看到照片,读到朋友写的短信笑了:you were pictured together with today's world-best and world -most famous-miracle pianist, and the photos are great!!!!!!One day you can aution them for one million, and your daughter must be immensely proud。其实到了这个年龄和阅历,已经是个心如止水的人,那里比得了那些年轻狂热的追星族。
He has been in Sydney. I have not attened his concert. I had heard his voice on ABC FM classic radio. The coin has two sides. He still needs time to upgrade. My Australian music friends said the problem for him is that he needs more knowledge in Europian history etc.. Let the time tell all about him in the future. Good is good. Bad is bad. When you close your eyes to enjoy music, you would not care who plays or composes.
you can watch his DVD if you have time, it is very nice. of course, compared to before, he is now much more commercialized and skilled in communication, but still, people cannt ignore his intelligence, his technique...