16 Jacob won wrestling

1. Jacob beat the LORD in wrestling ! I guess it was his persistence that won God's blessing. I was kind of disappointed to see nothing happened when Esau met Jacob after 20 years. On the other hand, it was so natural -- after all, they were twin brothers. Blood is thicker than water.

  What a retaliation against Shechem! I think Simeon and Levi over-reacted. Killing every male in the city for one man's fault didn't seem right at all.

2. Jesus kept preaching. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." -- what a promise!

3. "there is no one who does good, not even one. " -- This explains that each and every one of us are sinners.

4. Wisdom and knowledge comes from the LORD!

-凡凡- 发表评论于
每日灵修 -- 01/16

创世记 32:13-34:31
为了解除哥哥以扫的仇恨,雅各做足了谦卑的功课。 以扫消除了对雅各的仇恨和苦毒,哥俩和好,感谢神!


34:30-34:31 西缅和利未为要报复示剑奸污底拿,就欺骗、抢掠、杀害示剑城的人。他们要伸张公义的心是对的,但是为求目的不择手段却是错了。因为他们的罪行,父亲雅各在临终前咒诅他们(49:5-7)。若干世代以后,西缅的子孙要失去部分神所应许他们的土地。当我们想以恶报恶的时候,千万不要鲁莽,只要让神伸冤报应,我们就可以避免陷入罪恶的网罗里。

马太福音 11:7-11:30
- 我这个“努力:的意思和我们得救本乎恩,不要自己努力,只是因信称义不同,我是这样理解的: 作为基督徒,在十字架的道路上会有逼迫,需要我们不怕压力,坚定努力地前行。其次,人生最大的战场是自己的思想,最大的敌人是自己(老我),我们每天都要和自己的肉体争战,只有努力被圣灵充满,被耶稣基督引领,才能战胜自己,更新自己成为新造的人。 第三,天国的道路是高出我们心思意念的,我们的阿爸天父是圣洁完美的,我们基督徒需要不断追求天上的真理,不断更新和洁净自己,我们在世界上的道路如同逆水行舟,不进则退,又如同攀登高山,若不努力向上,则会衰落深渊。

2)耶稣说,父阿,天地的主,我感谢你,因为你将这些事,向聪明通达人,就藏起来,向婴孩,就显出来。 父阿,是的,因为你的美意本是如此。 ---- 愿我永远记住这些话,父啊,你的美意本是如此。一切都出自于你,我愿意像婴孩对父亲一样,永远相信你,依靠你!

-- 感谢主!这样的经节不知安慰和鼓励了多少人,神是我们的避难所,是我们患难中随时的帮助!阿门!

3) 我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式。。。我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的。
--- 学习耶稣基督,从里到外都做到柔和谦卑。啊,这个功课很难呀,求圣灵帮助我!我愿意摆上自己,愿意被神改变,求神将柔和谦卑还有充满爱的生命做成到我的生命中,阿门!

诗篇 14:1-14:7

箴言 3:19-3:20
耶和华以智慧立地。-- 从天而来的智慧是何等的宝贵!

荒漠甘泉 01/16

神愿意造就一个可用之材,神就把他放在风雨之中,让他经过风雨的生活。世上许多作大事业的伟人,都是经历过艰难和痛苦的,神国中的伟人,也是如此。如果神要用一个人,他必定会先答应了这人奉献的祷告:“主啊,拿我,劈我,用我。”--- 是的! 我愿意经风雨,经磨练,为要被神造就,为要生命更坚毅、更丰盛。

寒江雪~ 发表评论于
Agree with both of you.
1.Very glad to see that two brothers met each other peacefully. I thought Jacob might have told a lie to Esau before today's reading :).
2.Killing story was so cruel! Why didn't God do somenting to avoid it?
3.Did Jacob know he wrestled with the God when he was doing that? He was so brave if he knew it at that tiem. I thought he should show the fear of God!
~蓑笠翁 发表评论于
Yes, Jacob had his strengths so that God chose him and blessed him. It is good see that Esau and Jacob met peacefully. And Jacob told a lie again. The last story was too bloody!

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." I like this verse. In our life, we have to carry burdens. Like myself, I feel tired sometimes. Thanks Lord to carry our burdens and relieve ourselves!

Psalm: Today's reading reminds me that it is so easy to lose directions if there were no God in life!