Glowing Sunset ( 7 years old)---Poem

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The sunset was gorgeous,

It glistened far beyond my imagination.

The wind whispered and danced,

while rippling the stiff branches of the old navy tree.

Colours of blue, purple, and orange warmed my life,

while laying in the swaying green grass.

The laughter of children playing in the distance,

      soothed my body

And the chirping of birds

      filled my heart with joy.

It was the end of a beautiful day of love.

I saw the geese flying south

     in a wonderful arrow formation,

The clouds took off with all of my sadness.

I saw the humble owl and the sly fox,

     I knew it was time to leave---

I took a last glimpse at the field

and saw the moon rise up,

     The horizon looked like it had a life of its own.

(notes: my daughter's poem, written at 7 years old)
