回到办公室我们继续讨论病情,主治医生和住院医生若无其事地把话题转移到下一个病人身上,而我的眼眶却慢慢潮湿起来,不知道为什么,只是觉得心里非常难受,一个健康快乐的老太太,两个星期,就这样被彻底改变了生命历程,她看我的眼神,带着微笑,每天早上还总是先问我:how are you today, doc? 我怎能当作什么事情都没发生过。
主治医生发现我神态异样,说are you OK? 我摇摇头,说no, I feel bad about Mrs K, this case broke my heart. 主治医生说,我们都尽力了,我知道你每天接触她时间最多,建立了感情,感觉很难过,但是作为医生,要明白自己的职业局限,不能太attach。
I am so sorry to hear that. Hug...
Please try to have a relaxing weekend :)
落花飘零 发表评论于
today i signed Mrs K's death certification.
绿豆红茶,HIT is certainly a concern, we did follow her plt count everyday, no obvious dropping, I don't know what's the exact reason of her LE arterial occlusion, my guess is from massive compression during sugery.
I have been reading your blog for a long time and I really admire your hard work :)
I don't know if you watch the TV show "Grey's Anatomy". One of the interns, Dr. Izzie Stevens has told the chief that she is both a compassionate person and a surgen, and that both are essential in defining who she is as a human being. She and other real surgens I know, including my mom, have taught me that it is the compassion you feel for your patients that makes you a better doctor.
I know too little about Ms K's condition to make a guess here, but may I ask two questions:
Did doctors administer unfractionated heparin, or low molecular weight heparin for her surgery? What happens to her platelet count? I just thought her symptom looks similar to one of the thrombotic disorder--heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). HIT typically develops 4-14 days after the administration of heparin, and with the auto-immune type (type II), clot formation is mainly arterial and rich in platelets, while thrombotic events are mostly in the lower limbs, skin lesions and necrosis may also occur at the site of the heparin infusion.
Again, I do not know the genetic background and family history of that lady. If this sounds irrelavant, or the information comes too late, then forget about it :)
Have a good night.
小马999 发表评论于
狮王说的好像很对,专业水平高!另外,是不是有些凝血因子突变的病人 under stress 时,就特容易出现血栓,高凝血状态。落花妹妹能不能给我们从专业方面分析一下?端个板凳我先在前排占个座。
A recent study researched the overall quality in almost 5,000 non-federal U.S.hospitals. Interesting findings showed that on average, 28% overall lower inhospital risk-adjusted mortality associated with the 16 procedures and diagnoses, and 5% overall lower complications associated with the 10 procedures experienced by Medicare patients at Distinguished Hospitals for Clinical Excellence compared to all other hospitals.
Do the search and see where your hospital stand, our one is not within the top 5% although it was listed on the top 10 ranked by another annual publication.
I was in your shoes once. I would loss sleep and my appetite over every little disappointment. I was barely survive in my intern year. I had learned to lower my expectations, which was " do no harm to patients, get by and pass each rotation so no need to repeat again, try not to be the weakest intern in my class". I was so busy that I didn't even notice how the other interns were doing. In the end, there were two interns did not get 2nd year contracts renewed and another one had to let go in his 6th months. All three were American graduates. I ranked 2nd at annual in-service exam. Most likely, you are not as weak as you think. What will be worse: kill yourself by pushing self too hard vs repeat intern year? Yesterday, on Pri-med CME conference, I met the guy fired from our program, he is all happy and is currently practicing in Louisiana, I can't trace any past trauma on him at all. Life goes on.
It is OK for a intern to say "I don't know or I am not sure". As a attending myself, I always like those interns who are sincere and trying hard though may have a difficult start and I never fail them. I worried the most are those who know a little and pretend to know it all, make mistakes and always blame on others. You are definitely not one of them, you are fine intern and good physician. Have faith in you. Another point is: medicine is what we do but not who we are. Trying to have fun with other interesting things.
落花飘零 发表评论于
thank you guys for the support, i think i am over reacting for this case, every team did their job, just happened to have a very unfortunate outcome.
6hr, i think i need to defense myself and my colleagues a little bit here. there is no malpractice in this case, everything was well done and followed with guideline, if we could do this again, we would still do the same thing. As a matter of fact, the family was giving up, but we are still doing everything we can to see if there is any chance. I don't know how far we will go, maybe tomorrow my attending will give the call.
WUXIMM, thank you for the advice, i think i am exactly this kind of personality you described, and i think most of my colleagues are like me. I care about every feedback from other people, how can I not? my attending has talk with me every two weeks about every improvement after i recieve the feedback. i am struggling with my self esteem everyday, a word can make my day, and a word can ruin my day. this is driving me crazy.
6hr 发表评论于
有一种可能性:他们知道有,但是没有告诉你。怕你更伤心。Do you have Mortality & Morbidity Conference month/weekly? When I was in Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital in Hangzhou, we did that, for better doing next time. Learned a lot from that.
We had more terrible experience, In 1994, the 1st year of the hospital, we, a group of not well trained young doctors just like murders in the Hospital. one of my head trauma patient loss life because of GI bleeding, the blood arrived a few minutes after he died. Only if I know more about Cardial Pulmonary Ressusitation. He may well alive now. Another case is a 17 year young girl, trauma, died of spleen(may be more organs) rapture. If the 1st line doctor had more experience. The girl will have a happy life. Fortunately, things changed after Dr. Bryner from California trained us Advanced Trauma Life Support and lots of other things. He has all the characteristics of American surgeons, and furthermore some religious devotion spirit. When he set a goal he never give up.
He trained many good doctors in Sir Run;;and the Hosptal is a good Hospital, famous in Laparoscopy now.
Yes I cried for my head trauma patient. I have more to blame than you.
Observing a lovely lady withering away, you felt the sense of failure and naturely broke down. You only can save those who can be saved. Practicing medicine is indeed very stressful. To heal a person, one must first be a person. There is a limit how much a person can achieve. Most physicians fit the descrpition of obsessive-compulsive personality-want everything to be perfect, set a unrealistic goal and put on lots of stress on themself. During this busy season, I hope you take good care of yourself. "Taking care of yourself is not selfish, but rather it is self-preservation". I hope you set a realistic goal and reduce the need of external validation. It will help you cope with the stress.