【单曲】One I love

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One I Love - Meav

One I love, two she loves

Three she's true to me

All of my friends fell out with me

Because I kept your company

But let them say whatever they will

I love my love with a free good will

One I love, two she loves

And three she's true to me

They tell me he's poor, they tell me he's young

I tell them all to hold their tongue

If they could part the sand from the sea

They never could part my love from me

One I love, two she loves

Three she's true to me

When I'm awake, I find no rest

Until his head lies on my breast

When I'm asleep I'm dreaming of

My own, my dear, my one true love

One I love, two she loves

Three she's true to me

When the fire to ice will run

And when the tide no longer turns

And when the rocks melt with the sun

My love for you will have just begun

One I love, two she loves

Three she's true to me

One I love, two she loves

And three she's true to me

来自Autumn的问候 12/04/2006

Autumn 发表评论于

lli_go 发表评论于
还在换? 兰花类了吧?
lli_go 发表评论于
是呀, 秋秋, 要说时区, 笑鱼跟你还近呢.

换底图啦? 是剑麻 棕榈?
Autumn 发表评论于
lli_go 发表评论于
秋秋呀, 我这是2:23am. 你这迷死人的曲, 销魂的声音... 可我这后半夜咋过呀?