孩子趣事 - 儿子讲车价

今天全家一起去车行订了一辆敞蓬的甲壳虫(Beetle Convertible)。和Salesman讲价时,他要和经理去请示。Salesman 从经理处回来后给我降了一点价格。我想让Salesman再降$300。Salesman有些
为难,我说: I want you to reduce the price by another $300, then I will sign the contract. Now go talk to your manger. I will let my son to go with you, he will help you talk to the manager. 我的十岁的儿子,和 Salesman 一同去了经理的办公室,我们则在外面等着。通过玻璃墙我看到儿子人模人样的坐到经理的对面和经理谈话,Salesman 则站在一边。两分钟后,儿子和Salesman一起出来了,经理已经同意降价,还在办公室向我们友好地招招手。我问儿子他说了什么。他说: "I only said one sentence: 'since this is Christmas period, would you be generous enough to reduce another $300 on the price?' And he did."

我并没有告诉儿子讲什么,他居然想到了用圣诞节来软化经理的心。Salesman 告诉我今天他从一个十岁的孩子那里学到了一点说服人的技巧。

Good job, Richard. Daddy is proud of you.
