查阅外电的报道,路透社把宋楚瑜“炎黄子孙不忘本、两岸兄弟一家亲”的口头禅译成:"Descendents of the Yan and Yellow Emperors cannot forget our roots. Brothers on both sides of the Strait are from one family."
- the descendants of "Yandi and Huangdi Emperors", the "Dragon"and the "Cathay",
- the offsprings of Huangdi and Yandi, who are regarded as the commom ancestors of all Chinese.
- the descendants of Yandi and Huangdi, legendary forefathers of the Chinese nation.
- the Yellow Emperor or Huangdi, who along with the Yan Emperor,is regarded as one of the founding fathers of Chinese civilisation.
《海峡时报》译为:The Yellow Emperor or Huangdi is known as the first ancestor of the Chinese people.
唯独法新社5月6日从西安发出的报道摆了个大乌龙,把黄帝误解成秦始皇,说宋楚瑜上周五在西安"paid homage to China's first emperor Qin Shi Huangdi".
至于华夏一统,复兴华夏,英文媒体的报道多只轻描淡写地意译成"should joint hands to bring more glory to the Chinese nation in the 21st century"或"we are of one family and should jointly create our great common future".
近日读深圳大学何道宽教授以中英对照写成的《中华文明撷要》(Chinese Culture: A Descriptive And Explanatory Approach),很同意何教授对华夏和炎黄子孙之称的来源提出的深入浅出的注解。这里摘录几段与大家分享:
Q: Why do you call yourselves Huaxia people or the descendants of Yandi and Huangdi? What does that mean?
A: These two names are never used by non-Chinese. Huaxia has been in use for more than 2,000 years. It means glorious. The Chinese living along the Yellow River before the Christian era were proud of their achievements. They called themselves Huaxia, to distinguish from less developed minorities. They traced their origin to the two tribal leaders Yandi and Huangdi, who forged the first federation of tribes in the third millennium B.C. Up to this day, all Chinese all over the world still trace to this ancestry.(p.72)
内阁资政李光耀上月在博鳌亚洲年会开幕礼上主张中国以文化复兴、而不是军事扩张的形式出现。本地报章都以显著版位报道了演说全文。《联合早报》的标题是“走向文化复兴 再造汉唐盛世”,《海峡时报》的标题则是"China's 'peaceful rise' strategy is in everyone's interest"。资政笔下的"cultural revitalisation - a return to China's golden ages (of the Han and Tang era)",应该就是华夏文化复兴的意思吧。
至于上文提到的新华社英译:"Yandi and Huangdi Emperors", the "Dragon"and the "Cathay",如果交由本地学子还原,恐怕会出乱子。"Cathay"即古诗英译里中国之别称。但本地学子望字生义,说不定会把它译成国泰航空公司和国泰机构的“国泰”,并联想到“国泰民安”这句成语,而把炎黄二帝想象成是“民安”与“国泰”的代名词。