种族歧视 与 自我种族歧视 -- 旁观Big Brother种族歧视纷争

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种族歧视 与 自我种族歧视 -- 旁观 Big Brother 种族歧视纷争

在一片对种族歧视者 Jade Goody 的喊骂声中,一个来自 Shilpa 故乡宝莱坞的声音格外的与众不同:宝莱坞一位电影制片人如是评价说 ‘ 除非你愿意没人能够侮辱你。 Shilpa Shetty 为了苦苦寻求西方认同而付出了代价(在真人秀中被 bully )。为了 ‘ 西进 ’ ,卑躬屈膝的给西方人舔靴子,真是太可悲了。 ’ ( Bollywood filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt in Mumbai's DNA newspaper: "I believe no-one can insult you without your permission. Shilpa Shetty has paid the price for trying to desperately seek the approval of the West. "It is pathetic how we can go on bended knees and lick the boots of Westerners in an effort to be part of their world." )
语带讥讽,言外之意不外乎 ‘ 你这不都是自找的么。谁叫你崇洋媚外,没事儿往人西方世界凑合呀?该!活该! ’ 其言之凿凿又正气凛然,俨然捍卫民族尊严大义,大棒打向 ‘ 为祖国抹黑 ’ 的人。
颇具讽刺意味的是,相对祖国人民的冷冷指责,英国各界异口同声对种族歧视行为的抨击和对这位印度女演员的声援不能不令人汗颜。这次真人秀暴露了英国一部分人对歧视外族的现状,同时更暴露了印度人对自己的歧视 —— 自我种族歧视!看似 ‘ 我不屑跟你们掺乎的傲骨 ’ ,深层次是骨子里深深的自卑,知道自己比不上人家生怕被人歧视了。
旅居海外的外族人们,除了要跟当地的种族主义者抗争,还要跟来自故乡的自我种族歧视抗争,这是一种悲哀。家乡的父老乡亲也不都总是面目可亲的,这不,来不来就扔顶大帽子给你戴上。要不怎么说海外很多华人心底都有种共识呢? -- 就是千万要夹着尾巴做人,而且只许比在国内时夹得更紧!要不然一个不小心你就是数典忘祖了!
不同肤色种族的人群里都有精英也都有令人不齿的害群之马,当然更多的是你我一样的普通人。白人里也有 white trash, 这次真人秀里被大家以 82% 之高的投票率扫地出门的 Jade 就是个典型。种族主义者哪儿都有,但不论在哪里都应该是人民公敌,他们的存在从来也不应该,而且本来也不是阻止人们自由流动的障碍。这就好比说谁家孩子在学校里受了欺负,那这学就不上了?
话说回来,国人对黑人戏谑的称呼 ‘ 老黑 ’ 又何不是严重的种族歧视呢?以肤色区别对待和称呼别人,就是典型的歧视!可是又有几个人认识到呢?再如管人家印度人叫 ‘ 阿叉 ’ ,简直就是恶劣粗俗至极。却从没听到华人社会中形成响亮地反对声。话扯远些,除了瞧不起皮肤比咱黑,素质跟咱差不多的印巴人,国人还瞧不起很多自己人,君不见 ‘ 城里人对农村人的歧视 ’ , ‘ 大城市对小城市人的歧视 ’ ,瞧不起比自己差的又过度敬畏相对自己处于强势的,等等势利的价值观。尊重,难道不应当适用于每一个人,不论他 / 她来自强势群体还是弱势群体?!也许是我太偏激,但有时候我真的没办法说服自己祖国是一个比英国更平等,更具有正义感的社会。
The Sun newspaper editorial: "Jade Goody went into the Big Brother house appearing to be simply a fun-loving working-class girl canny enough to have made millions from her 15 minutes of fame. It was all a meticulously manufactured lie.
She has left the house with her true personality laid bare - a vile, pig-ignorant, racist bully consumed by envy of a woman of superior intelligence, beauty and class." 

TV presenter Lorraine Kelly said she hoped Goody would "now disappear into obscurity".

"There really has to be an end to the celebration of stupidity and ignorance",

On Saturday, London mayor Ken Livingstone told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "I think everyone is delighted that we got the result we did last night.

"Otherwise the image of Britain across India, which is the second-biggest investor in London after America now, would have been really damaged and it would have done a lot of harm to people's jobs."

 BBC Sunday, 21 January 2007:  Education Secretary Alan Johnson has said  "ignorance and bigotry" shown on the Channel 4 reality show must be tackled. 

Mr Johnson said: "The current debate over Big Brother has highlighted the need to make sure our schools focus on the core British values of justice and tolerance.

"We want the world to be talking about the respect and understanding we give all cultures not the ignorance and bigotry shown on our TV screens."

But the Association of School and College Leaders said schools already did a lot to develop tolerance among young people.

Its general secretary, John Dunford, said: "Schools can hardly be blamed for one person's bigotry when the 82% who voted to eject Jade Goody are testament to the work already being done by schools to develop respect, understanding and tolerance."

Later this week a government-commissioned report into citizenship classes is expected to recommend a greater emphasis on the teaching of Britishness and the common values that bind communities together.

Mr Johnson says that, while children must be taught about British history, they should also have an understanding of cultural diversity.

Archbishop of York DrJohn Sentamu: "Sadly ignorance is not in short supply. Racism is real.

"As the week's events on reality television demonstrate, there is an ugly underbelly in society only too ready to point the finger at the foreigner, or those who might not fit in.

UK />/>Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell: "I think this is racism being presented as entertainment, and I think it is disgusting.

"My personal view is that this has caused enormous offence not only abroad but to the Indian community here."

An audience described Jade as ' bitching, conniving, vulgar, patronizing, scheming, racist...that's just a drop of ocean'
Another audience's comment :'You ugly horrible person. Scum of the earth. Class is not money, it is a frame of mind.'


TV presenter Lorraine Kelly said she hoped Goody would "now disappear into obscurity".

"There really has to be an end to the celebration of stupidity and ignorance",
