金融数学(Financial Mathematics),又称数理金融学、数学金融学、分析金融学,是利用数学工具研究金融,进行数学建模、理论分析、数值计算等定量分析,以求找到金融动内在规律并用以指导实践。金融数学也可以理解为现代数学与计算技术在金融领域的应用,因此,金融数学是一门新兴的交叉学科,发展很快,是目前十分活跃的前言学科之一。
金融数学的发展曾两次引发了“华尔街革命”。上个世纪50年代初期,马科威茨提出证券投资组合理论,第一次明确地用数学工具给出了在一定风险水平下按不同比例投资多种证券收益可能最大的投资方法,引发了第一次“华尔街革命”, 马科威茨因此获得了1990年诺贝尔经济学奖。
1973年,布莱克和斯克尔斯用数学方法给出了期权定价公式,推动了期权交易的发展,期权交易很快成为世界金融市场的主要内容,成为第二次“华尔街革命”, 修斯因此获得了1997年诺贝尔经济学奖。2003年诺贝尔经济学奖第三次授予以数学为工具分析金融问题的美国经济学家恩格尔和英国经济学家格兰杰以表彰他们分别用“随着时间变化易变性”和“共同趋势”两种新方法分析经济时间数列给经济学研究和经济发展带来巨大影响。金融数学在我国起步比较晚,但于1997 年正式实施的国“九五”重大项目《金融数学、金融工程、金融管理》,直接推动了我国金融数学这一交叉学科的兴起和发展。

1. 概率论
2. 随机分析
Ross的Inrto to probability model可以做本科生随机过程入门,例子很多,
Karlin & Taylor的两本书非常适合硕士生用,
Karatzas Shreve有好几本书,金融数学的博士不可不读,
Revuz Yor的连续鞅是很好的书,
Chung Williams的书比oksendal稍微难一点,作为应用随机分析的标准教材很不错。
3. 前面两个清单是概率类的,但它们是远远不够的
如果你是数学/物理/计算机博士,而希望去华尔街工作,你会有什么样的机会呢?首先,期望不要太高,举个例子,一个Columbia大学的Associate Prof,做金融工程的(大概比国内大部分"牛人"做的还要好一点),最近跳到了Hedge Fund,也不得不从entry level做起,原由很简单: You have potential, BUT You Don't Know Nothing yet!另外,投行三大业务:underwriting, M&A, trading,做数理的基本和前两项无缘.
数理出身的人在华尔街去向主要是quant(may lead to a trader position in the future, 最好成绩是成为star trader 或head quant). Quant可以是前台,中台,后台.一般说来,前台是最重要的工作,风险也大,risk management和model validation风险小,但bonus也少,属于技术员
偏微(parabolic and elliptic)
1. Fixed income
2. Equity
3. Exotic Derivative
4. Credit Derivative
5. Commodity and FX
4. 控制论
控制论在portfolio selection problem和risk management里面有很多的应用,optimal stopping在美式derivative非常重要
金融数学里面用的主要是随机控制,和粘性解(因为operator is often degenerate)
1.FLEMING and RISHEL, (1975) Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal Control.
2.KRYLOV, (1980) Controlled diffusion processes
3.BORKAR, (1989) Optimal control of diffusion processes.
4.BENSOUSSAN and LIONS, (1982) Controle Impulsionnel et Inequations Variationnelles
1. Crandall, Ishii and Lions, User's guide to viscosity solutions of second order partial differential equations, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 27 (1992),
2.Fleming and Soner, Controlled Markov Processes and Viscosity Solutions, 1992.
首先,finite difference是极其常用的算法,这方面书籍很多,比如Ames...
计算矩阵: Golub and Van Loan, Matrix Computations, 1996
Kushner and Dupuis, Numerical Methods for Stochastic Control Problems in Continuous Time, 1992. Kushner's Markov chain approximation method是控制论里最有用的算法
ROGERS and TALAY, Numerical Methods in Financial Mathematics. 1997.论文集
Kloeden and Platen, Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations, 1997. 偏理论,实用性差一点
Glasserman, Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering, 2003这本书非常非常实用,可以说是金融数学数值算法的最新经典
A Guide to Econometrics: by Peter Kennedy可能是最通俗易懂的入门书
Econometric Analysis,by William H. Greene和Time Series Analysisby James Douglas Hamilton是非常标准的教材,许多学校都在用
Box Jerkins的Time Series Analysis: Forecasting & Control,当之无愧的经典
Time Series and Dynamic Models by Christian Gourieroux,Gourieroux写了许多书,但似乎他的书不如他的研究文章水准高
The Econometrics of Financial Markets,by John Y. Campbell, Andrew W. Lo, A. Craig MacKinlay,新经典啦.
(Core Course Abstracts)
Numerical Analysis I
Ideas and techniques of numerical analysis illustrated by problems in the approximation of functions, numerical solution of linear and nonlinear systems of equations, approximation of matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors, numerical quadrature, and numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.
Textbook: A. Quarteroni, R. Sacco, and F. Saleri: Numerical Mathematics, 2nd edition, Springer, 2004
Numerical Analysis II
Continuation of Numerical Analysis I.
Textbook: A. Quarteroni, R. Sacco, and F. Saleri: Numerical Mathematics, 2nd edition, Springer, 2004
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
Finite-difference schemes, investigating stability and convergence, other methods such as those of Ritz-Galerkin type and collocation.
Financial Mathematics I
Introduction to stochastic partial differential equations and extreme value theory. Applications to risk analysis and pricing financial securities, such as options and derivatives.
Textbook: S. E. Shreve, Stochastic calculus and Finance II: Continuous-time finance, Springer, 2004
Financial Mathematics II
Continuation of Financial Mathematics I. Topics covered include the solution of stochastic differential equations as Markov processes, option pricing via partial differential equations, analysis of exotic options, local and stochastic volatility models, American options, interest rate and term structure models, and application of Lévy (jump) processes to financial models.
Textbook: S. E. Shreve, Stochastic calculus and Finance II: Continuous-time finance, Springer, 2004
Regression Analysis
Review of basic statistical theory and matrix algebra; general regression models, computer application to regression techniques, residual analysis, selection of regression models, response surface methodology, nonlinear regression models, experimental design models, analysis of covariance. Emphasis on applications and many illustrative examples.
Textbook: Applied Linear Regression Models, Kutner et al., McGraw Hill, 4th edition
Applied Time Series Analysis
Model based forecasting methods, autoregressive and moving average models, ARIMA, ARMAX, ARCH, state-space models, estimation, forecasting and model validation, missing data, irregularly spaced time series, parametric and non-parametric bootstrap methods for time series, multi-resolution analysis of spatial and time series signals, time-varying models and wavelets.
Textbook: Intro to Time Series & Forecasting, Brockwell, Springer-Verlag
Methods of Statistical Inference
Theory of point and interval estimation and hypothesis testing. Topics include sufficiency, unbiasedness, and power functions. Emphasis is on application of the theory in the development of statistical procedures.
Textbook: Probability & Statistics, DeGroot, Prentice Hall, 3rd edition
Interpretation of Data I
Modern methods of data analysis with an emphasis on statistical computing. Topics include univariate statistics, data visualization, linear models, generalized linear models (GLM), multivariate analysis and clustering methods, tree-based methods, and robust statistics. Expect to use statistical software packages, such as SAS (or SPSS) and Splus (or R) in data analysis.
Textbook: Statistical Consulting, Cabrera/McDougall, Springer-Verlag