天气预报说,东京今天开始大幅度降温。晚上回家时,在电车上拿着书,却无论如何也看不进去一个字,望着窗外的一片漆黑发呆,突然间觉得很恐慌。总有这样的时候,开始怀疑自己所做的一切是否值得,是否正确,自己的努力是否只是在浪费时间,是不是永远也无法到达自己所期待的高度,永远也无法得到自己所梦想的东西...这样的自我怀疑是种极其痛苦的精神折磨,自信心“兵败如山倒”,随之而来的是带着绝望的恐慌,情绪在一瞬间降到最低点。最后,我竟然像个打架打输了的小孩子一样,一路哭着回到家。shower的时候,情绪终于稳定下来,开始认真思考,是否应该试着学会妥协,放弃现在所做的努力;想起这些天一直在读的书里的一段话,--after suffering for a while, the guy was considering to quit, then he called his friend for advices, his friend said, "why now? since you can quit anytime." the guy thought over, he had made a lot effort, and gone through tough times, maybe he already on the half way to his goal, so why quit now??? why not just try a little more, he probably would see the goal in the very close future...since he could quit anytime, if he wanted.
right, why quit now?!
jgey 发表评论于
Clair 发表评论于
Don't you feel you made a good decision to break up with him? He doesn't deserve your love and you should feel good that you didn't let yourself trapped in a worthless relationship. Good luck and start a new relationship.