过节了,电视里好戏连台:1日放了维也纳新年音乐会,我看了后半场;2日放了这部《Million Dollar Baby》。看了前半场,已近半夜12点,猜想接下来无非就是苦练成器然后打遍天下,就不想再看,去洗澡了。睡前再瞄一眼却意外地看到了不一样的结局:女主人公在比赛中被对手卑鄙地偷袭,颈椎被打断了,造成全身瘫痪,她要求教练帮助她安乐死。她的教练(Clinton Eastwood饰)处于巨大的矛盾、痛苦中。。。。。。
In English the (controversial) practice of physician-assisted suicide for patients in great pain and the terminally ill is called Euthanasia, which is defined in www.m-w.com as "The act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy."
I think anyone with pride in those situation would think of this way of ending his/her life.