Outline of Esther

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Outline of Esther

  1. Palace intrigue in Susa (1:1-2:23)
    1. The splendor of the court of Ahasuerus (1:1-9)
    2. The removal of Queen Vashti (1:10-22)
    3. Esther made queen (2:1-18)
    4. Mordecai discovers a plot to kill Ahasuerus (2:19-23)
  2. Struggle between Mordecai and Haman (3:1-9:19)
    1. Haman plots to eliminate the Jews (3)
    2. Mordecai appeals to Esther for help (4)
    3. Esther intervenes (5)
    4. Haman is humbled and Mordecai exalted (6)
    5. Haman's plot is exposed (7)
    6. Victory of the Jews (8:1-9:19)
  3. The Feast of Purim (9:20-10:3)