出门在外,尤其置身异国他乡因语言、肤色的不同及环境和文化的变迁,令我们的生活和事业更加艰辛不易,以至消沉彷徨,不知所措。因此显得我们更需要互相提 携勉力。让我们不计贫富贵贱,不计教育层次,不计地位高低,不计区域出身,为我,为你,为我们的子孙后代在海外闯出美好的生活和成功的事业奉献自己的绵力。
探讨-如何尽可能的避免掉入不良律师的陷阱? http://www.sinomontreal.ca/bbs/showthread.php?t=376607
Chinese Family Services Great of Montreal 514 861 5244 适合新移民尤其有语言障碍的华裔同胞解决一些家庭及社会方面的问题。
Project Genesis (Metro Cote St-Catherine) 514 738 2036 适合各层次的民众,尤其是低收入民众解决一些家庭,社会及法律等方方面面的问题。
Head & Hands (Sherbrooke W.) 514 481 0277 适合青少年人士(年龄16-35之间)和未婚及已婚的年轻家庭提供家庭,社会,就业和 法律等方面的服务。
RECLAIM (FREE ENGLISH ONE BY ONE TUDORING SCHOOL) 514 369 7835 根据申请人的需求提供免费英语语言一对一辅导。
DAY CARE(儿童幼托) 按居住地或工作地点搜寻:
政府机构服务 Quebec government portal of services: 魁北克省政府服务门户 http://www.gouv.qc.ca/wps/portal/pgs?lang=en
Régie des rentes 魁省低收入家庭补贴 http://www.rrq.gouv.qc.ca/en/servic...vices_en_ligne/ Montréal region: 514 873-2433 Québec region: 418 643-3381 Toll-free 1 800 667-9625
租务纠纷及法律咨询 WMCA Housing Legal Clinic (Stanly/Maisonnueve) 514 849 8393 At inside of YMCA - Downtown Montreal Open every Sunday 11:00am, free consultation.
Saturday in N.D.G 6462 Sherbrooke W #2 corner of Cavendish
From 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. OR Sunday Downtown in YMCA on Stanley 1440 Stanley # 517 From 10.30 a.m. to 1.00
p.m. Landlords & Tenants Housing Hotline 514 488-0412 or 990-0190 24-hour services related housing problem, free of charge 为民众提供租房方面的咨询。
一个对房东有用的机构: http://www.corpiq.com/ 一个对房客有用的机构: http://www.rdl.gouv.qc.ca/
Quebec Rental Board/La Régie du logement 魁北克省租屋仲裁庭 http://www.rdl.gouv.qc.ca/en/9_0/li...x.asp?bur_id=31 Montréal region: 1-514-873-2245
Mc Gill Legal Information Clinic 514 398 6792 为民众提供法律信息条款,但不提供咨询服务。
UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL LEGAL CLINIC 514-343 6633 为民众提供法律信息条款,但不提供咨询服务。
投诉及基本权益保护College Medicins du Quebec 514 933 4441 http://www.cmq.org/ 专门处理病人及家属对医院及医生失职的投诉。
Barreau du Quebec (Syndic) 514 954 3438 http://www.abcqc.qc.ca/Main/ 专门处理民众对律师失职及舞弊的投诉。
Quebec Ombudsman 514 873 2032 http://www.protecteurducitoyen.qc.c...ainte/index.asp 专职处理公民基本权益被侵的投诉,协调政府和公民之间的摩擦。
Quebec Human Rights 514 873 7618 http://www.cdpdj.qc.ca/en/home.asp?...&noeud2=0&cle=0 专职受理方方面面的歧视投诉案例,包括经济赔偿惩罚。
Barreau du Quebec 514 954-3400 or toll free 1 800 361-8495 专职受理对律师失职和舞弊投诉案例,包括经济赔偿惩罚。 http://www.barreau.qc.ca/ (法语) 445, boulevard Saint-Laurent Montr้al Qc H2Y 3T8
Chambre des notaires du Québec 专职受理对公证员失职的投诉案例 600-1801, McGill College avenue Montreal ( Quebec ) H3B 3L2 Phone : (514) 879-1793 or 1 800 NOTAIRE 1 800 668-2473 Fax : (514) 879-1923 http://www.protectionpatrimoine.org/en/ For more information, please contact: information@cdnq.org Tribunal Administratif du Quebec 开始行政法庭,专职仲裁政府、医院机构对公民包括房产估价地税等的不公http://www.taq.gouv.qc.ca/english/index.jsp
(514) 873-7154, (418) 643-3418 1 800 567-0278 (toll-free)
In Montréal: Tribunal administratif du Québec Secrétariat 500, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest 21e étage Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1W7
