“Santa Claus Will Be Thirsty”

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几个礼拜前,儿子就在想自己的圣诞礼物了。今年的单子特别长:gamecube, PS2, PS3,gameboy....看到他在学校里写给圣诞老人的信(学校的作业),就告诉他:“Santa Claus has a long list ofkids. If every kid ask such a long list of gifts, he probably runs out of money.”

“No, Santa Claus has a lot of money, I am sure.”

为了从爸爸妈妈这里拿到一样礼物,儿子和爸爸妈妈谈判了好几次。几次在商店里就是赖着不走。老爸自有办法治他:要么自己掏钱买 (他自己的钱不够),要么得等圣诞老人,要么得先回家签contract,保证每天玩game的时间。。。拖到最后,也没有从爸爸妈妈这里得到一个肯定的答复。最后,人家就一心一意指望Santa Claus了。

昨晚几个朋友在我们家聚会到11点。朋友的孩子离去后,儿子洗完澡,想到的第一件事就是圣诞礼物:“Dad, I don't want to go to sleep. I want to wait for Santa Claus and his gifts downstairs.”

“I don't think it's a good idea. Santa Claus never wants anybody to see him。”

“But, I saw Santa Claus even in my school.”

“That's not a  real Santa Claus. The real one takes reindeer and the sled.”

“OK, I will go to sleep. But, I need to do something.”


老妈迷惑了:“What are you doing?”

“Santa Claus will be thirsty. So I put some milk for him。”
( 有进步,去年是在姐姐的帮助下,把燕麦片撒在门口,好让路过的 reindeer停下来,吃麦片呢。)


今天8点一起来,就嚷开了:“Dad, I slept enough. I want to get up and go downstairs to check my gifts.”

“Ok. Dress up 1st.”

那里还听老爸的。只听到下楼的脚步声。跟着又是上楼的声音:“Dad, I have a big box. You have a box, and everybody have a box!”

然后扭头就跑回楼下去了。老妈只好起来,把衣服拿到楼下。女儿也惊醒了,嘴里喊着:“Don't open my box!”,往楼下飞奔。

只有老爸一个人还想赖在床上不起来。可不行啊,儿子又冲上来了:“Dad, Santa Claus gave me a gamecube! Please help me to set up.”

没办法,只好起来。问楼下的儿子:“What did your sister get?"

“She got 40 bucks(女儿把手中的钱花光了,我让老妈包了40块钱。)! What's yours, dad?  Open your box now.”

老爸打开,里面是一本2007的日历:Wine 365。知道是女儿送的礼物,就回头说:“Looks like Santa Claus wants me to drink more wine this year.”

“Yes.” 女儿笑着说。轮到老妈了,打开一看,是三枝装饰漂亮的蜡烛和一个巨大的candy ball。

“哈哈, 这是什么呀?candy ball, 谁能一口吃下去?”

笑了一回,老爸就替儿子装gamecube。姐姐在旁边帮忙。装好了,儿子激动得饭也不吃,一个人玩开了。老妈,老爸,女儿坐在厨房的桌子上吃早饭,看儿子玩得忘了形,提醒儿子:“Son, you better sign contract today.”

