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■1.I'm a bookkeeper at a trading company.簿记员

■2. a secretary  the Secretary of State⑴(美国的)国务卿 S E C -R E T- A R Y

3.a bank emplpyee insurance salesman  unemployment ~ 失业保险 IN SUR-(R)ANCE

5.a salesperson at a  department store.




overbearing ['ouvə'bar-riŋ] a.傲慢的,骄傲自大的,蛮横的; 骄横; 霸道;


3.stubborn  stubborn ['stʌbən] a.顽固的,不听话的,执拗的,棘手的; 顽固

4.rude to me.

answer in a ~ tone 以不礼貌的语气回答

It was ~ of you to point at her.= You were ~ to point at her 你用手指她是不礼貌的

It is ~ of me to have kept you waiting 让你等,我很失礼

5.subservient to them   subservient [səb'sə:viənt]

a. 卑屈的,阿谀的(色不色唯一屈卑

b. 奉承[…]的,屈从[…]的[to]
He is ~ to his boss 他奉承老板

6.correct on that point.

a ~ judgment 正确的判断

a ~ view 正确的见解

It was on the 9th of last month,if my memory is ~ 如果我的记忆正确,那是在上个月的九号


correct 符合规定标准或符合一般承认的习惯

accurate 经由注意与努力使结果正确

exact 完全合乎事实, 真理或规定的标准

precise 连最细微处都正确

b. [...是]正确的[in]

You are quite CORRECT in thinking so 你那样想是十分正确的


You're a ( )( )

1.a competent secretary

competent [`kɑmpətənt;'kɔmpitənt] [E-E] [GOOGLE]

1 a. 能干的,有能力的(看特屯却是能干)

a ~ player [teacher] 能干的选手[教师]

b. 能胜任[於…]的,有[…的]能力的[for];有资格 的[as]

Jane is competent for teaching 珍能胜任教职

She is CONPETENT as a teacher 她有资格当一位教师

c. 有能力[资格]的

He is ~ to teach mathematics 他有能力教数学

2 足够的,充分的,充足的

He has a ~ knowledge of English 他有足够的英言知识

2.You are a good cook.

3.a good singer.

4.a good listener

5.a hard worker.




3.government employees.   G O V  E R N

4.pharmacists.  ['fa:məsist] n.制药者; 制药者/只要砝码

5.graduate students.


Graduate with honors 以优等成绩毕业

He ~d from Yale [Oxford] in 1933 他於 1933 年毕业于耶鲁[牛津]大学

He ~d in medicine from [at] Edinburgh 他毕业于爱丁堡大学的医科



1.She's polite 有礼貌的,客气的[pə`laɪt;pə'lait] 【源自拉丁文[打磨]的意思】

 a ~ man 有礼貌的人 (跑来有礼貌的人)

a ~ remark 客气的话

with ~ silence 以客气的沉默

say something ~ about ... 恭维...


polite 体谅对方心情,表示自己懂得规矩

courteous 带有避免伤害他人感情,尊严的客气

civil 保持不失礼节,不让人有不快的感觉


sophisticate [sə'fistikeit] [E-E] [GOOGLE]

n.久经世故的人,老油条 vt.篡改,曲解,使变得世故,掺合,弄复杂 vi.诡辩; 诡辩


attractive [ə`træktɪv;ə'træktiv] [E-E] [GOOGLE]

(more ~;most ~)

1 吸引人的,引人注目的,引人入胜的,诱惑人的,魅惑人的,妩媚的,动人的

((→ charming 【同义字】))

an ~ woman [story, sight] 动人的女人[故事,景色]



1.She's a CPA

2.She's a physician内科医生肺在身

P=H=Y S=I=C I=A=N physician [fi'zishən] [E-E] [GOOGLE]n.医师,内科医师贩稝

3.She's a surgeon.

surgeon ['sə:ʤən] [E-E] [GOOGLE]n.外科医生,军医,船上的医(外科医色诊)

4.She's a psychiatrist.

P=S=Y  C=H=I =A psychiatrist [sai'kaiətrist] [E-E] [GOOGLE]


5.He's an attorney. A=T=T O=R= N =E =Y代理人律

attorney [ə'tə:ni] [E-E] [额特(爱)你律师,意外吧]



■She's a good-looking woman.

■She's a good lawyer.

■She's an educated customer.有眼力的

educated ['eʤukeitid] [E-E] [GOOGLE]


■He's an aggressive salesperson.

aggressive [ə'gresiv] [E-E] [G积极的,进取的,活泼的;有冲劲的]

a.侵略的,好斗的; 敢作敢为的; 气势汹汹的@

A=G=G=R=E  S=S=I=V=E GRE 饿个来贼s舞积极爱唯一

an ~ salesman 积极的推销员

He's an arrogant person.

arrogant ['arəgənt] [E-E] [GOOGLE]

a.傲慢的,自大的; 骄纵; 骄横; 骄傲; 骄; 傲慢

■He's a possessive guy.

P=O SSESS I=V=E possessive [pə'zesiv] [E-E] [GOOGLE]n.所有格 a.所有的,占有的雨@

占有欲(强)的  (占有欲破在贼S舞)

a very ~ woman ( 在精神或性方面)占有欲极强的女人

He has a strong ~ instinct. = The ~ instinct is strong in him 他有强烈的占有欲[占有的本能]


They're 複数名詞

■They're economic analysts.

■They're our executives.

executive [ig'zekɜutiv] [E-E] [GOOGLE]

a.执行的,行政的 n.行政人员,行政部门; 总经理,董事; 主管人员

■They're slave drivers.

slave [sleiv] [E-E] [GOOGLE]

n.奴隶,附件,卑鄙的人 vi.拼命工作; 拼命工作

They're feminists.

■They’re beauticians.

beau ti cian 美容师