In Québec: Tribunal administratif du Québec Secrétariat 575, rue Saint-Amable Québec (Québec) G1R 5R4
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments http://www.cba.ca/en/ViewDocument.a...l=293&docid=480 专职受理金融方面的投诉并协调赔偿 P.O. Box 896, Station Adelaide, Toronto, ON M5C 2K3
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments Toll Free Telephone: 1-888-451-4519 Toll-Free Fax: 1-888-422-2865 Toronto area telephone: (416) 287-2877 Toronto area fax: (416) 225-4722 E-mail: ombudsman@obsi.ca Web site: obsi.ca
这是专门投诉警方的机构: Commissaire à la déontologie policière (Police Ethics Commissioner) http://www.deontologie-policiere.gouv.qc.ca/qui_commissaire_en.asp
E-mail of the Police Ethics Commissioner
In Québec 1200, route de l'Église, RC-20 Sainte-Foy (Québec) G1V 4Y9
Telephone : (418) 643-7897 Toll-free number : 1 877 237-7897 Fax : (418) 528-9473
In Montréal 454, place Jacques-Cartier, 5th floor Montréal (Québec) H2Y 3B3
Telephone : (514) 864-1784 Fax : (514) 864-3552
Opening hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Return to the top of the page Comité de déontologie policière (Police Ethics Committee) E-mail of the Police Ethics Committee
In Québec Tour du Saint-Laurent, 2nd floor, suite A-200 2525, boul. Laurier Sainte-Foy (Québec) G1V 4Z6
Telephone : (418) 646-1936 Fax : (418) 528-0987
In Montréal 500, boul. René-Lévesque Ouest 6nd floor, bureau 6.100 Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1W7
Telephone : (514) 864-1991 Fax : (514) 864-2471
The Committee sits throughout the province of Québec. Offices are open from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
L'Office de la protection du consommateur 魁北克消费者保护办公室 400, boul. Jean-Lesage, suite 450 Québec QC G1K 8W4 Toll free: 1 888-OPC-ALLO (1-888-672-2556) - in Quebec only Fax: (418) 528-0976 Web Site: www.opc.gouv.qc.ca
Montréal - Laval - Montérégie Village Olympique 5199, rue Sherbrooke Est bureau 3671, Aile A Montréal (Québec) H1T 3X2
Fax : (514) 864-2399 http://www.opc.gouv.qc.ca/e_ReachUs/address.asp
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Associated Collection Agencies Write a review
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(ARO) Agence de Recouvrement Ogilvie Write a review
1001 Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, QC H2L 1L3 - (514) 322-1414
Category: Collection Agencies
Website - Directions
Crédit Protection Write a review
103-1558 Rue Viel, Montreal, QC H3M 1G5 - (514) 723-1010
Category: Collection Agencies

Saulnier Robillard Lortie Huissiers De JusticeS ENC Write a review
407 St Laurent, Montréal, QC H2Y 2Y5 - (514) 878-3143
Category: Collection Agencies
Website - Directions
Paquette & Associés Huissiers de Justice SENC Write a review
511 Place d'Armes, Montreal, QC H2Y 2W7 - (514) 284-1007
Category: Collection Agencies
Website - Directions
Nor-Don Agence de recouvrement inc Write a review
