North Korea Crossed the Red Line (2)

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North Korea
/>/>Crossed the Red Line (2)

Under the pressure of the world people, North Korea/>, USA/>, China/>/> have agreed to start the six party-talks again. This is a victory of world peace loving people. The world peace affairs are the people’s affairs. Everyone in this world should contribute his/her great efforts to promote the world peace.

In the last article, we described why a Nuclear-Weapon/> Free/> Korea/> Peninsula/>/> is very critical to the world peace. In this article, we will analyze how a Nuclear-Weapon/> Free/> Korea/> Peninsula/>/> can be implemented.

First, we need to understand why North Korea/>/> pursues nuclear weapons. Let’s do a Political Simulation Test. Lets assign US/>/> President Bush a new job --- President of North Korea. Let’s see whether “President Bush of North Korea/>/>” can do better than Mr. Kim Jong-il (current President of North Korea). “President Bush of North Korea/>” will implement Freedom and Democracy in North Korea/>/>. This is better than Mr. Kim Jong-il. As an “elected” President of North Korea, Mr. Bush needs to protect his country while his country is in a war with USA/>/>. If Mr. Bush is a cow, he might consider holding a white flag to surrender to USA/>/>. However, will Korea/>/> people allow a cow as their President? No. Hence, Mr. Bush has to develop the best weapon to against his country’s enemy, a superpower of this world. Nuclear-Weapon is evidently a natural and best choice for Mr. Bush. “President Bush of North Korea/>” will develop Nuclear-Weapon (Maybe NMD too) to protect Korea/>/> and win the war against his country’s enemy.

From the above Political Simulation Test, we found that there is one root cause which caused North Korea/>/> to develop Nuclear-Weapon. This root cause is North Korea/> and USA/>/> is still in a war started from 1951. Although there is a document on pause the war, but the war status is still not terminated. That is the reason why North Korea/> develops Nuclear-Weapon, while South Korea/>/> does not. South Korea/> has normal relationship with Russia/>, China/> and USA/>/>.


In order to implement Nuclear-Weapon/> Free/> Korea/> Peninsula/>/>, six party-talks should continue. In the six party-talks, the following issues should be resolved simultaneously:

(1) North Korea/>/> should give up its Nuclear-Weapon ambitions.

(2) USA/> and North Korea/>/> should terminate their war status. A normal relationship between USA/> and North Korea/>/> should be established.

(3) The world should guarantee a peaceful Korea/> Peninsula/>/>.

(4) "Nuclear-Weapon Free" should be verifiable.
