
绍华不为少年留, 恨悠悠, 几时休?流不尽, 许多愁!
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Emperor Gao's Proclamation on searching for virtuous and able men:

I have heard that among kings, none was greater than King Zhou Wen, and among hegemons, none was greater than Duke Qi Huan; yet both were dependent on virtuous and able men to gain their names. Now could it be that the empire's virtuous, wise, and able were only limited to men of ancient times? The problem has been that the ruler of men has not created relationships with them. How can the talented gentlemen of today come forward and enter the palace?

Recently with the aid of the spiritual influence of Heaven, and of virtuous and able officals, I have pacified and come to possess the empire, and made it as one family. I wish that its ancestral sacrifices will continue generation after generation without end. In the past, virtuous and able men helped me to pacify it, can it be that they will not aid me to bring peace and profit to it? As for those virtuous and talented officals who are willing to follow me, I will venerate them, and make them known. Publicly proclaim these words throughout the empire, in order to make clear my intentions.

The Censor-in-cheif Chang shall send this proclamation down to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister Xiao He the Marquis of Zan, shall send it down to all the feudal lords. The Palace Aide to the Censor-in-chief shall send it down to the Commandery Governors.

Those who have in their districts men of esteemed rectitude and bright virtue, must personally visit and recruit them, and give them chariots and send them to the Office of the Prime Minister, and write down a record of their conduct, virtue, and age. Those who have such men in their districts, but fail to report it, will, if discovered, be removed from office. Those virtuous and able men who are elderly or infirm should not be sent.

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