Complementary Chinese English Translation by NOSO | |
![]() | 1、大龄女司机,多关照!big age woman driver, many gate pictures! 2、超级面瓜闪亮登场。super powder mellon, shinning aboard! 3、人老车新,离我远点!people old car new, leave me alone! 4、新手(女)。new hand (girl)! 5、您是师傅随便超。You are my master, please go! 6、不会坡起,小心!can't climb, little heart! 7、奥拓车:别欺负我小,我哥是奥迪。don't beat me because I am little, my brother is Audi. 8、新手手潮,越催越面。new wet hand, more push more powder! 9、女司机+磨合+头一次=女魔头。woman driver + enegage + first time = woman devil! 10、当您看到这行字时,您的车离我太近了。when you see this line, your car distance me too near! 11、开不好瞎开,挤我跟你急!can't drive, but blind drive, push me I will worry you! 12、手心冒汗。hand heart has sweat! 13、人老车破又磨合。people old and car damaged plus enegage! 14、出租车:大修磨合,欢迎超车!rental car: big repaire and enegage, welcome super car! 15、一小面贴的是:面中面。little powder page: poweder in powder! 16、新车上路,内有杀手。new car has sex with road, inside killer! 17、我见过一大婶开车,后面贴了一个:“您就当我是红灯。”you are my red light! 18、一挡以上不会挂,熟练中。one block above no above, trying! 19、刹车油门分不清,都好使!brake gas share no clear, all good! 20、别看我,看路!!don't see me, see road! 21、您着急,您先走。you worry, you first go! 22、我是肉肉,车是磨磨,大家都叫我们“肉夹馍”。好吃!别尝!I am a hamburger, good eat! don't eat! 23、 驾龄两年,第一次摸车!看着办!driver age two year, 1st time touch car, look and do! 24、有本事从我头上过!if you have a book thing, drive over my head! 25、嫌慢?你去当宇航员!don't like slow, you become universe plane member! 26、本车除火控外基本配置与坦克相同this car without fire is same with tank! 27、谁能告我刹车在哪?急!who can tell me brake is where? worry! 28、中国最后一台可以公路行驶的蒸汽机车China last one on road drive steam air plane car! 29、跟我干啥?当心我挂倒档。follow me do what, heart me put the arrive file! 30、司机曾轻易摆平超级塞亚人,看着办!driver has easy put flat super outer asian people, look and do! 31、改装车排量8。0(夏历V12)change car row quantity 8.0! 32、车内禁止放屁,车外随意。car inside no release gas, car outside at you will. 33、别欺负我,我练过金钟罩!don't beat me, I studied golden clock net! 34、坦克杀手-来者不惧 tank killer-come people no afraid! 35、别看车旧,人可是新的。don't look car old, people is new one. 36. 我是盲人…… I am a busy man. |