poverty that they should not ignore doing good because of the poverty. Although the poverty will reduce the believers’ capability to do good, the poverty can not make one who do good willingly stop doing good. Only a heart which is cold in love can make one truly have no power to do good.

Here, “to do good and to share with others” is also a kind of “sacrifice”. this means that we should not take “to do good and to share with others” as our merits or grace to others, but should look on the good we do on others as a kind of sacrifice we offered to God, and a communion of love in LORD. Only with this attitude to do good and share with others, we can please God. Doing good is the will of God to us (Mar 15:7; Joh 5:29; Rom 2:7; Eph 2:10; 1Pe 2:15; 3Jo 1:11).

(5) should respect the servants of God (13:17)

HEBREWS 13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.


In verse 7 above, it encourages the believers to remember those servants of God who led them before; while this verse asks them to obey the servants of God who are leading them now. The reason to obey is for the sake of obeying the truth and fearing God. Whoever fears God, and obeys the truth, will certainly respect the servants of God, just as those believers who love God will certainly love the servants of God. To respect the servants of God, it is not only to supply them what they need, what is more important is to obey them on truth.

“They” are plural. It is obvious that the teachings here apply to all the servants of God, but not only any individual servant of God.

“They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. ”

On one hand, this verse points out what kind of servants of God they should obey: are all the servants faithful to God, but not those false teachers who consider godliness a means to financial gain or those false prophets who spread the heterodoxy (2Ti 6:5; 2Pe 2:1-3). On the other hand, it tells how a servant of God should be faithful to take care of the flocks that God entrust him. They should be alert to watch over the spirits and souls of the believers, protect them from the sins and evils and the heterodoxy, and like a shepherd who watchfully guards the flocks during the night. They are also as men who must give an account; before turning in the account, they need to be clear about every item and number, so that there is no “deficit” and it is not “ in arrears” of the “account” of God. Otherwise, they will be worried at the time of turning in the account. “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. ” (Act 20:28).

“Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.”:

This verse implies: the believers should cooperate with the servants of God, and have the same mind in truth, so that their work has achievements and they could be happy when they turn in the account to God. Otherwise, no matter the servants of God or the believers, they will all have the responsibility. If when the servants of God turn in the account to God, they are worried because they did not be watchful and faithful; that is not good of course; however, if they do not worry about their faithfulness and watchfulness, but are worried that the believers did not follow their lead, so that they need to worry about the “believers” ; that will show the deficit of the “believers” .

4. Conclusion -- the request and expectation of love (13:18-25)

These verses are the last words of this book. After the author talks about the above truth and encouragements, he gives the request, blessings and prayers, and expectations to the believers.

(1) request (13:18-19)

HEBREWS 13:18-19 Pray for us. We are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way. I particularly urge you to pray so that I may be restored to you soon.


In these last words, the author firstly asked those believers to pray for him, it is obvious that the author and his coworkers pay careful attention to prayers, and trust the achievements of others’ prayers. Those who do not pay attention to prayers and do not trust in the achievements of others’ prayers, won’t ask others to pray for them. This also shows their humility, and do not rely on their own power to work, but are aware of the necessity to have others’ prayers to support them. It is because everything can only be accomplished by relying on God; therefore, to pray and to pray for others are one of the most important work of the workers of God.

However, here, what deserve our attention is the reason that the author asked their prayers: “We are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way. ” As to the believers nowadays, they seldom seem to examine that they have a clear conscience before asking for the intercessions. The author added these two verses to give us the hint that if we do not desire to live honorably in every way and do not have a clear conscience, such that we know our prayers won’t have any achievement and ask others to pray for us, such a request for other’s intercession is in vain. Since the author said that “we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way”, it is equal to tell the Hebrew believers that they can pray for them with confidence, for there is no reason on their sides that the prayer won’t be answered, so that the prayer for them will not come to nothing.

It is obvious that the believers not only have the responsibility to pray for the servants of the God, but also should pray for those faithful and godly servants of God. Not only make the servants of God get the supports, but also will benefit those who pray for them, for since they often see the achievements of the prayers, they will be encouraged to do more prayers for others and make progress in faith.

From the words in verse 19, it is apparent that the author worked among these Hebrew believers originally, now he hope to get back to see them. The author asked the believers to pray especially for his returning to them. The step of the evangelists must be kept in the will of God; this is what the believers need to pray for them especially. When many of the Hebrew believers started to shrink back and lose heart and were oppressed, the author hoped to get back to them earlier. It is apparent that as to making his plan, he did not rely on his own choice, and also he is not afraid of the difficulties of the work, and only think of the benefit of the flocks of God.

