It is a hot topic, who is more experienced, physicians in China vs America? It can ignite a endless debate, just like the topic, which provides better opportunity, staying in America vs going back to China? I think that physicians in both places are hard-working class. Social economic systems decided we practice in different styles. In China, my colleagues are forced to see 30-50 pts per half day, you can't expect good bedside manner. It will take a while just to say "hi,and bye" to 30 people. They have to give diagnoses without the detailed history, physical and current medications pt is taking, etc, and give a treatment plan. Physicians need to possess some magic powers, keen sense to replace and bypass diagnostic tools such as lab, CT, MRI, make a "assumption", hoping and praying no harm done to pt. While practicing here, physicians approximately see 10-12 pts per half day, detailed history is a must, also need to know current medication lists, to make sure pt's complains are not from the side effects or drug-drug interactions, etc. Here, there are standards and protocols to work up each problem. It will be absurd for me to write an expensive IV antibiotics for a uncomplicated community acquired pneumonia or cellulitis. There is guidlines to follow.
For a new pt, I will not assume pt has "Bell's palsy" without ruled-out the possibilities of ear or tooth infection, stroke or migraine etc. I will not stop at the diagnosis of Shingle just seeing a cluster blisters, I probably will rule out any possibility of immune compromise. For a established pt and I know him or her well, I may do it differently. Standard of care needs time.
I have tremendous respects for my colleagues in China. It takes a society to work together to improve the health care system. In the other hand, we have to make efforts here as well, to make health care more affordable and accessible.
最近在看"Grey's Anatomy",深深为这救死扶伤的崇高职业所感动.因为这片子也自觉和落花近了一层,所以越发的爱看了.
plus, if you haven't got chance to watch it, strongly recommend.
北方的郁金香 发表评论于
北方的郁金香 发表评论于
很想和落花与无锡妹妹一起讨论一下作为foreign-trained medical doctor 做完住院医生后的出路问题。 你们了解的信息,有很多人继续作fellow吗?如果不做fellow,多数人在什么样的医院工作?如果做了fellow,成为specailist,多数人又在什么样的医院工作?谢谢你们的任何信息!
wuximm 发表评论于
As a physician, most rewarding experiencs are human contacts, they give you the trust, friendship and compassion. We share mutual respects. Everyday, we see different faces, rich or poor, young or elderly, bright or less educated, different ethnic groups, who make our daily life colorful and lively. Everyone brings in their life story. We have never ending topics and I learn from each of them and appreciate plain simple lifestyle more. I don't desire to be wealthy but I am comfortable and content with what I have. In my opinion, money is just a number when you fulfill the basic needs, such as food, clothes, and necessity to bring up your kid.