O'Donnell said: The fact is that it's news all over the world. That you know, you can imagine in China it's like: 'Ching chong. Danny DeVito, ching chong, chong, chong, chong. Drunk. The View. Ching chong!
O'Donnell wrote on her Web site on Friday, 'It was not my intent to mock.' On Sunday, she called the bit 'comedy' and wrote, 'I do many accents and probably will continue to. My mom in law impression offends some southerners. What can u do? I come in peace.'
不得不用美国英语回骂一句:BITCH!SON OF BITCH!
席琳 发表评论于
闲言 发表评论于
蓝木头 发表评论于
楼下的,你说的话1/1400000000 是对的,因为你这个中国人是很让人讨厌。
Glider 发表评论于
she is so porky... I don't like her program at all. better send her some emails and let her know what we feel about her talking.
虽然我也很反感这种事情,可是应该注意到他们那些娱乐界的人是很随便的,而不是严肃的,也不一定就是有意种族歧视。 比如,那个大下巴 Jay Leno 也时常出口就可能使得非洲美国人或者亚洲人感觉受辱,可以很明显地看出他基本是为了说个笑话而已。 这和他嘲笑肥胖的人,或者其他某种人是一个性质。
chaojiang 发表评论于
jxshny 发表评论于
She also said something like: "I feel sorry for those who felt insulted or were teased at playground... I ... not on purpose. In the future I probably would do the same..."
She thought it was just bulling on playground... Boycott her.
sisiwuh 发表评论于
She is really a fat white pig without a tail. I know it's not nice, but I have to say it. We should boycott all her program.