(2) blessings and prayers(13:20-21)

The previous verse is that the author asked the readers to pray for him; in these two verses, the author prayed for the readers. In verse 20, it is about how the author calls God whom he prays to; in verse 21, it is about what he prayed for the readers. In this verse, there are two names about God:

HEBREWS 13:20 May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep,


a. God of peace:

Since God is God of peace. Therefore, all children of God should be in peace no matter in what kind of circumstance. LORD Jesus says: “in me (Jesus Christ) you may have peace” (Joh 16:33). If as the children of God, one is still often in worries, fears, and unclear conscience, without peace. The mistake must be on the believers themselves.

b. God brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus:

The resurrection of Jesus Christ, is the first fruit of the resurrection of the believers (1Co 15:20). Death is the biggest suffering, the resurrection is the biggest victory of Christ so that every believer might overcome the power of death through Him (1Co 15:56,57). However, the resurrection of Christ is a result of the work of the mighty power of God (Eph 1:20), and the mighty power also work on the believers (Eph 1:19). Since God can make Christ raised for the dead, thus, there is no weakness that the believers are unable to overcome, and there is no any suffering can make them be discouraged and lose heart.

Note: here, it talks about that God brought back Jesus Christ from the dead was through “the blood of the eternal covenant”. It especially adds the words of “the blood of the eternal covenant” to show that the resurrection of Christ is related to “the blood of the eternal covenant”. Since we receive the covenant which can redeem people from sins and is permanent, while the blood of Jesus Christ is the root and foundation to establish the covenant and becomes “the blood of the eternal covenant”, if the mediator of this covenant-- Christ did not resurrect, this “eternal covenant” can not be established firmly. Therefore, the fact that God through the blood of Jesus Christ established the eternal covenant makes him resurrect and makes the “eternal covenant ” stands firm forever.

Here, it also calls Jesus as “ great Shepherd of the sheep”. It is the promise of God through the predictions proclaimed through the prophets in the Old Testament, is that Jesus Christ is our good Shepherd (Isa 40:11; 63:11). When LORD was on the earth, He calls Himself the good Shepherd (Joh 10:11; 14:15). In the letters of the apostle Peter, he also called LORD the Shepherd (1Pe 2:25; 5:4). Such a name is to show that LORD Jesus is LORD who saves, guides, protects and tends us.

HEBREWS 13:21 equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.


In this verse, the blessings and prayers of the author are the following:

a. May God “equip you with everything good for doing his will”:

This “everything good” includes all the goodness in virtues and in works and so on. The believers not only should have good deeds, but also should have all the nature of the goodness. However, our goodness is not complete, and need God to equip us. It is because although we are willing to do good to others and do good works; it might not necessarily produce the good fruit, unless God make those good works complete. Otherwise, it might be in vain.

“doing his will”:

It points out that for those who do the will of God, must do everything good. The purpose that God redeem us is to do good works according to the will of God (Eph 2:10; 2Ti 2:21; 3:17). Here, the author asked God to strengthen and make them what they ought to be and equip them with everything good that they may carry out His will, so that they will be encouraged and do the will of God more acceptably.

b. May God “work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ”:

What is pleasing to Him is what is in accordance to His will. We must rely on Jesus Christ in us to do what is pleasing to Him, if by ourselves alone, we might not be able to do anything good. It is because LORD Jesus only seeks to please God and glorify God (Joh 5:19,30,44;17:4). Therefore, if we let Christ in us to be in charge on everything completely, we will be able to do all kinds of things that are pleasing to God.

c. “to whom (God) be glory for ever and ever”:

The believers must on everything good give all the glories to God. To give glories to God is not temporary and take back to oneself later, but is “for ever and ever” to give all the glories to Him.

(3) expectations (13:22-23)

HEBREWS 13:22 Brothers, I urge you to bear with my word of exhortation, for I have written you only a short letter.


These words of exhortations refer to the exhortations in the whole book. The biggest expectation of the author to the believers is: not only they read through all his words of exhortations, but obey all his exhortations and correct their faults right away, strengthen their feeble arms and weak knees, stand bravely in the truth, and quicken their pace to catch up. After the believers read the Bibles, what is most important is to hear and obey the exhortations in the Bible, and make one’s own life continually give out light and shine because of the enlightenments of the Bible.

HEBREWS 13:23 I want you to know that our brother Timothy has been released. If he arrives soon, I will come with him to see you.


This verse mentions Timothy; the manner of speaking is similar to Paul. Therefore, many scripture scholars think it is written by Paul. This verse shows that Timothy and the author both were familiar to the Hebrew believers. All Scripture is God-breathed (2Ti 3:16). The letters of the apostles were all written under the inspirations of the Holy Spirit of Christ (Gal 1:11-12).

“has been released”: it implies that Timothy had been put in prison.

(4) greetings and blessings (13:24-25)

HEBREWS 13:24-25 Greet all your leaders and all God's people. Those from Italy send you their greetings. Grace be with you all.


From the greeting of the author, it is apparent that there were more than one servant of God or person in charge to lead those Hebrew believers. They and “all God's people” are who the author cared about. “Those from Italy ” refer to the believers came from Italy. “Grace be with you all”; “Grace” certainly refers to the grace of LORD.


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.
