他是是明智的, enough is enough !扭头看一眼他,我的泪水又涌出来了,我知道,年龄越大,他越想有个自己的亲生孩子。我真是真真真真是想为他生个孩子,可为什么这么人生本能的事情对我来说就这么这么的难呀!我到底做错了什么?老天!!!为什么呀?!!!他是那么一个善良的男人,我是这么的爱他,我就是想让他快乐起来,从内心里快乐起来,可现在却这么的忧伤和压抑,心里这么空,这么苦。
Really want to hug you. Understand what you have gone through.
You have done your best. We can only do our best.
We should follow the rule " Do you best and leave the rest".
Then we enjoy what we have and appreciate them.
Agree that you may adopt a child or other ways.
慧芳 发表评论于
Really want to hug you. Understand what you have gone through.
You have done your best. We can only do our best.
We should follow the rule " Do you best and leave the rest".
Then we enjoy what we have and appreciate them.
Agree that you may adopt a child or other ways.
puppytail 发表评论于
Bless you!
jennyma 发表评论于
I could feel how disappointed you are! a BIG hug! But you are so lucky that you have a good hubby.
a_mo 发表评论于
小飞马 发表评论于
"Accept things that I can not change, change the things I can."
Another thing I want to add from my personal experience is that: sometime, we can only choose what we can do, but we can not control the consequense.
It might help to appreciate what you have-- loving, supportive husband, cares from friends, etc
It might also help to learn to let go of the past, stop worring for the future.
"Accept things that I can not change, change the things I can."
nextspring 发表评论于
Big Hug! My heart goes out for you! I know how you felt, and how much you have gone through. You have tried. You need to take credit for the courage to try so hard.
On the other hand, I read somewhere, some women use egg donated from unknown donator(?). It turned out quite well.
Or, adoption is also an option.
I believe that whenever one door is closed, there is another one is opened.
There will be good stuff in store for you in the future.