50 Cremazie Bl O, Montreal, QC H2P 2T1 - (514) 383-5711
Category: Collection Agencies

Kolleco Service De Recouvrement Write a review
80 Rue Fleury Ouest, Montreal, QC H3L 1T2 - (514) 385-3635
Category: Collection Agencies

Global Credit And Collection Write a review
2055 Rue Peel, Montreal, QC H3A 1V4 - (514) 284-5533

Excel Collection Services Ltd Write a review
1117 Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Montreal, QC H3B 1H9 - (514) 842-8787
Lawyer Referral Centre 514 866 2490 根据案例需求为民众推荐相应的律师。
法律及法律基本权益 Legal Aid 514 864 7666 Commission des services juridiques- Legal Aid 为低收入单身人士和家庭提供法律经济援助。
Legal Aid Revision Committee 514 849 9488 专职仲裁审理低收入单身人士和家庭提供法律经济援助的被拒案例。 Montréal 此网页是蒙城西岛地区的法律援助机构:Legal Help Organizations In West Island AreaTRUSTEE Free consultation
公司及个人破产法保护: 8000, Boulevard Décarie Montréal, QC Phone: 514) 731-3191 Ext: 461 Bankruptcy Montreal Quebec: http://www.hoyes.com/bankruptcy-montreal.htm就业创业服务
JOB SEARCH CENTRE 514 733 3026
就职技巧强化训练课程。 就业机会网络信息: http://www.relocate2canada.com/jobs.phphttp://www.jobbank.gc.ca/http://www.jobsmontreal.com/employers.htmhttp://placement.emploiquebec.net/m....asp?CL=english青年就业辅导服务中心:Youth Employment Services (YES) http://www.yesmontreal.ca/yes.php630 René Lévesque Blvd. W., Suite P-185 Montreal, QC H3B 1S6 Telephone: (514) 878-9788 Fax: (514) 878-9950 Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Email: info@yesmontreal.caSAJE MONTRÉAL CENTRE
加国公民并参加 SAJE 失业自救,详情点击 PROGRAM SAJE: http://www.sajemontrealcentre.com/english/nav_1_c.htm Head Office 5160 Décarie Boulevard, Suite 820 P.O.Box 22 Montréal (Québec) H3X 2H9T.: (514) 485-SAJE(7253) Fax: (514) 485-4933E-mail: info@sajemontrealcentre.com如果你无法知道哪个部门或机构可以协助你解决问题,不妨打如下电话: Information Referral Centre Great of Montreal 514 527 1375 http://www.info-reference.qc.ca/index_a.html
如诸位作了以上努力后仍无法解决,本人非常愿意和诸位一起探讨是否尚有其它途径E-mail: peterpan1668@yahoo.ca因大家的要求,续【 USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR QUEBEC-CHINESE】本人再次抛砖引玉,为大家提供一些能为诸位解决实际问题的网站【USEFUL WEB FOR QUEBEC-CHINESE】。点击: http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=317353以下尚有几个机构或许能为那些因执法不公而造成的冤案假案的不幸者仗义执言: INJUSTICE QUEBEC Carlo Tarini, directeur général Speacher's corner: Event at Lafontaine Park is moved to Mount-Royal Metro station from now on, every Sunday 1:00pm(514) 916-2436 info@injusticequebec.cawww.injusticequebec.ca
1710, RUE BEAUDRY MONTRÉAL (QUÉBEC) H2L 3E7 Télephone: (514) 525-5273 Télécopieur : (514) 525-7183 Sans frais: 1-866-442-5273 Courriel: info@majquebec.orghttp://www.majquebec.org/因不公无法获得申诉,可联系 INJUSTICE QUEBEC SPEECHER'S CORNER 向公众申诉你的不平。如语言有困难可和本人联系: peterpan1668@yahoo.ca 个人不幸经历参考: SUMMARY OF BEING A VISTIM OF CRIME AND INJUSTICEhttp://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=336895其它方面可以为你生活提供方便的机构如:
魁北克消费者保护办公室 L'Office de la protection du consommateur
