If the President of the United Sates lied to the public about his personal relationship with an employee of the federal government, and his conducts happened at the premise of the federal government, this matter does not constitute a personal affair any more.
This is not a simple issue between husband and wife.
The dignity belongs to people who has it. It is not a matter of saving face. It is a matter of wheather you have it and if you have the courage to defend it.
What's between Bill and Hillary is their personal issue. But when Hillary is seeking for the white house, we as taxpaer have rights to challlenge her character.
I said this is only a starting point. I have more to say. This is not the only reason I say no to her running for the president.
Besides, I write what I think is right, and those are my thoughts. Can I be right or wrong? we all have our personal preference.
第二天下又有多少夫妻公开决裂而其中那一方很有面子的事?这种事情还不是两方都灰头灰脸,做了别人茶余饭后的笑谈?以希拉里的智力, 她会让世界拿她当孤助无援的小女人对待吗?更何况,如果她真的站出来声讨比尔了,这些个不待见她的人又会如何说:看,早就知道她看上的是比尔的权势,现在她丈夫倒了,她就脱身,自私,冷血。。。。哪里又有尊严可谈?她不过被降低到了又一个忘恩负义趋炎附势的女人。更何况在这个对待男女根本还有双重标准的社会,stand by your man 才是她保持尊严的唯一办法。也是绝大多数人都能懂得作为妻子的美德-妻子不该在丈夫落难时抛弃人家(以共和党当时的所作所为,说克林顿落难不为过)。