闲聊重塑中国形象问题 (图)

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吴先生在对媒体发言时指出,西方人对东方文化认识有偏差,“龙” 这个庞然大物作为中国形象的代表往往让一些对中国历史和文化了解甚少的外国人过多地看到“龙”的凶猛残酷,咄咄逼人,充满霸气和攻击性、挑战性的一面。他建议放弃龙的形象,发掘一下凤凰”、“龙凤呈祥”等宣示温和善良与吉祥如意、幸福美满的形象,以重塑国家形象。

吴先生的建议使我注意到当今社会的一种时尚,就是人们都比较注重外在形象了。从党和国家领导人染发穿西装到假冒伪劣商品包装精美,虽然使我们的生活环境变得光鲜多了, 但也平添了几分虚伪。吴先生要重塑国家形象的企图,是不是也受到这种时尚的影响呢?我以为是的。龙是中国的传统形象,弃传统而追时髦,我也为不妥。另外,吴先生“抑龙扬凤”的初衷竟然是要迁就一些对中国历史和文化了解甚少的外国人,就更令人失望了。外国人里面没文化的文盲特多,都迁就,那还有完吗?





其中一个持有这种观点的人,就是加州大学(University of California)欧文分校教授皮特 纳瓦罗(Peter Navarro)──一位在美国广播电视媒体经常露面的著名分析评论员。他认为,中国正展开“一项大胆行动,寻求全球经济霸权”。在其所着的《即将到来的中国战争》(The Coming China Wars)一书中,他敦促美国尽其所能,遏制中国的前进步伐。


在抛出这种令人震惊的论点之后,纳瓦罗教授列出了一些潜在的触发因素,它们可能会引发中国和其它国家的冲突,尤其是中美冲突。中国的制造业产品已主宰全球许多市场,而他列举的因素就包括中国廉价制造业产品的流入问题──他将这称为“大规模生产武器”(weapon of mass production)。如今已经不新鲜的仿冒和盗版问题也被列举了出来,此外还有环境污染问题、中国不断增长的能源需求问题和中国国内社会问题。




他对中国的城市化也百般挑剔,将其视为一项蓄意的政策,以确保“大规模生产武器”获得廉价劳动力供应。然而,城市化是经济发展的标志之一。中国农业占 GDP的比例相当于中世纪的英国:2003年,中国的比例为39%,1300年,英国的比例为44%。这种情况必须改变。城市化是经济发展中一个自然(即便痛苦)的过程。但作者忽略了这一点。


为消除这种“威胁”,他提出的政策建议荒谬且可怕。他鼓吹剥夺中国在联合国安理会(UN Security Council)的否决权,理由是该国“不道德地、机会主义地使用否决权,以此作为各种离谱事件的外交盾牌”。剥夺中国的否决权,还可以起到羞辱中国的作用。





认为中国具有“建立世界经济霸权的野心”的看法,是胡说八道。宣称美国必须使用经济对抗,同时利用战争威胁作为支持,这样的看法,借用杰里米•边沁(Jeremy Bentham)的话来说,完全是匪夷所思。


Book Description

China's breakneck industrialization is placing it on a collision course with the entire world. Tomorrow's China Wars will be fought over everything from decent jobs, livable wages, and leading-edge technologies to strategic resources such as oil, copper, and steel...even food, water, and air. In The Coming China Wars, best-selling author Peter Navarro previews all these potential conflicts—and reveals the urgent, radical decisions that must be made to avoid catastrophe.

You'll learn how China's thirst for oil is driving nuclear proliferation in Iran, genocide in the Sudan, even Japan's remilitarization. You'll discover China's shocking role in the drug trade and how its reborn flesh trade may help trigger tomorrow's worst AIDS crisis. Navarro also reveals how China has become the world's most ruthless imperialist...how it is promoting global environmental disaster... and, perhaps most terrifying of all, how this nuclear superpower and pirate nation may be spiraling toward internal chaos.

The threat is real. We all must come to understand it and then act! Start here and now by arming yourself with the information and insights of The Coming China Wars.

The "China Price": Conquering the world's export markets

The real story behind China’s “weapons of mass production”

China versus U.S.: The "blood for oil" flashpoints

The coming U.S./China showdown over oil

Pirate Nation: China's state-sanctioned thievery

How China's counterfeit drugs and products can literally kill you

Triggering tomorrow's worst AIDS crisis

China's 21st century flesh trade: The seeds of a global health disaster


"Peter Navarro has captured the breadth of areas where China and the United States have fundamental conflicts of business, economic and strategic interests. He puts this into a global context demonstrating where China's current development course can lead to conflict. His recommendations for nations to coalesce to respond to the challenges posed by China are practical. This book should be in the hands of every businessperson, economist and policy-maker."–Dr. Larry M. Wortzel, Chairman, US-China Economic and Security Review Commission

"The Coming China Wars is a gripping, fact-filled account of the dark side of China's rise that will be of interest to anyone interested in this complex and fascinating country. Navarro makes no pretense toward searching for the middle ground in the China debate. He issues a call to arms for China and the rest of the world to act now to address the country's mounting problems–pollution, public health, intellectual property piracy, resource scarcity and more–or risk both serious instability within China and military conflict between China and other major powers." –Elizabeth C. Economy, C.V. Starr Senior Fellow and Director of Asia Studies, Council on Foreign Relations

"What Al Gore does for climate change, Peter Navarro does for China. This book will hit you right between the eyes. A gargantuan wake-up call." –Stuart L. Hart, S.C. Johnson Chair of Sustainable Global Enterprise, Cornell University, Author of "Capitalism at the Crossroads"

"The Coming China Wars has a wealth of fascinating information about the impact of China on the world and the perils it creates.

Because of China's great importance, this is a book we should all read." –D. Quinn Mills, Alfred J. Weatherhead Jr. Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

"This is a well researched and illuminating book and is a necessary counter to a large body of opinion that posits an inevitable and even peaceful rise of China and chooses to ignore most of the author's message."–Richard Fisher, Vice President, International Assessment and Strategy Center

