Outline of Esther
- Palace intrigue in Susa (1:1-2:23)
- The splendor of the court of Ahasuerus (1:1-9)
- The removal of Queen Vashti (1:10-22)
- Esther made queen (2:1-18)
- Mordecai discovers a plot to kill Ahasuerus (2:19-23)
- Struggle between Mordecai and Haman (3:1-9:19)
- Haman plots to eliminate the Jews (3)
- Mordecai appeals to Esther for help (4)
- Esther intervenes (5)
- Haman is humbled and Mordecai exalted (6)
- Haman's plot is exposed (7)
- Victory of the Jews (8:1-9:19)
- The Feast of Purim (9:20-10:3)