【罗马 第2季】(Rome Season 2)【更新第10集大结局】

中文名称:罗马 第二季

英文名称:Rome Season 2



演员:Haydn Gwynne 饰 Calpurnia

   Ciaran Hinds 饰 Julius Caesar

   David Bamber 饰 Marcus Tullius Cicero

   Lindsay Duncan 饰 Servilia of the Junii

   Indira Varma 饰 Niobe

   Ray Stevenson 饰 Titus Pullo

   Max Pirkis 饰 Gaius Octavian

   Kenneth Cranham 饰 Pompey Magnus



类型:剧情 动作 历史

影片长度: 平均60分钟

集数: 未知

字幕: 中文

IMBD评分:9.1/10 (1,670 votes)



       8年后,凯撒完成了对高卢的野蛮征服,凯旋回到罗马。随他而来的是骁勇善战并高度忠诚于他的军团,数量惊人的奴隶、黄金和其他战利品,还有一项极力推进激烈社会变革的民粹主义的议程。贵族们为此惊恐不已,他们威胁说如果凯撒胆敢返回罗马,他们就将以战争罪起诉他。双方力量的制衡点落在了元老院上,而凯撒的老朋友、导师 Pompey Magnus在元老院中享有最高的地位。

      就在这个关头,凯撒第13军团的两名战士Lucius Vorenus和Titus Pullo被命令去高卢的荒野中找回被偷的军团军旗,这是保证凯撒军团统一指挥行动的标志,他俩也因此被卷入了一场改变古罗马命运的历史事件中。这是一部反映爱与背叛、统治者与奴隶、丈夫与妻子的摄人内心的电视剧,也是一部再现共和国衰落和帝国兴起的多卷罗马史诗

      这是HBO和BBC的第一次合作的长系列剧,也是BBC在美国投入最多的系列剧之一,2001年两大电视网曾合作拍摄过短系列剧“兄弟连Band of Brothers "

      " 你将在屏幕上看到一个最详尽复杂和多姿多彩的古罗马,”联合制作人、执行导演及编剧Bruno Heller说,“它就像墨西哥城和加尔各答一样熙熙攘攘,充满生机,而不是一个布满白色大理石的虚假外景,罗马既是色彩明快的,也是一个非常冷酷的,它充满了活力、动力,同时也充满了混乱、堕落。人们毫无怜悯心地自相残杀,一小撮精英阶层高高在上,而大量的人群却生活在赤贫状态中。我们如今的社会也存在同样的问题:犯罪、失业、疾病和保持社会地位的压力。如果你很聪明的话,还有向上攀附的潜力。”




第1集:   http://www.uploading.com/files/PI1CJJSL/

第2集:   PART1    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6MI9X9GD

                PART2    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C15KUFFB

第3集:   PART1    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O6ZH8JWO

                PART2    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4S7ZI09V

第4集:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1XE6IUWM

第5集:   PART1    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6DPDHD3Z

                PART2    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=36WTW6PM

第6集:   PART1    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3SHR0SW9

                PART2    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IHSWQUT9

第7集:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WKXMUTDI

第8集:   PART1    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z34RK4W7

                PART2    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A7IAU6HB

第9集:   http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9ACF08JP

第10集: PART1    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=00IT9BJS

                 PART2    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3NLFQBBN

aatiger 发表评论于
Smokytiger, thanks first, but do you ever read replies and comments from your blog? So many people are asking help for the first episode of season II, why don't you do anything to respond?
aatiger 发表评论于
Thanks a lot, smokyTiger! I really enjoy this TV series!
calla888 发表评论于
Hi, SmokeyTiger,

Thanks for your hard work on this. However, an old question: could you please update the first one of Rome 2 on uploading? I guess the download link is expired. It'll be highly appreciated.

waterloo2007 发表评论于
Hi SmokeyTiger,

Can you tell us how to download the first episode? The link you provided led us to the uploading.com homepage.

h-4cool 发表评论于
Now it's ended! I feel that I've lost a good friend. Though I hated the idea that HBO didn't end the story without season 2, I have to admit that they've done a great job, giving the short budget and time. The last triumhp scene is gorgous and the close-up shot of Atia is unforgettable! (By the way, I hate that they didn't give Atia, my favorite character, enough storyline in season 2. Let's use Captain Butler's line here: 'what a woman!')

I gave 10 to season 1 and 8 to season 2. However, as a complete drama, Rome stands on top of all TV programs nowadays - 10 out of 10!

My hat's off - HBO and dear SmokyBuddy here!
addwater 发表评论于
I don't agree with h4-cool. In my opinion, the best part of this show is the ending of season 1 and the beginning of season 2. And season 2 is at least as wonderful as season 1, if not more.
I love this show! Thanks, smokeytiger
h-4cool 发表评论于
Season 2 is way below my expectation and has nothing to compare with season 1. If you haven't seen them, save your time.

I kept downloading just because I enjoyed Season 1 so much and hope that some real pieces of good plot coming up later.

Don't turn us dwon, HBO!
alohamusic 发表评论于
Thamk you SmokeyTiger. This is one of the best TV shows I have ever seen.
mthanks 发表评论于
Thank you so much.
rookie2007 发表评论于
Hi, SmokeyTiger,

Thanks for uploading so many good pictures. Could you tell me how to download the first one of Rome season 2? It seems upload.com doesn't work well.