400, boul. Jean-Lesage, suite 450 Québec QC G1K 8W4 Toll free: 1 888-OPC-ALLO (1-888-672-2556) - in Quebec only Fax: (418) 528-0976 Web Site: www.opc.gouv.qc.caMontréal - Laval - Montérégie Village Olympique 5199, rue Sherbrooke Est bureau 3671, Aile A Montréal (Québec) H1T 3X2 Fax : (514) 864-2399 http://www.opc.gouv.qc.ca/e_ReachUs/address.asp其它:
ST EUSTACHE 跳蚤市场--从蒙城出发,延著 HIGHWAY 13, 向北到ST EUSTACHE 出口不远处便可看到。
其实一般的医院均有精神科,大的医院还分儿童和成人(Children/Adults Mental Institution)如: Jewish General Hospital, Vistoria Hospital, Montreal General Hospital 及 Notre Dame Hospital 等。而心理医生亦分两种:
Psychiatry doctor: 如有太阳卡医疗免费,药物自费;住院治疗全免--侧重药物治 疗附以心理辅导。 Psychologist doctor: 视个人经济情况而定,但私立的不论经济如何均需收费--以 心理辅导为主加以药物治疗。 但是西医侧重药物治疗,而西药Anti-Depressant 往往有很大的副作用;尤其当病人住院治疗,由于有些医务人员不尊重精神病人,往往病人无谓的白受委屈。这些是大家必须注意的。 应该说,很多病人均因遭受极大的压力、打击或刺激精神承受不了才得病的。他们需要得到人们的理解、尊重、体贴和关怀远远胜过药物治疗,遗憾的是这儿的心理医生往往只侧重药物,强调病人体内的化学成分平衡,其结果是病人的病情越治越糟。本人深有体会: Medical Error & Discriminationhttp://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=46356Asian Traditional Medical Treatment--personal experiencedhttp://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=68325作为病人本身应该尽量放开心怀,万事退一步想,退一步海阔天空;诸事许努力进取,但必须泰然处之。世事不尽人意、不平不公的事比比皆是;人生本来苦多于 乐,尤其是我们身处异国他乡,人文背景大相径庭,因此心态的调整是非常重要的。本人受冤屈前后整十年,虽时时不断的追求还我公道,迄今尚未结果。如果不是 自己宽慰调整心态,即便不死亦疯了。 Problem Hot Line 514 483 3033 Face to Face Hot Line 514 934 4546 为民众提供心理热线服务,尤其是对生活前途绝望者提供在线心理辅导,鼓励绝望者继续生存的信心。 以下那个可能是比较专业的: The Argyle Institute of Human Relations Tel.: 514.931.5629 Fax: 514.931.8754 4115 rue Sherbrooke Ouest - 5ième Étage Montréal, Québec, H3Z 1K9 CANADAhttp://www.argyleinstitute.org/inde...ontact&Itemid=3The Argyle, a unique non-profit, charitable organization that was established in Montreal in 1982, to provide counselling and psychotherapy services, and to be a post-degree training facility for mental health professionals. The Argyle has been an invaluable community asset for more than twenty years. It has established a solid reputation for its training programs in Individual Psychotherapy, as well as Marital and Family Therapy. The latter is accredited by the American Association of Marital and Family Therapy (AAMFT). In conjunction with its training programs, the Argyle provides accessible mental health services as an alternative to the overwhelmed resources in the public sector. Counseling and therapy are available on a sliding fee scale that is geared to the client's family annual income. When it is appropriate, there is collaboration with other mental health care providers and mental health agencies. The Argyle has a three-fold mission to: - Offer counseling and psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and families; workshops, lectures, as well as prevention-oriented mental health programs;
- Offer mental health care providers with opportunities for continuing professional development;
- Conduct research in order to improve our programs and services.
ACTION AUTONOMIE 514 525 5060 为心理创伤者提供保护和援助。
GAP(HELP FILE COMPLAINT) 514 524 0607 为有语言及书写困难的投诉者代言投诉。